Meeting Abstract 90.1 Wednesday, Jan. 7 Ontogeny of locomotor performance in a ground bird JACKSON, B.E.*; DIAL, K.P.; Univ. of Montana; Univ. of Montana Due to post-natal predation pressure many juvenile animals face a developmental tradeoff between escape ability and investment in other systems. In birds these tradeoffs are unique because birds transition through hindlimb- to […]
year: 2009
Ontogenetic convergence in ventral skull shape between males and females of a sexually dimorphic antelope
Meeting Abstract 90.3 Wednesday, Jan. 7 Ontogenetic convergence in ventral skull shape between males and females of a sexually dimorphic antelope BRAKORA, Katherine*; KHUC, Kim; University of California, Berkeley Although antelope provide many classic examples of sexual dimorphism among mammals, their morphology has not been systematically quantified in terms of sexual differences in size, shape or […]
Meeting Abstract 90.7 Wednesday, Jan. 7 ONTOGENETIC ALLOMETRY OF LONG BONES IN MAMMALS AND DINOSAURS AND ITS USE AS A PREDICTOR OF LIFE HISTORY TRAITS KILBOURNE, BM; University of Chicago In addition to providing insight into the ontogenetic development of the locomotor system, ontogenetic limb bone allometry may reflect other aspects of an organism’s life history, […]
Non-invasive histological comparison of bone growth patterns among fossil and extant neonatal elephantids using synchrotron radiation X-ray microtomography
Meeting Abstract 90.8 Wednesday, Jan. 7 Non-invasive histological comparison of bone growth patterns among fossil and extant neonatal elephantids using synchrotron radiation X-ray microtomography CURTIN, A.J.*; MACDOWELL, A.A.; SCHAIBLE, E.G.; ROTH, V.L.; Duke Univ.; Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.; Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.; Duke Univ. How is bone growth modified in […]
Effects of exercise on skeletal growth and bone microstructure of the American alligator with and without the cardiac shunt
Meeting Abstract 90.9 Wednesday, Jan. 7 Effects of exercise on skeletal growth and bone microstructure of the American alligator with and without the cardiac shunt OWERKOWICZ, T.*; TSAI, H.P.; BLANK, J.M.; EME, J.; GWALTHNEY, J.W.; HICKS, J.W.; UC Irvine; UC Irvine; UC Irvine; UC Irvine; UC Irvine; UC Irvine Exercise can affect the vertebrate skeleton via […]
Development of a functional complex Ontogeny of the zebrafish pharyngeal jaw apparatus
Meeting Abstract 90.4 Wednesday, Jan. 7 Development of a functional complex: Ontogeny of the zebrafish pharyngeal jaw apparatus O’QUIN, C.T.*; HERNANDEZ, L.P.; The George Washington University; The George Washington University The pharyngeal jaw apparatus of teleosts has long been of interest to both functional and descriptive morphologists alike. However, little to no work has been done […]
Trade-off between maternal immunocompetence and offspring viability in zebra finches
Meeting Abstract 89.5 Wednesday, Jan. 7 Trade-off between maternal immunocompetence and offspring viability in zebra finches RUTKOWSKA, Joanna*; MARTYKA , Rafal; CICHON, Mariusz; Institute of Environmental Sciences, Jagiellonian University The immune system is an important player in individual physiological trade-offs; however, intergenerational effects of immunocomeptence have rarely been explored. Immunocompetent mothers should produce high quality offspring, […]
The cost of bearing a sword an examination of the locomotor costs associated with a sexually selected trait in Xiphophorus
Meeting Abstract 89.3 Wednesday, Jan. 7 The cost of bearing a sword: an examination of the locomotor costs associated with a sexually selected trait in Xiphophorus. OUFIERO, Christopher E.*; GARLAND, JR., Theodore; Univ. of California, Riverside An underlying assumption of sexual selection theory is that while the secondary traits that arise increase reproductive fitness, they also […]
Greater Ranging Associated with Greater Reproductive Investment in Mammals A New Perspective on Foraging Economics
Meeting Abstract 89.6 Wednesday, Jan. 7 Greater Ranging Associated with Greater Reproductive Investment in Mammals: A New Perspective on Foraging Economics PONTZER, Herman*; KAMILAR, Jason; Washington Univ.; Washington Univ. Animals must travel to find food, incurring an energy and time cost. Both modeling studies and experimental work indicate that within species, increasing the distance traveled each […]
Evolutionary origins and functions of nuptial gifts in fireflies
Meeting Abstract 89.2 Wednesday, Jan. 7 Evolutionary origins and functions of nuptial gifts in fireflies SOUTH, Adam*; STANGER-HALL, Kathrin; LEWIS, Sara M. ; Tufts University; University of Georgia; Tufts University During courtship and mating in diverse insect taxa, males provide females with nuptial gifts in the form of captured prey, spermatophores, or body parts. Such nuptial […]