Meeting Abstract 87.4 Wednesday, Jan. 7 Evolutionary relationships between locomotion and morpho-physiology in Tropidurinae Lizards KOHLSDORF, T*; NAVAS, CA; University of Sao Paulo, FFCLRP; University of Sao Paulo, IB The locomotor performance of wild lizards results from interactions between behavioral, physiological and morphological characteristics of individuals and the structural properties of the habitat they occupy. If […]
year: 2009
Copulation kinematics in Poecilia, a genus of livebearing fish
Meeting Abstract 87.1 Wednesday, Jan. 7 Copulation kinematics in Poecilia, a genus of livebearing fish SCHULTZ, Eric T.*; BLOB, Richard W.; PTACEK, Margaret B.; University of Connecticut; Clemson University; Clemson University Copulatory organs evolve rapidly in response to diverse selective pressures affecting survival and mating success. In livebearer fishes (subfamily Poeciliinae), intromission of sperm is accomplished […]
Bookstein coordinate-based shape analysis of bat wing kinematics
Meeting Abstract 87.2 Wednesday, Jan. 7 Bookstein coordinate-based shape analysis of bat wing kinematics CHEN, Jian*; RISKIN, Daniel K.; BREUER, Kenneth S.; SWARTZ, Sharon M.; LAIDLAW, David H.; Brown University; Brown University; Brown University; Brown University; Brown University Bats are known to fly with amazing maneuverability and agility, in part because of their unique aeromechanical features […]
How Center-of-Mass Dynamics of Hexapedal Locomotion Collapses to a Single Leg Template Model
Meeting Abstract 86.6 Tuesday, Jan. 6 How Center-of-Mass Dynamics of Hexapedal Locomotion Collapses to a Single Leg Template Model SEIPEL, Justin E*; FULL, Robert J; Univ. of California, Berkeley Many running animals and some robots produce similar center-of-mass motions and force patterns, like a pogo-stick. We found that the simplest pogo-stick template models explain steady-state motion, […]
Fitting the closed-loop dynamics of human running on a split-belt treadmill
Meeting Abstract 86.4 Tuesday, Jan. 6 Fitting the closed-loop dynamics of human running on a split-belt treadmill LEE, J.*; CHOI, J.T.; BASTIAN, A.J.; COWAN, N.J.; Johns Hopkins University; Johns Hopkins University; Johns Hopkins University; Johns Hopkins University Healthy humans alter their gait when walking or running on a split-belt treadmill (i.e. a treadmill that allows independent […]
Enhancement of legged robot speed on granular media using kinematics which promote solidification
Meeting Abstract 86.5 Tuesday, Jan. 6 Enhancement of legged robot speed on granular media using kinematics which promote solidification LI, C.*; UMBANHOWAR, P.; KOMSUOGLU, H.; KODITSCHEK, D.E.; GOLDMAN, D.I.; Georgia Insitute of Technology; Georgia Insitute of Technology; University of Pennsylvania; University of Pennsylvania; Georgia Insitute of Technology Model locomotors (e.g. legged robots) have begun to achieve […]
Effect of varying weight and inertia on maximum attainable running speed in humans
Meeting Abstract 86.3 Tuesday, Jan. 6 Effect of varying weight and inertia on maximum attainable running speed in humans BOWTELL, M V*; TAN, H; WILSON, A M; Royal Veterinary College; Royal Veterinary College; Royal Veterinary College Attainable running speed in humans has been presented as limited by the amount of force which can be withstood by […]
Compass-gait mechanics constrains walking speed in bipeds
Meeting Abstract 86.1 Tuesday, Jan. 6 Compass-gait mechanics constrains walking speed in bipeds USHERWOOD, JR; The Royal Veterinary College The constraints to maximum walking speed and the underlying cause of the walk-run transition remains controversial. However, the motions of the body and legs can be reduced to a few mechanical principles, which, if valid, impose simple […]
Biomechanics of foot strike in habitually barefoot versus shod runners
Meeting Abstract 86.2 Tuesday, Jan. 6 Biomechanics of foot strike in habitually barefoot versus shod runners LIEBERMAN, DE*; WERBEL, W; DAOUD, A; Harvard University Hominins evolved to run long distances, possibly as much as 2 million years ago, and until recently, humans ran either barefoot or in soft sandals with minimal cushioning or arch support. Here […]
The evolution of carotenoid pigment systems a biochemical and phylogenetic approach
Meeting Abstract 85.3 Tuesday, Jan. 6 The evolution of carotenoid pigment systems: a biochemical and phylogenetic approach HILL, G. E. *; MCGRAW, K. J.; LIGON, R. A.; Auburn Univ., Auburn; Arizona State Univ., Tempe; Auburn Univ., Auburn More elaborate or costly sexually selected traits are commonly thought to evolve from less exaggerated or expensive character states, […]