Meeting Abstract 98.1 Wednesday, Jan. 7 Muscle Function in a Complex Muscle During Terrestrial and Aquatic Locomotion CARR, J.A.*; MARSH, R.L.; Northeastern University; Northeastern University Understanding the mechanical function of muscles with extensive origins and insertions is challenging. The Iliotibialis lateralis pars postacetabularis (ILPO) is one of the largest muscles in the hindlimb of cursorial birds, […]
year: 2009
Force transmission versus speed amplification in a four bar linkage mechanism counterintuitive results in the mantis shrimps strike
Meeting Abstract 98.11 Wednesday, Jan. 7 Force transmission versus speed amplification in a four bar linkage mechanism: counterintuitive results in the mantis shrimps strike CLAVERIE, Thomas*; PATEK, Sheila N.; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of California, Berkeley Four bar linkages are simple mechanical systems that can amplify or reduce rotation. Most biological four bar systems have […]
Flexor vs extensor activity during jumping and swimming in Rana pipiens
Meeting Abstract 98.8 Wednesday, Jan. 7 Flexor vs. extensor activity during jumping and swimming in Rana pipiens NOYES, N*; GILLIS, GB; Mount Holyoke College; Mount Holyoke College Despite widespread study of jumping and swimming in anurans, little is known about the functional roles of limb flexor muscles in these animals. Work in toads demonstrates some overlap […]
Fatigue fiddles with fowl function Altered muscle function during locomotion
Meeting Abstract 98.4 Wednesday, Jan. 7 Fatigue fiddles with fowl function: Altered muscle function during locomotion HIGHAM, T.E.*; BIEWENER, A.A.; Clemson University; Harvard University For over a century, scientists have been captivated and challenged by the mechanisms and effects of muscle fatigue, which is defined as a reduction in muscle force as a consequence of exercise. […]
Effects of aging on locomotor dynamics and hindlimb muscle force production in the rat
Meeting Abstract 98.2 Wednesday, Jan. 7 Effects of aging on locomotor dynamics and hindlimb muscle force production in the rat HORNER, AM*; RUSS, DW; BIKNEVICIUS, AR; Ohio Univ., Athens, OH; Ohio Univ. School of Physical Therapy, Athens, OH; Ohio Univ. College of Osteopathic Medicine, Athens, OH Attenuation of locomotor function is common in many species of […]
Cost of muscle force production during legged locomotion in guinea fowl
Meeting Abstract 98.5 Wednesday, Jan. 7 Cost of muscle force production during legged locomotion in guinea fowl. MARSH, Richard L.*; HITCHCOCK, Amanda C.; TRUONG, Rosemary; PROPERT, Matthew W.G.; Northeastern University; Northeastern University; Northeastern University; Northeastern University We combined measures of joint moments, joint angles, and instantaneous effective moment arms at the ankle and tarsometatarsal-phalangeal joints with […]
Adaptations of the perivertebral musculature to different locomotor behaviours in lizards
Meeting Abstract 98.3 Wednesday, Jan. 7 Adaptations of the perivertebral musculature to different locomotor behaviours in lizards. MORITZ, S.; Friedrich-Schiller-Universitaet Jena Although the trunk and its associated musculature play an important role during locomotion in lizards, studies on the locomotor apparatus are biased towards legs and only very few studies on the axial musculature exist. One […]
Waiting to Exhale Tracheal Air-filling in Embryos of Manduca sexta
Meeting Abstract 97.5 Wednesday, Jan. 7 Waiting to Exhale: Tracheal Air-filling in Embryos of Manduca sexta SPRAGUE, J. C.*; SMITH, J. N.; WOODS, H. A.; Univ. Montana; Univ. Montana; Univ. Montana Insects exchange gases via branching tubes called trachea, which are air filled in larvae, pupae, and adults. In embryos, by contrast, tracheae are liquid filled […]
The proteome response of Mytilus congeners to salinity stress
Meeting Abstract 97.6 Wednesday, Jan. 7 The proteome response of Mytilus congeners to salinity stress TOMANEK, L.*; VALENZUELA, J. J.; HITT, L. R.; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo The marine mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis is an invader along the Pacific coast […]
The effect of short-term, low-salinity acclimation on gill NHE, AE1 and HAT expression in the longhorn sculpin, Myoxocephalus octodecemspinosus,
Meeting Abstract 97.10 Wednesday, Jan. 7 The effect of short-term, low-salinity acclimation on gill NHE, AE1 and HAT expression in the longhorn sculpin, Myoxocephalus octodecemspinosus,. HYNDMAN, K/A*; EDWARDS, S/L; KRATOCHVILOVA, H; CLAIBOREN, J/B; EVANS, D/H; Medical College of Georgia, Vascular Biology Center, Augusta GA; Appalachian State University, Boone NC; Georgia Southern University, Statesboro GA; Georgia Southern University, […]