The apical sensory organ is not required for the initiation of metamorphosis in larvae of Hydroides elegans

Meeting Abstract 120.4  Saturday, Jan. 7  The apical sensory organ is not required for the initiation of metamorphosis in larvae of Hydroides elegans NEDVED, B.T.*; ASAHINA, A.Y.; HAFIELD, M.G.; Univ. Hawaii; Univ. Hawaii; Univ. Hawaii Larvae of the serpulid polychaete Hydroides elegans, like most lophotrochozoans, possess an anteriorly-positioned apical sensory organ (ASO). Larvae of H. elegans […]

Nitric oxide as a regulator of marine invertebrate metamorphosis behavioural and molecular insights

Meeting Abstract 120.6  Saturday, Jan. 7  Nitric oxide as a regulator of marine invertebrate metamorphosis: behavioural and molecular insights UEDA, N.*; DEGNAN, S.M.; The University of Queensland; The University of Queensland The nitric oxide (NO) signalling pathway plays multiple roles in biological systems, one of which appears to be regulation of the initiation of larval settlement […]

Is GABA an Inhibitory Neurotransmitter in the Neural Circuit Regulating Metamorphosis in Ilyanassa obsoleta

Meeting Abstract 120.5  Saturday, Jan. 7  Is GABA an Inhibitory Neurotransmitter in the Neural Circuit Regulating Metamorphosis in Ilyanassa obsoleta? BISCOCHO, D. *; LEISE, E.M.; University of North Carolina Greensboro; University of North Carolina Greensboro Metamorphosis in the marine mud snail, Ilyanassa obsoleta, is an irreversible biological event by which larvae metamorphose into sexually immature juveniles […]

High genotype-dependent mortality at metamorphosis in the Pacific oyster

Meeting Abstract 120.2  Saturday, Jan. 7  High genotype-dependent mortality at metamorphosis in the Pacific oyster PLOUGH, L.V*; HEDGECOCK, D.; University of Southern California; University of Southern California Settlement and metamorphosis is a critical period in the life cycle of marine invertebrates, during which larvae undergo substantial morphological, sensory, and genetic changes regulated by distinct developmental processes. […]

Do resource thresholds play a role in the onset of maturation–a key life history transition

Meeting Abstract 120.3  Saturday, Jan. 7  Do resource thresholds play a role in the onset of maturation–a key life history transition? HELM, BR*; DAVIDOWITZ, G; University of Arizona; University of Arizona Within the life history of a single organism, the onset of maturation marks a significant shift from the juvenile stage of life to the reproductive […]

Development of Climbing Performance and Behavior during Red-eyed Treefrog Metamorphosis– the Effects of Larval Competition

Meeting Abstract 120.1  Saturday, Jan. 7  Development of Climbing Performance and Behavior during Red-eyed Treefrog Metamorphosis– the Effects of Larval Competition LANDBERG, T*; WILLINK, B; NOSS, CF; GREENE, RS; VONESH, JR; WARKENTIN, KM; Murray State University, KY; University of Costa Rica; University of Florida; University of Victoria; Virginia Commonwealth University; Boston University Anuran metamorphosis involves dramatic, […]

Wet mammals shake at tuned frequencies to dry

Meeting Abstract 119.2  Saturday, Jan. 7  Wet mammals shake at tuned frequencies to dry HU, David*; DICKERSON, Andrew; MILLS, Zack; Georgia Institute of Technology; Georgia Institute of Technology; Georgia Institute of Technology In cold wet weather, mammals face hypothermia if they cannot dry themselves. By rapidly oscillating their bodies for fractions of a second, hirsute mammals […]

Insects flying in the rain

Meeting Abstract 119.1  Saturday, Jan. 7  Insects flying in the rain DICKERSON, A. K.*; SHANKLES, P; MADHAVAN, N; HU, D.L.; Georgia Institute of Technolofy; Georgia Institute of Technology; Georgia Institute of Technology; Georgia Institute of Technology Mosquitoes thrive during rainfall and high humidity. If raindrops are 50 times heavier than mosquitoes, how do mosquitoes fly in […]

How aerodynamic induced power scales with body mass and wing span in British dragonflies and damselflies

Meeting Abstract 119.4  Saturday, Jan. 7  How aerodynamic induced power scales with body mass and wing span in British dragonflies and damselflies HENNINGSSON, Per*; BOMPHREY, Richard/J; University of Oxford; University of Oxford The efficiency with which a flying animal generates lift has wide ranging implications and impacts upon its maximum flight range, peak load lifting capacity, […]

Flexible frames for flight

Meeting Abstract 119.5  Saturday, Jan. 7  Flexible frames for flight DYHR, JP*; COWAN, NJ; HINTERWIRTH, AJ; MORGANSEN, KA; DANIEL, TL; Univ. Washington; Johns Hopkins Univ.; Univ. Washington; Univ. Washington; Univ. Washington Moving animals modulate myriad muscles in response to multimodal sensory inputs. Coordinating movement during flight is challenged by an animal’s inherent instability, additional degrees of […]

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