Expression of ecdysteroid responsive genes in response to hormonal induction and RNAi mediated gene silencing in Uca pugilator

Meeting Abstract 92.6  Wednesday, Jan. 7  Expression of ecdysteroid responsive genes in response to hormonal induction and RNAi mediated gene silencing in Uca pugilator DAS, S.*; HOPKINS, P.M.; DURICA, D.S.; University of Oklahoma; University of Oklahoma; University of Oklahoma The ecdysteroids, steroid hormones of arthropods, regulate growth, reproduction and limb regeneration in crustaceans by regulating gene […]

Does myostatin play a regulatory role outside of muscle growth and metabolism

Meeting Abstract 92.3  Wednesday, Jan. 7  Does myostatin play a regulatory role outside of muscle growth and metabolism? BIGA, P. R. *; BRASCHAYKO, E.; GALT, N; PAKALA, K. P.; JENSEN, J.; North Dakota State Univeristy, Fargo; North Dakota State Univeristy, Fargo; North Dakota State Univeristy, Fargo; North Dakota State Univeristy, Fargo; North Dakota State Univeristy, Fargo […]

Development of Endocrine and Immune Function in Endangered Steller Sea Lion Pups (Eumetopias jubatus)

Meeting Abstract 92.9  Wednesday, Jan. 7  Development of Endocrine and Immune Function in Endangered Steller Sea Lion Pups (Eumetopias jubatus) KEOGH, M.J.*; MANISCALCO, J.M.; ATKINSON, S.; University of Alaska Fairbanks; Alaska SeaLife Center; University of Alaska Fairbanks Several species of marine mammals and birds in the Northeast Pacific have been in decline since the mid-1970s including […]

Competition of tyrosine with alkylphenols during shell hardening in new cuticle of lobsters

Meeting Abstract 92.1  Wednesday, Jan. 7  Competition of tyrosine with alkylphenols during shell hardening in new cuticle of lobsters CHEN, Ming*; JOCOBS, Molly/W; LAUFER, Hans; Univ. of Connecticut Alkylphenols, anthroprogenic estrogenic endocrine distrutors, were found in naturally occurring lobsters (Homarus americanus) with or without epizootic shell disease. We hypothesize that alkylphenols interfere in shell hardening during […]

Cloning and regulation of hepatic leptin mRNA expression by nutritional status in hybrid striped bass (Genus Morone)

Meeting Abstract 92.7  Wednesday, Jan. 7  Cloning and regulation of hepatic leptin mRNA expression by nutritional status in hybrid striped bass (Genus Morone) WON, E.T.*; BALTZEGAR, D.A.; PICHA, M.E.; BORSKI, R.J.; North Carolina State University; North Carolina State University; North Carolina State University; North Carolina State University Leptin is an anorexigenic peptide hormone that regulates energy […]

Voluntary motor activity contributes to the increase in body temperature caused by menthol application to the skin of gerbils

Meeting Abstract 91.7  Wednesday, Jan. 7  Voluntary motor activity contributes to the increase in body temperature caused by menthol application to the skin of gerbils BOILY, P.; Western Connecitcut State University In mammals, the perception of innocuous cold temperatures is partly mediated by the activation of TRPM8 ion channels found on the membrane of some sensory […]

The Influence of Habitat Variation on Snake Body Temperature and Behavior on Konza Prairie

Meeting Abstract 91.5  Wednesday, Jan. 7  The Influence of Habitat Variation on Snake Body Temperature and Behavior on Konza Prairie FILL, J.F.**; KLUG, P.; SANDERCOCK, B.K.; University of Massachusetts Amherst; Kansas State University; Kansas State University An understanding of how snake behavior is influenced by tallgrass prairie management (burning and grazing) is critical in understanding how […]

Testing models of behavioral thermoregulation in a spatially-explicit context a large-scale field experiment

Meeting Abstract 91.4  Wednesday, Jan. 7  Testing models of behavioral thermoregulation in a spatially-explicit context: a large-scale field experiment ANGILLETTA, M.J.*; SEARS, M.W.; SCHULER, M.S.; RUSCH, T.W.; MITCHELL, W.A.; Indiana State Univ., Terre Haute; Southern Illinois Univ., Carbondale; Indiana State Univ., Terre Haute; Univ. of Wisconsin, Stevens Point ; Indiana State Univ., Terre Haute More than […]

Surviving global change in polluted environments Metal-temperature interactions in metabolic physiology of a marine ectotherm

Meeting Abstract 91.11  Wednesday, Jan. 7  Surviving global change in polluted environments: Metal-temperature interactions in metabolic physiology of a marine ectotherm SOKOLOVA, I.M.; University of North Carolina at Charlotte The thermal environment plays a key role in the distribution of marine ectotherms through the direct effects on their physiology and indirectly affecting their susceptibility to other […]

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