Meeting Abstract 29.4 Friday, Jan. 4 Growing up in an unstable environment: Consequences of diel thermal variation to developing anurans NIEHAUS, AC*; ANGILLETTA, MJ; FRANKLIN, CE; WILSON, RS; University of Queensland Ecologists have long sought to understand the plasticity of organisms in environments that vary widely among years, seasons, and even hours of the day. Though […]
year: 2008
Cost of Living Differences Among Fiddler Crab Populations Along a Tidal River
Meeting Abstract 29.5 Friday, Jan. 4 Cost of Living Differences Among Fiddler Crab Populations Along a Tidal River. BORGIANINI, SA*; SPROUL, G; FLENNIKEN, MM; SUTTON, MC; BRODIE, RJ; University of South Carolina; University of South Carolina Beaufort; Ht. Holyoke College; University of South Carolina Beaufort; Ht. Holyoke College The bioenergetic cost of osmotic stress is often […]
Competition and Biogeography of Freshwater Mussels
Meeting Abstract 29.6 Friday, Jan. 4 Competition and Biogeography of Freshwater Mussels LEVINE, TD; Miami University Unionid mussels constitute a highly threatened taxon, which achieve their greatest diversity in North America. To effectively conserve freshwater mussels it is necessary to understand their basic ecology. Recent theoretical models have demonstrated that mussels may interact competitively during their […]
Variability in Larval Provisioning and its effects on Juvenile Size and Survivorship in Four Bryozoan Species
Meeting Abstract 28.5 Friday, Jan. 4 Variability in Larval Provisioning and its effects on Juvenile Size and Survivorship in Four Bryozoan Species KOSMAN, E*; PERNET, B; California State University, Long Beach There are few estimates of the magnitude or partitioning of variation in offspring size (as a measurement of per-offspring investment, POI) in marine invertebrates. Yet, […]
Polar gigantism in marine invertebrates a test of the oxygen constraint hypothesis using temperate and Antarctic Tritonia egg masses
Meeting Abstract 28.3 Friday, Jan. 4 Polar gigantism in marine invertebrates: a test of the oxygen constraint hypothesis using temperate and Antarctic Tritonia egg masses WOODS, HA*; MORAN, AL; Univ. Montana; Clemson Univ. Among marine ectotherms, high-latitude species are often larger-bodied than their low-latitude relatives, a phenomenon known as �polar gigantism.� One mechanistic explanation invokes cold-driven […]
In situ measurement of oxygen in aquatic egg masses field tests of theoretical models
Meeting Abstract 28.2 Friday, Jan. 4 In situ measurement of oxygen in aquatic egg masses: field tests of theoretical models MORAN, A.L.**; WOODS, H.A.; Clemson Univ.; Univ. of Montana, Missoula Aquatic, gelatinous egg masses occur in a wide range of organisms, and physiological models of oxygen demand (by embryos within masses) and oxygen supply (by diffusion) […]
Extended starvation resistance and subsequent growth recovery in sea urchin larvae Implications for lifespan in the plankton
Meeting Abstract 28.1 Friday, Jan. 4 Extended starvation resistance and subsequent growth recovery in sea urchin larvae: Implications for lifespan in the plankton YU, P. C.*; MANAHAN, D.T.; University of Southern California; University of Southern California Food availability has a major influence on growth rates of feeding stages of larvae. Variability in oceanic food availability is […]
Declining Reproductive Output of the Blue Crab, Callinectes sapidus A Changing Reaction Norm
Meeting Abstract 28.4 Friday, Jan. 4 Declining Reproductive Output of the Blue Crab, Callinectes sapidus: A Changing Reaction Norm? WELLS, S.L.*; MCCONAUGHA, J.R.; Old Dominion University; Old Dominion University In recent years there has been a reduction in the spawning stock of the Chesapeake Bay blue crab population, as well as lower than expected female reproductive […]
The role of badge size, bite performance and display behavior in predicting dominance in male ornate tree lizards
Meeting Abstract 27.7 Friday, Jan. 4 The role of badge size, bite performance and display behavior in predicting dominance in male ornate tree lizards. MEYERS, J.J.*; IRSCHICK, D.J.; University of Massachusetts, Amherst; University of Massachusetts, Amherst Social dominance among males has a profound effect on fitness in many species. Yet the characteristics that make up winners […]
Sexual selection and functional morphology A new frontier
Meeting Abstract 27.2 Friday, Jan. 4 Sexual selection and functional morphology: A new frontier? IRSCHICK, Duncan J; University of Massachusetts at Amherst Sexual selection has been studied for many decades, yet many of its central theories remain unresolved, in large part because of the difficulty of resolving issues of male quality and female choice. An emerging […]