Rapid locomotion of a small lizard on sand requires fluid-like ground reaction forces

Meeting Abstract 147.6  Monday, Jan. 7  Rapid locomotion of a small lizard on sand requires fluid-like ground reaction forces LI, C*; HSIEH, S.T.; UMBANHOWAR, P.B.; GOLDMAN, D.I.; UC Berkeley; Temple Univ.; Northwestern Univ.; Georgia Tech chen.li@berkeley.edu The desert-dwelling generalist zebra-tailed lizard (Callisaurus draconoides, ~10 cm, ~10 g) uses its large, elongate hind feet to rapidly run (~10 […]

Influence of Deformation Geometry on Sand-swimming Performance

Meeting Abstract 147.2  Monday, Jan. 7  Influence of Deformation Geometry on Sand-swimming Performance HATTON, R. L.*; DING, Y.; CHOSET, H.; GOLDMAN, D. I.; Oregon State University; Georgia Institute of Technology; Carnegie Mellon University; Georgia Institute of Technology Ross.Hatton@oregonstate.edu Many animals move within granular media such as desert sand. Studies of an undulatory sand-swimmer, the sandfish lizard, showed […]

Transitions in avian parental care a role for hypothalamic gonadotropin inhibitory hormone (GnIH)

Meeting Abstract 146.4  Monday, Jan. 7  Transitions in avian parental care: a role for hypothalamic gonadotropin inhibitory hormone (GnIH) CALISI, R.M.*; KRAUSE, J.S.; PERFITO, N.; BENTLEY, G.E.; WINGFIELD, J.C.; Univ. of California, Davis; Univ. of California, Davis; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of California, Davis beccacalisi@gmail.com The discovery of GnIH is changing the […]

Time-course of expression of ZENK in auditory brain regions and gonadotropin-releasing hormone1 cells in starlings in response to song playback

Meeting Abstract 146.3  Monday, Jan. 7  Time-course of expression of ZENK in auditory brain regions and gonadotropin-releasing hormone�”1 cells in starlings in response to song playback ALWARD, B.A.*; ROWND, K.R.; BALL, G.F.; Johns Hopkins University balward1@jhu.edu Cues such as day length or social context modulate activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis so it is active at appropriate […]

Season- and context-dependent sex differences in melatonin receptor activity in a forebrain song control nucleus comparison of data from the laboratory and a semi-natural environment

Meeting Abstract 146.1  Monday, Jan. 7  Season- and context-dependent sex differences in melatonin receptor activity in a forebrain song control nucleus: comparison of data from the laboratory and a semi-natural environment BENTLEY, GE*; PERFITO, N; CALISI, RM; UC Berkeley; UC Berkeley; UC Berkeley gb7@berkeley.edu There are dense populations of melatonin receptors in large areas of the songbird […]

Rapid neurosteroidal regulation of paternal care

Meeting Abstract 146.5  Monday, Jan. 7  Rapid neurosteroidal regulation of paternal care PRADHAN, DS*; SOLOMON-LANE, TK; WILLIS, MC; GROBER, MS; Georgia State Univ.; Georgia State Univ.; Georgia State Univ.; Georgia State Univ. dpradhan1@student.gsu.edu In vertebrates, shifts in profiles of circulating steroid hormones are critical for reproductive success because they regulate fundamental aspects of reproductive life-history/phenotype. Analyses of […]

Epigenetic regulation of myogenesis in a growth paradigm-specific manner

Meeting Abstract 146.6  Monday, Jan. 7  Epigenetic regulation of myogenesis in a growth paradigm-specific manner. BIGA, PR*; FROEHLICH, JM; University of Alabama at Birmingham ; University of Alabama at Birmingham pegbiga@uab.edu Piscine growth is unique in that many species exhibit patterns of muscle growth opposite that of mammalian species. Many teleosts exhibit hyperplastic muscle growth throughout their […]

Different neural target tissues mediate melatonin-dependent regulation of the RFamides, kisspeptin and gonadotrophin-inhibitory hormone, in Siberian hamsters

Meeting Abstract 146.2  Monday, Jan. 7  Different neural target tissues mediate melatonin-dependent regulation of the RFamides, kisspeptin and gonadotrophin-inhibitory hormone, in Siberian hamsters HENSON, J.R.*; FREEMAN, D.A.; Univ. of Memphis; Univ. of Memphis jrhenson@memphis.edu Siberian hamsters exhibit seasonal rhythms in physiology and behavior that aid in their ability to cope with annual changes in the environment. These […]

Hearing of the Yangtze finless porpoise Form and function in an ‘unrepresentative’ species

Meeting Abstract 145.2  Monday, Jan. 7  Hearing of the Yangtze finless porpoise: Form and function in an ‘unrepresentative’ species MOONEY, T.A.*; LI, S.; KETTEN, D.R.; WANG, K.; WANG, D.; Biology Department, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, University of Hawaii; Biology Department, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Institute of Hydrobiology, The Chinese Academy of Sciences […]

Functional divergence Comparing opsin expression in extra-ocular tissues and eyes of the scallop (Pectinidae)

Meeting Abstract 145.4  Monday, Jan. 7  Functional divergence? Comparing opsin expression in extra-ocular tissues and eyes of the scallop (Pectinidae). KRAUSE, A/J*; SERB, J/M; Iowa State University; Iowa State University ajkrause@iastate.edu Photosensitivity plays a role in vision, entrainment of the circadian clock, and phototaxis, ultimately affecting the life history and fitness of many species. While we often […]

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