Meeting Abstract 69.1 Sunday, Jan. 6 Adaptive hyper-mutability of Hoxa-13a in cypriniforms CROW, Karen; AMEMIYA, Chris; WAGNER, G�nter P. *; San Francisco State University; Benaroya Research Institute; Yale University Asymmetric divergence is a frequently observed phenomenon among duplicated genes. Faster divergence of a paralog is usually driven either by directional selection or relaxed selection affecting non-synonymous […]
year: 2008
The effect of dietary copper on coelomocyte populations in the sea urchin Lytechinus variegates
Meeting Abstract 68.1 Sunday, Jan. 6 The effect of dietary copper on coelomocyte populations in the sea urchin Lytechinus variegates POWELL, M/L*; GHANTA, V; JENNINGS, N; GARRIS, H; NELSON, A; LAWRENCE, A/L; WATTS, S/A; Univ. of Ala., B’ham; Univ. of Ala., B’ham; Univ. of Ala., B’ham; Univ. of Ala., B’ham; Univ. of Ala., B’ham; Texas A&M, Port […]
Seasonal fluctuations in natural and adaptive antibodies to ovalbumin in the desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii)
Meeting Abstract 68.2 Sunday, Jan. 6 Seasonal fluctuations in natural and adaptive antibodies to ovalbumin in the desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) SANDMEIER, F.C.*; TRACY, C.R.; HUNTER, K.; DUPRE, S.; University of Nevada, Reno; University of Nevada, Reno; University of Nevada, Reno; University of Nevada, Reno To assess possible effects of season, gender, and time of immunization […]
Fever and sickness behavior vary among Peromyscus mice
Meeting Abstract 68.3 Sunday, Jan. 6 Fever and sickness behavior vary among Peromyscus mice MARTIN, LB*; WEIL, ZM; NELSON, RJ; University of South Florida; Ohio State University; Ohio State University Fever and sickness behavior are immune defenses that most organisms engage to control bacterial and viral infections. Although generally beneficial, these defenses can be energetically expensive, […]
Acute Phase Immune Responses along a Life History Gradient
Meeting Abstract 68.4 Sunday, Jan. 6 Acute Phase Immune Responses along a Life History Gradient ADELMAN, J.S.*; HAU, M.; Princeton University; Princeton University Life history theory posits a trade-off between reproductive effort and self-maintenance. While prior studies have investigated this trade-off among populations using immune function as a proxy for self-maintenance, few have considered the acute […]
Myostatin down-regulation in pectoralis muscle is associated with winter acclimatization in house sparrows Passer domesticus
Meeting Abstract 67.3 Sunday, Jan. 6 Myostatin down-regulation in pectoralis muscle is associated with winter acclimatization in house sparrows Passer domesticus SWANSON, David L*; SABIRZANOV, Boris; CLARK, Timothy G; University of South Dakota ; University of South Dakota ; University of South Dakota Winter acclimatization in small birds overwintering in cold climates is associated with improved […]
Microhabitat temperature profiles and stress protein levels in a high intertidal tropical marine snail, Cenchritis muricatus
Meeting Abstract 67.2 Sunday, Jan. 6 Microhabitat temperature profiles and stress protein levels in a high intertidal tropical marine snail, Cenchritis muricatus BOTTON, M. L.**; JUDGE, M. L.; HAMILTON, M. G.; Fordham Univ., New York; Manhattan Coll., New York; Fordham Univ., New York The knobby periwinkle (Cenchritis muricatus) inhabits the rocky coastline of St. John, US […]
Genotype-dependent temperature physiology of larvae Implications for range expansion
Meeting Abstract 67.1 Sunday, Jan. 6 Genotype-dependent temperature physiology of larvae: Implications for range expansion CUROLE, J.P.*; BERGER, M.S.; MANAHAN, D.T.; University of Southern California; University of Southern California; University of Southern California Shifts in the timing of life histories and species' range over the last several decades are well documented. These shifts are expected to […]
Energetic costs of a unique thermoregulatory behavior Jughandling in northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus) pups resting at sea
Meeting Abstract 67.5 Sunday, Jan. 6 Energetic costs of a unique thermoregulatory behavior: Jughandling in northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus) pups resting at sea MOSTMAN-LIWANAG, H.E.*; WILLIAMS, T.M.; GULLAND, F.; ROWLES, T.; COSTA, D.P.; Univ. of California, Santa Cruz; Univ. of California, Santa Cruz; The Marine Mammal Center, Sausalito, CA; National Marine Fisheries Service, Silver Spring, MD; […]
Cryoprotective Dehydration and Inoculative Freezing in the Antarctic Midge, Belgica antarctica
Meeting Abstract 67.6 Sunday, Jan. 6 Cryoprotective Dehydration and Inoculative Freezing in the Antarctic Midge, Belgica antarctica ELNITSKY, M.A.*; HAYWARD, S.A.L.; RINEHART, J.P.; DENLINGER, D.L.; LEE, R.E.; Miami University; Liverpool University; Ohio State University; Ohio State University; Miami University During winter, larvae of the Antarctic midge, Belgica antarctica, must endure 7-8 months of continuous subzero temperatures, […]