Timetree of vertebrate visual opsin genes suggests long cryptic history of metazoans

Meeting Abstract 94.1  Friday, Jan. 7  Timetree of vertebrate visual opsin genes suggests long cryptic history of metazoans SANTINI, F.; Univ. of California, Los Angeles santini@ucla.edu Vertebrate visual opsins are light-sensitive G protein-coupled receptors found in photoreceptor cells of the retina. Vertebrate visual opsin belong by five different groups: RH1, which is used in night vision and […]

The role of gene duplication and convergence in the molecular evolution of scallop opsins

Meeting Abstract 94.2  Friday, Jan. 7  The role of gene duplication and convergence in the molecular evolution of scallop opsins KRAUSE, AJ; PAIRETT, AN; SERB, JM*; Iowa State Univ. serb@iastate.edu Vision is a tractable system in which to study adaptation since the visual process is initiated by a single protein, opsin. Scallops possess tens to hundreds of […]

Seeing stars A molecular and morphological investigation of the evolutionary history of the Odontasteridae (Asteroidea Echinodermata)

Meeting Abstract 94.3  Friday, Jan. 7  Seeing stars: A molecular and morphological investigation of the evolutionary history of the Odontasteridae (Asteroidea: Echinodermata) JANOSIK, A.M.*; HALANYCH, K.M.; Auburn University; Auburn University janosam@auburn.edu Odontasterids (Asteroidea: Echinodermata) comprise a clade described by A.E. Verrill in 1899 and are placed within Valvatida, a derived assemblage of sea stars. Boasting a worldwide […]

Diverse genetic mechanisms underlie pelvic reduction in ninespine sticklebacks (Pungitius pungitius)

Meeting Abstract 94.4  Friday, Jan. 7  Diverse genetic mechanisms underlie pelvic reduction in ninespine sticklebacks (Pungitius pungitius) STRINGHAM, S.A.*; ALDENHOVEN, J.T.; TAMPIO, A.J.; MILLER, A.L.; LUNSFORD, A.R.; SHAPIRO, M.D.; Univ. of Utah sydney.stringham@utah.edu Ninespine sticklebacks (Pungitius pungitius) demonstrate an incredible range of skeletal diversity among populations. This magnitude of differentiation is usually observed among different species rather […]

Cytochrome P450 2B diversity in a wild rodent herbivore, the desert woodrat (Neotoma lepida)

Meeting Abstract 94.6  Friday, Jan. 7  Cytochrome P450 2B diversity in a wild rodent herbivore, the desert woodrat (Neotoma lepida) MALENKE, J.R.*; MAGNANOU, E. ; DEARING, M.D.; Univ. of Utah; Univ. of Utah; Univ. of Utah malenke@biology.utah.edu Despite decades of work on the dietary habits of mammalian herbivores, there is little genetic information on detoxification genes in […]

Convergent evolution of endometrial prolactin expression in the human and elephant lineage through the independent recruitment of transposable elements

Meeting Abstract 94.5  Friday, Jan. 7  Convergent evolution of endometrial prolactin expression in the human and elephant lineage through the independent recruitment of transposable elements EMERA, D.*; CASOLA, C.; LYNCH, V.J.; WILDMAN, D.; AGNEW, D.; WAGNER, G.P; Yale University, New Haven, CT; Indiana University, Bloomington; Yale University, New Haven, CT; Wayne State University, Detriot, Michigan; Michigan State […]

Panther chameleons behaviorally regulate optimal UV exposure depending on dietary vitamin Dsub3sub status

Meeting Abstract 93.5  Friday, Jan. 7  Panther chameleons behaviorally regulate optimal UV exposure depending on dietary vitamin D3 status KARSTEN, K.B.*; FERGUSON, G.W.; CHEN, T.C.; HOLICK, M.F.; Texas Christian University; Texas Christian University; Boston University Medical Center; Boston University Medical Center k.karsten@tcu.edu Reptiles may bask for reasons other than thermoregulation. One alternative is to regulate homeostasis of […]

Nutritional and chemical factors shaping the “foodscape” of a dietary specialist herbivore, the pygmy rabbit

Meeting Abstract 93.4  Friday, Jan. 7  Nutritional and chemical factors shaping the “foodscape” of a dietary specialist herbivore, the pygmy rabbit ULAPPA, A.C.*; SHIPLEY, L.A.; RACHLOW, J.L.; FORBEY, J.S.; Boise State Univeristy, ID; Washington State University, Pullman; University of Idaho, Moscow; Boise State University, ID amyulappa@u.boisestate.edu Herbivory is a foraging strategy that poses special challenges, which can […]

Ectoparasite Load and Territorial Behavior in Green Anole Lizards (Anolis carolinensis)

Meeting Abstract 93.2  Friday, Jan. 7  Ectoparasite Load and Territorial Behavior in Green Anole Lizards (Anolis carolinensis) SPARKS, M.N.*; LEWIS, C.M.; JOHNSON, M.A.; Trinity University msparks1@trinity.edu Parasite loads can vary extensively among individuals within or between populations. This variation could be associated with differences in host behavior, and for territorial animals, parasites could affect an animal’s ability […]

Desperate times call for desperate measures Energetic stress from infection causes risk-prone foraging behavior in honeybees

Meeting Abstract 93.1  Friday, Jan. 7  Desperate times call for desperate measures: Energetic stress from infection causes risk-prone foraging behavior in honeybees MAYACK, C/L*; NAUG, D; Colorado State University; Colorado State University chris85@rams.colostate.edu Parasites are dependent on their hosts for energy and can exert a significant energetic stress on them. Using behavioral and physiological assays, we have […]

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