Growing the Decapod Tree of Life Making systematic information globally available

Meeting Abstract 33.1  Friday, Jan. 4  Growing the Decapod Tree of Life: Making systematic information globally available PENTCHEFF, N.D.*; WETZER, R.; MARTIN, J.W.; Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County; NHMLAC; NHMLAC Systematics is unusual in the sciences in that the historical literature of the field is still essential to modern research. In the experimental sciences, […]

Evolution of decapod mating systems

Meeting Abstract 33.2  Friday, Jan. 4  Evolution of decapod mating systems AKIRA, Asakura; Nat. Hist. Mus. Inst., Chiba The mating systems of decapod crustaceans are reviewed and classified according to life styles and male-female relations. The scheme employs criteria that focus attention on evolutionary, ecological, life historical, and social determinants of both male and female behavior, […]

An Expanded, Morphology-Based, Cladistic Analysis of the Clawed Lobsters

Meeting Abstract 33.11  Friday, Jan. 4  An Expanded, Morphology-Based, Cladistic Analysis of the Clawed Lobsters TSHUDY, D.*; AHYONG, S.T.; CHAN, T.-Y.; SORHANNUS, U. ; Edinboro University of Pennsylvania; Australian Museum; National Taiwan Ocean University; Edinboro University of Pennsylvania A generic level phylogeny of the marine clawed lobsters is interpreted by cladistic analysis of a 100+ character […]

A morphologically based phylogenetic framework for the Caridea (Crustacea, Decapoda)

Meeting Abstract 33.10  Friday, Jan. 4  A morphologically based phylogenetic framework for the Caridea (Crustacea, Decapoda) DE GRAVE, S; Oxford University Museum of Natural History A phylogenetic framework is presented for the Caridea, based on a morphological cladistic analysis. The analysed matrix comprises 49 characters and 29 species as terminal taxa, selected from across all currently […]

A molecular perspective on galatheoid biodiversity at deep-sea coral and cold seep habitats in the northwest Atlantic Ocean

Meeting Abstract 33.4  Friday, Jan. 4  A molecular perspective on galatheoid biodiversity at deep-sea coral and cold seep habitats in the northwest Atlantic Ocean MORRISON, C.L.*; NIZINSKI, M.S.; USGS-BRD Leetown Science Center, Aquatic Ecology Branch, Kearneysville, WV; NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service National Systematics Laboratory, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC Recent surveys using submersibles and ROVs have […]

Neuromuscular control of mechanical power output in hummingbirds I EMG recordings from pectoral muscles

Meeting Abstract 32.4  Friday, Jan. 4  Neuromuscular control of mechanical power output in hummingbirds I: EMG recordings from pectoral muscles WELCH, D.B.*; WELCH, K.C.; ALTSHULER, D.L.; Univ. of California, Riverside; Univ. of California, Riverside; Univ. of California, Riverside Electromyogram recordings (EMGs) of exercising muscle from most vertebrate organisms, including birds, display compound waveforms representing the summed […]

Morphological and functional investigation of the radialis muscle in shark tails

Meeting Abstract 32.5  Friday, Jan. 4  Morphological and functional investigation of the radialis muscle in shark tails FLAMMANG, B.E.; Harvard University Although the swimming kinematics and hydrodynamics of heterocercal tails in elasmobranchs have been studied previously, the locomotor functions of the internal morphological structures of the caudal fin remain largely unexplored. The morphology and function of […]

Growing pains the ontogeny of mantle muscle morphology, mechanics, and jetting in squids

Meeting Abstract 32.1  Friday, Jan. 4  Growing pains: the ontogeny of mantle muscle morphology, mechanics, and jetting in squids THOMPSON, J.T.*; BAKSI, A.E.; ROSS, K.E.; Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, PA; Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, PA; Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, PA Squids (Cephalopoda, Mollusca) of all ages move using pulsed jets. The mantle and […]

Forelimb muscle activity in swimming sliders and sea turtles are muscle activation patterns conserved

Meeting Abstract 32.2  Friday, Jan. 4  Forelimb muscle activity in swimming sliders and sea turtles: are muscle activation patterns conserved? RIVERA, A.R.V.*; WYNEKEN, J.; BLOB, R.W.; Clemson Univ; Florida Atlantic Univ; Clemson Univ Tetrapod limbs have been modified numerous times through evolution to yield a diverse array of forms. New locomotor behaviors might arise through evolutionary […]

Allometry of maximal muscular power output in corvids

Meeting Abstract 32.3  Friday, Jan. 4  Allometry of maximal muscular power output in corvids JACKSON, B.E.; Univ. of Montana, Missoula Body size has observable influences on virtually all aspects of animal biology, yet we lack detailed understanding of the physical mechanisms underlying many of these patterns. In an effort to examine the allometry of locomotor performance […]

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