Evolutionary relationships between locomotion and morpho-physiology in Tropidurinae Lizards

Meeting Abstract 87.4  Wednesday, Jan. 7  Evolutionary relationships between locomotion and morpho-physiology in Tropidurinae Lizards KOHLSDORF, T*; NAVAS, CA; University of Sao Paulo, FFCLRP; University of Sao Paulo, IB tiana@usp.br The locomotor performance of wild lizards results from interactions between behavioral, physiological and morphological characteristics of individuals and the structural properties of the habitat they occupy. If […]

Copulation kinematics in Poecilia, a genus of livebearing fish

Meeting Abstract 87.1  Wednesday, Jan. 7  Copulation kinematics in Poecilia, a genus of livebearing fish SCHULTZ, Eric T.*; BLOB, Richard W.; PTACEK, Margaret B.; University of Connecticut; Clemson University; Clemson University eric.schultz@uconn.edu Copulatory organs evolve rapidly in response to diverse selective pressures affecting survival and mating success. In livebearer fishes (subfamily Poeciliinae), intromission of sperm is accomplished […]

Bookstein coordinate-based shape analysis of bat wing kinematics

Meeting Abstract 87.2  Wednesday, Jan. 7  Bookstein coordinate-based shape analysis of bat wing kinematics CHEN, Jian*; RISKIN, Daniel K.; BREUER, Kenneth S.; SWARTZ, Sharon M.; LAIDLAW, David H.; Brown University; Brown University; Brown University; Brown University; Brown University jchen@cs.brown.edu Bats are known to fly with amazing maneuverability and agility, in part because of their unique aeromechanical features […]

How Center-of-Mass Dynamics of Hexapedal Locomotion Collapses to a Single Leg Template Model

Meeting Abstract 86.6  Tuesday, Jan. 6  How Center-of-Mass Dynamics of Hexapedal Locomotion Collapses to a Single Leg Template Model SEIPEL, Justin E*; FULL, Robert J; Univ. of California, Berkeley jseipel@berkeley.edu Many running animals and some robots produce similar center-of-mass motions and force patterns, like a pogo-stick. We found that the simplest pogo-stick template models explain steady-state motion, […]

Fitting the closed-loop dynamics of human running on a split-belt treadmill

Meeting Abstract 86.4  Tuesday, Jan. 6  Fitting the closed-loop dynamics of human running on a split-belt treadmill LEE, J.*; CHOI, J.T.; BASTIAN, A.J.; COWAN, N.J.; Johns Hopkins University; Johns Hopkins University; Johns Hopkins University; Johns Hopkins University jsl@jhu.edu Healthy humans alter their gait when walking or running on a split-belt treadmill (i.e. a treadmill that allows independent […]

Enhancement of legged robot speed on granular media using kinematics which promote solidification

Meeting Abstract 86.5  Tuesday, Jan. 6  Enhancement of legged robot speed on granular media using kinematics which promote solidification LI, C.*; UMBANHOWAR, P.; KOMSUOGLU, H.; KODITSCHEK, D.E.; GOLDMAN, D.I.; Georgia Insitute of Technology; Georgia Insitute of Technology; University of Pennsylvania; University of Pennsylvania; Georgia Insitute of Technology chen.li@gatech.edu Model locomotors (e.g. legged robots) have begun to achieve […]

Effect of varying weight and inertia on maximum attainable running speed in humans

Meeting Abstract 86.3  Tuesday, Jan. 6  Effect of varying weight and inertia on maximum attainable running speed in humans BOWTELL, M V*; TAN, H; WILSON, A M; Royal Veterinary College; Royal Veterinary College; Royal Veterinary College mbowtell@rvc.ac.uk Attainable running speed in humans has been presented as limited by the amount of force which can be withstood by […]

Compass-gait mechanics constrains walking speed in bipeds

Meeting Abstract 86.1  Tuesday, Jan. 6  Compass-gait mechanics constrains walking speed in bipeds USHERWOOD, JR; The Royal Veterinary College jusherwood@rvc.ac.uk The constraints to maximum walking speed and the underlying cause of the walk-run transition remains controversial. However, the motions of the body and legs can be reduced to a few mechanical principles, which, if valid, impose simple […]

Biomechanics of foot strike in habitually barefoot versus shod runners

Meeting Abstract 86.2  Tuesday, Jan. 6  Biomechanics of foot strike in habitually barefoot versus shod runners LIEBERMAN, DE*; WERBEL, W; DAOUD, A; Harvard University danlieb@fas.harvard.edu Hominins evolved to run long distances, possibly as much as 2 million years ago, and until recently, humans ran either barefoot or in soft sandals with minimal cushioning or arch support. Here […]

The evolution of carotenoid pigment systems a biochemical and phylogenetic approach

Meeting Abstract 85.3  Tuesday, Jan. 6  The evolution of carotenoid pigment systems: a biochemical and phylogenetic approach HILL, G. E. *; MCGRAW, K. J.; LIGON, R. A.; Auburn Univ., Auburn; Arizona State Univ., Tempe; Auburn Univ., Auburn ghill@auburn.edu More elaborate or costly sexually selected traits are commonly thought to evolve from less exaggerated or expensive character states, […]

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