Meeting Abstract 75.5 Sunday, Jan. 6 Bite force and performance in the durophagous bonnethead shark, Sphyrna tiburo. MARA, K. R.*; MOTTA, P. J.; HUBER, D. R.; University of South Florida; University of South Florida; University of Tampa Bite force, used as a measure of performance, may be used to link an organism�s cranial morphology with its […]
year: 2008
Transitions between diverse haplotypes reveal population structure between Mediterranean sepiolids and Vibrio symbionts
Meeting Abstract 74.4 Sunday, Jan. 6 Transitions between diverse haplotypes reveal population structure between Mediterranean sepiolids and Vibrio symbionts ZAMBORSKY, DJ*; NISHIGUCHI, MK; New Mexico State University; New Mexico State University Mutualisms between sepiolid squids (Cephalopoda: Sepiolidae) and species of the bacterial family Vibrionaceae exemplify one of the few marine symbioses that exhibit high specificity despite […]
The emergence of an old disease the cost of Leprosy infection in Nine-Banded Armadillos
Meeting Abstract 74.10 Sunday, Jan. 6 The emergence of an old disease: the cost of Leprosy infection in Nine-Banded Armadillos. STEUBER, J; BAGATTO, B.; TRUMAN, R. W. ; MOORE, F. B. G. *; Univ. of Akron; Univ. of Akron; G. W. Long Hansen�s Disease Center; Univ. of Akron Because we rarely catch new diseases as they […]
Statistical properties of open reading frame distributions A broad scale comparison of genome architecture
Meeting Abstract 74.2 Sunday, Jan. 6 Statistical properties of open reading frame distributions: A broad scale comparison of genome architecture MCCOY, M. W.*; GILLOOLY, J. F.; University of Florida; University of Florida A better understanding of the size and abundance of open reading frames (ORFS) in whole genomes may shed light on the factors that control […]
Scallop TV Function and evolution of vision in Pectinidae
Meeting Abstract 74.7 Sunday, Jan. 6 Scallop TV: Function and evolution of vision in Pectinidae SPEISER, D. I.*; JOHNSEN, S.; Duke University; Duke University Scallops� eyes are abundant in number and positioned along the mantle at the edges of the valves. These eyes are known to form relatively high-resolution images, but the possible functions of scallop […]
Gene Expression and the diversification of Hawaiian crickets
Meeting Abstract 74.3 Sunday, Jan. 6 Gene Expression and the diversification of Hawaiian crickets DANLEY, Patrick D*; SHAW, Kerry L; Baylor University; Cornell University Hawaiian crickets of the genus Laupala are a model evolutionary system in which the genetic basis of speciation may be examined. Within the past 5MY, 38 species of crickets in this genus […]
Evolutionary adaptations to fluctuating thermal environments in natural populations of Gambusia
Meeting Abstract 74.5 Sunday, Jan. 6 Evolutionary adaptations to fluctuating thermal environments in natural populations of Gambusia RENEAU, Paulette C.*; BROUGHTON, Richard E.; University of Oklahoma; University of Oklahoma Temperature influences the rates of all physiological processes and is one of the most important environmental factors affecting the behavior, physiology, and distribution of ectotherms. Gambusia spp. […]
Evolutionary Ecology of Wild Chilies
Meeting Abstract 74.11 Sunday, Jan. 6 Evolutionary Ecology of Wild Chilies HAAK, DC*; TEWKSBURY, JJ; MACHNICKI, N; LEVEY, DJ; University of Washington; University of Washington; University of Washington; University of Florida Coevolutionary analyses of host-pathogen complexes among structured populations often suggest local adaptation of the pathogen without full analysis of the host population. Yet in some […]
Comparative sensitivity of the eyes of ontogenetically migrating crustaceans
Meeting Abstract 74.6 Sunday, Jan. 6 Comparative sensitivity of the eyes of ontogenetically migrating crustaceans WHITEHILL, E.A.G.*; FRANK, T.M.; Clemson University; Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, Florida Atlantic University Ontogenetically migrating crustaceans live at shallow depths as juveniles and migrate deeper into the water column as adults. Therefore, the juveniles and adults of these species experience vastly […]
Color stripes provide visual contrast in habitat-linked cleaner gobies
Meeting Abstract 74.8 Sunday, Jan. 6 Color stripes provide visual contrast in habitat-linked cleaner gobies LETTIERI, L.*; BOOTHE, D.; CHENEY, K.L.; MAZEL, C.H.; MARSHALL, N.J.; STREELMAN, J.T.; Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA; Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA; University of Queensland, Australia; NightSea, Andover, MA; University of Queensland, Australia; Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA […]