Galloping at high speed insights from cheetahs and racing greyhounds

Meeting Abstract 102.1  Thursday, Jan. 7  Galloping at high speed: insights from cheetahs and racing greyhounds HUDSON, P.E.*; CORR, S.A.; WILSON, A.M.; Royal Veterinary College; Royal Veterinary College; Royal Veterinary College High speed locomotion is essential for the survival and success of many species. The cheetah is the fastest living land mammal with a reported maximum […]

Explaining the 1tsubcsub relation to locomotion cost in terms of constrained optimization or How metabolic cost rate can appear to both increase and decrease with time of force application

Meeting Abstract 102.5  Thursday, Jan. 7  Explaining the 1/tc relation to locomotion cost in terms of constrained optimization or How metabolic cost rate can appear to both increase and decrease with time of force application GUTMANN, A.K.; BERTRAM, J.E.A.*; University of Calgary; University of Calgary Kram and Taylor (1990) hypothesized that ‘the rate of energy consumed […]

Chasing the Cockroach How reflexes enhance running

Meeting Abstract 102.4  Thursday, Jan. 7  Chasing the Cockroach: How reflexes enhance running PROCTOR, Joshua/L*; HOLMES, Philip; Princeton University Neuromuscular systems are stabilized and controlled by both feedforward and feedback signals. Feedforward pathways driven by central pattern generators (CPGs), in conjunction with mechanical reaction forces and nonlinear muscle properties, suffice to produce stable stereotypical gaits. (1) […]

Tradeoffs in responsiveness and resolution in the peripheral nervous system

Meeting Abstract 101.11  Thursday, Jan. 7  Tradeoffs in responsiveness and resolution in the peripheral nervous system MORE, HL*; HUTCHINSON, JR; COLLINS, DF; WEBER, DJ; AUNG, SKH; CHEN, J; BEG, MF; DONELAN, JM; Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC; The Royal Veterinary College, London, UK; University of Alberta, Edmonton; University of Pittsburgh, PA; University of Alberta, Edmonton; Simon Fraser […]

The role of binocular vision in mammalian locomotion

Meeting Abstract 101.10  Thursday, Jan. 7  The role of binocular vision in mammalian locomotion MITCHELL, Terence RT; Johns Hopkins University Most vertebrates possess some overlap of the right and left visual fields. The region of overlap, the binocular field, contains visual cues that provide an accurate estimate of distance and three-dimensional shape. Primates have large binocular […]

Sensory Stimulus and Reflex Response in Mammalian Swallowing

Meeting Abstract 101.7  Thursday, Jan. 7  Sensory Stimulus and Reflex Response in Mammalian Swallowing GERMAN, RZ*; CROMPTON, AW; KONOW, N; THEXTON, AJ; Johns Hopkins Univ; Harvard Univ; Brown Univ; King’s College, London Several sensory stimuli can elicit the reflex motor response of a mammalian pharyngeal swallow. Some, such as direct stimulation of a sensory nerve, are […]

Self-ReInnervation of the Lateral Gastrocnemius in Guineafowl

Meeting Abstract 101.5  Thursday, Jan. 7  Self-ReInnervation of the Lateral Gastrocnemius in Guineafowl CARR, J.A.*; BIEWENER, A.A.; Harvard University; Harvard University Running and walking requires that animals be able to negotiate variable terrain and recover from unexpected perturbations. Reflex responses that monitor and respond to changes in muscle force and length play an important role in […]

Neural Control of the Snake Leg

Meeting Abstract 101.8  Thursday, Jan. 7  Neural Control of the Snake Leg YOUNG, BA; Univ. Massachusetts Lowell In vertebrates rhythmic alternating bilateral movements, such as the movements of the appendages typically seen during locomotion, are generated by a group of spinal motor neurons commonly termed a central pattern generator or CPG. While the CPGs associated with […]

Mechanical Feedback of Antenna-Substrate Interaction Simplifies Cockroach Antennal Navigation

Meeting Abstract 101.4  Thursday, Jan. 7  Mechanical Feedback of Antenna-Substrate Interaction Simplifies Cockroach Antennal Navigation MONGEAU, J.-M.*; JAYARAM, K.; LEE, J.; FULL, R.J.; COWAN, N.; University of California, Berkeley; University of California, Berkeley; Johns Hopkins University; University of California, Berkeley; Johns Hopkins University During high-speed wall following cockroaches rely on mechanosensory structures in their antennae to […]

Linear Dynamical Models for Refuge Tracking Behaviors of the Weakly Electric Knifefish Eigenmannia virescens

Meeting Abstract 101.9  Thursday, Jan. 7  Linear Dynamical Models for Refuge Tracking Behaviors of the Weakly Electric Knifefish Eigenmannia virescens ROTH, E.S.*; ZHUANG, K.; STAMPER, S.A.; FORTUNE, E.S.; COWAN, N.J.; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD In […]

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