Females bite back Sexual conflict and the evolution of venom proteins in the reproductive tract of female anole lizards

Meeting Abstract 118.3  Tuesday, Jan. 7 10:45  Females bite back: Sexual conflict and the evolution of venom proteins in the reproductive tract of female anole lizards DURYEA, MC*; CALSBEEK, R; KERN, AD; Dartmouth College; Dartmouth College; Rutgers University duryea@dartmouth.edu Reproductive proteins evolve rapidly in many species, yet the ecological significance of these proteins remains largely unknown. In […]

Adaptive genetic differentiation across the depth ranges of intertidal invertebrates

Meeting Abstract 118.5  Tuesday, Jan. 7 11:15  Adaptive genetic differentiation across the depth ranges of intertidal invertebrates PENNOYER, K*; FURINESS, S; COCKETT, P; GURSKI, L; BIRD, C; Texas A and M University -Corpus Christi Kelly.Pennoyer@tamucc.edu The drivers affecting realized species ranges are important in the prediction of global climate change impacts on biotic communities. Intertidal species are […]

The dangers of an over-extended phenotype social and ecological costs of increasing male attractiveness

Meeting Abstract 117.1  Tuesday, Jan. 7 10:15  The dangers of an over-extended phenotype: social and ecological costs of increasing male attractiveness JORDAN, LA; University of Texas, Austin lyndonjordan@utexas.edu Experimentally testing the costs and benefits of sexual traits is difficult because manipulating one trait often has uncontrolled effects on other traits. Here I use an extended sexual phenotype […]

The Evolution of Muscle Physiology and Social Behavior in Caribbean Anolis Lizards

Meeting Abstract 117.6  Tuesday, Jan. 7 11:30  The Evolution of Muscle Physiology and Social Behavior in Caribbean Anolis Lizards JOHNSON, MA; Trinity University mjohnso9@trinity.edu Lizards in genus Anolis (anoles) are a model system in studies of evolution, ecology, and behavior, yet relatively little is known regarding the diversity of behavioral mechanisms in this group. While the mechanisms […]

Relationships between dewlap morphology, display behavior, and sexual size dimorphism in the South Asian agamid lizard species complex, Sitana ponticeriana

Meeting Abstract 117.5  Tuesday, Jan. 7 11:15  Relationships between dewlap morphology, display behavior, and sexual size dimorphism in the South Asian agamid lizard species complex, Sitana ponticeriana . KAMATH, A; Harvard University ambikamath@gmail.com Many lizards in the family Agamidae engage in colorful and complex visual displays aimed at attracting the attention of conspecifics. The South Asian lizard […]

Plasticity of the mate choice a courter male evokes choice-like brain response in a coercive female

Meeting Abstract 117.4  Tuesday, Jan. 7 11:00  Plasticity of the mate choice: a courter male evokes choice-like brain response in a coercive female WANG, S.*; RAMSEY, M.; CUMMINGS, M.; Univ. of Texas, Austin; Univ. of Texas, Austin; Univ. of Texas, Austin silu.wang@utexas.edu Female mate choice is fundamental to sexual selection, and determining genetic underpinnings of female preference […]

Female Mate Choice in Divergent Populations of Red-Eyed Treefrogs

Meeting Abstract 117.3  Tuesday, Jan. 7 10:45  Female Mate Choice in Divergent Populations of Red-Eyed Treefrogs JACOBS, L/E*; ROBERTSON, J/M; VEGA, A; California State university, Northridge; AMBICOR Database Costa Rica ljacobs815@gmail.com Behavioral isolation can reinforce the divergence of natural populations. Populations of the red-eyed treefrog (Agalychnis callidryas() in Costa Rica show high levels of genetic diversification and […]

Coevolution of Coloration and Conspicuousness in a Batesian Mimic

Meeting Abstract 117.7  Tuesday, Jan. 7 11:45  Coevolution of Coloration and Conspicuousness in a Batesian Mimic KRAEMER, A. C.*; SERB, J. M.; ADAMS, D. C.; Iowa State University; Iowa State University; Iowa State University kraemer1@iastate.edu In Batesian mimicry a palatable mimic deceives predators by imitating the appearance of an unpalatable model. Two hypotheses have been proposed to […]

Agonistic character displacement, not reproductive character displacement, explains variation in male wing patterns in rubyspot damselflies (Hetaerina spp)

Meeting Abstract 117.2  Tuesday, Jan. 7 10:30  Agonistic character displacement, not reproductive character displacement, explains variation in male wing patterns in rubyspot damselflies (Hetaerina spp.) DRURY, J.P.*; GRETHER, G.F.; Univ. of California, Los Angeles; Univ. of California, Los Angeles druryj@ucla.edu Agonistic character displacement (ACD), a process wherein natural selection acts on traits that mediate the occurrence or […]

Range Extensions Larval Dispersal, Assisted Migration or Both

Meeting Abstract 116.2  Tuesday, Jan. 7 10:30  Range Extensions: Larval Dispersal, Assisted Migration or Both WOODIN, SA*; WETHEY, DS; DUBOIS, S; Univ. of South Carolina, Columbia; Univ. of South Carolina, Columbia; IFREMER, Brest, FR woodin@biol.sc.edu The tube-building polychaete Diopatra biscayensis has a 400 km gap between populations in the Bay of Biscay and the English Channel. Alternative […]

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