Investigating conservation and differentiation in related developmental gene regulatory networks

Meeting Abstract 99.2  Thursday, Jan. 7  Investigating conservation and differentiation in related developmental gene regulatory networks GREENFEST-ALLEN, E*; KINGSLEY, P; PALIS, J; STOECKERT, CJ; Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; Univ. of Rochester, Rochester; Univ. of Rochester, Rochester; Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia A central question in the study of biodiversity is how to resolve conservation of phylum-level traits […]

Evolution of Gene Regulatory Networks PaxSix in Ephydatia muelleri (Porifera; Demospongiae)

Meeting Abstract 99.1  Thursday, Jan. 7  Evolution of Gene Regulatory Networks: Pax/Six in Ephydatia muelleri (Porifera; Demospongiae) RIVERA, Ajna*; CIENIEWICZ , Brandon; DANKA, Elizabeth; WINTERS, Ian; RUED, Anna; WARNER, Lisa; GENTILE, Lisa; HILL, Malcolm; HILL, April; University of Richmond; University of Richmond; University of Richmond; University of Richmond; University of Richmond; University of Richmond; University of Richmond; […]

A Developmental Model for the Evolution of Size Proportions in Fingers and Toes

Meeting Abstract 99.3  Thursday, Jan. 7  A Developmental Model for the Evolution of Size Proportions in Fingers and Toes KAVANAGH, KD*; TABIN, CJ; University of Massachusetts Dartmouth and Harvard Medical School; Harvard Medical School Phalanges (finger and toe bones) originate from a single condensation that grows and segments sequentially along each digit, repeatedly deploying the same […]

Why tropical forest lizards can’t take the heat

Meeting Abstract 98.6  Thursday, Jan. 7  Why tropical forest lizards can’t take the heat HUEY, R.B.*; DEUTSCH, C.A.; TEWKSBURY, J.J; VITT, L.J.; HERTZ, P.E.; ALVAREZ PEREZ, H.J.; GARLAND, T.J., JR.; LISTER, B.C.; GORMAN, G.C.; Univ. of Washington, Seattle; Univ. of California, Los Angeles; Univ. of Washington, Seattle; Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman; Barnard College; Univ. of Puerto Rico, […]

Thermodynamics of Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus) Locomotion The Functional Significance of Heat Storage and Pinna Vasodilatation

Meeting Abstract 98.9  Thursday, Jan. 7  Thermodynamics of Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus) Locomotion: The Functional Significance of Heat Storage and Pinna Vasodilatation ROWE , Michael F*; BAKKEN , George S ; RATLIFF, Joey ; LANGMAN , Vaughan ; Indiana State University, Terre Haute ; Indiana State University, Terre Haute ; Audubon Zoo, New Orleans ; USDA/APHIS […]

The metabolic demands of swimming behavior influence the evolution of skeletal muscle fiber design in the brachyuran crab family Portunidae

Meeting Abstract 98.3  Thursday, Jan. 7  The metabolic demands of swimming behavior influence the evolution of skeletal muscle fiber design in the brachyuran crab family Portunidae HARDY, KM*; LEMA, SC; KINSEY, ST; Univ. of North Carolina Wilmington; Univ. of North Carolina Wilmington; Univ. of North Carolina Wilmington We investigated the influence of intracellular diffusion on skeletal […]

The Universal Temperature Dependence Model fails to predict body temperatures of mammals and dinosaurs

Meeting Abstract 98.7  Thursday, Jan. 7  The Universal Temperature Dependence Model fails to predict body temperatures of mammals and dinosaurs LEE, A.H.*; PADIAN, K.; TAYLOR, M.T.; WEDEL, M.J.; IRMIS, R.B.; WERNING, S.; Ohio University; Univ. of California, Berkeley; University College London; Western University of Health Science; University of Utah; Univ. of California, Berkeley A recently published […]

Temperature effects on the motor control of ballistic prey capture in toads

Meeting Abstract 98.1  Thursday, Jan. 7  Temperature effects on the motor control of ballistic prey capture in toads DEBAN, SM*; LAPPIN, AK; University of South Florida; California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Elastic structures in musculoskeletal systems can enhance mechanical power output and extend the functional range of muscles. We investigated how elastic recoil mechanisms can also […]

Temperature effects on metabolic enzyme activity in diamondback terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin)

Meeting Abstract 98.4  Thursday, Jan. 7  Temperature effects on metabolic enzyme activity in diamondback terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin) SOUTHWOOD, A.L.*; HARDEN, L.A.; University of North Carolina Wilmington; University of North Carolina Wilmington The diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) spans a geographic range that stretches along the East and Gulf coasts of the United States from Massachusetts to Texas. […]

Prolonged Cold Exposure in Young Quail avUCP, Ultrastructure and Catabolic Capacities in Skeletal Muscle

Meeting Abstract 98.2  Thursday, Jan. 7  Prolonged Cold Exposure in Young Quail: avUCP, Ultrastructure and Catabolic Capacities in Skeletal Muscle OLSON, JM*; CARAGIULO, A; CZERWINSKI SHIELDS, BV; SOUCIER, D; Villanova University; Fordham University; Villanova University; Villanova University Skeletal muscle is the site of both shivering thermogenesis (ST) and regulatory nonshivering thermogenesis (NST) through avian uncoupling protein […]

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