Anatomy and infrared imaging properties of the facial pits of North and Central American Pitvipers (Viperidae Crotalinae)

Meeting Abstract 79.6  Sunday, Jan. 6  Anatomy and infrared imaging properties of the facial pits of North and Central American Pitvipers (Viperidae: Crotalinae) COLAYORI, Samantha E*; BAKKEN, George S.; Indiana State University; Indiana State University Facial pits are specialized organs possessed by pitvipers (Viperidae: Crotalinae) that detect emitted thermal radiation. The facial pits detect emitted thermal […]

The Biomechanics of Fatal Mandibular Fracture A Blunt Trauma Injury Observed in North Atlantic Right Whales Killed By Vessels

Meeting Abstract 78.1  Sunday, Jan. 6  The Biomechanics of Fatal Mandibular Fracture: A Blunt Trauma Injury Observed in North Atlantic Right Whales Killed By Vessels. CAMPBELL-MALONE, R*; BALDWIN, KC; DECEW, JC; RAYMOND, JJ; MOORE, MJ; TSUKROV, I; Brown University; Univ. of New Hampshire; Univ. of New Hampshire; Univ. of New Hampshire; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Univ. of […]

Replicating failure of vertebrae and faces – a role for rapid prototyping

Meeting Abstract 78.4  Sunday, Jan. 6  Replicating failure of vertebrae and faces – a role for rapid prototyping SUMMERS, A.P.*; PORTER, M.E.; NAGLE, L.; CARRIER, D.R.; UC Irvine; UC Irvine; Tufts Univeristy; University of Utah We have used a rapid prototyping system to model failure mechanics of complex biological structures with high repeatability and fidelity to […]

Ramming, biting and cracking the strength of animal and plant shells

Meeting Abstract 78.3  Sunday, Jan. 6  Ramming, biting and cracking: the strength of animal and plant shells HU, DL*; SIELERT, K; GORDON, M; Courant Institute, NYU; Courant Institute, NYU; Courant Institute, NYU The thin-shelled dome provides lightweight armor for eggs, skulls, turtles, nuts, gourds and other common structures in the animal and plant kingdoms. In our […]

Biomechanics of impact loading of goat horns (Capra hircus) using CT image based Finite Element Modelling

Meeting Abstract 78.2  Sunday, Jan. 6  Biomechanics of impact loading of goat horns (Capra hircus) using CT image based Finite Element Modelling YOO, E.*; BIEWENER, A.A.; Harvard University; Harvard University Intrasexual male combat is a critical determinant of social status and reproductive success for male goats (Capra hircus). Horn on horn collisions between male goats at […]

Are the explosively launched spores of ascomycete fungi perfect projectiles, and is co-ordinated ejection used to achieve better-than-perfect range

Meeting Abstract 78.6  Sunday, Jan. 6  Are the explosively launched spores of ascomycete fungi perfect projectiles, and is co-ordinated ejection used to achieve better-than-perfect range? ROPER, M.*; BRENNER, M.P.; PRINGLE, A.; Harvard University; Harvard University; Harvard University Minimization of drag appears to have left an imprint upon the evolution of bauplans of an enormous variety of […]

Three-dimensional strain patterns in aponeuroses

Meeting Abstract 77.5  Sunday, Jan. 6  Three-dimensional strain patterns in aponeuroses AZIZI, E*; ROBERTS, TJ; Brown University; Brown University In many muscles, force generating fibers insert onto broad tendinous sheets (aponeuroses). Muscle force and displacement can act to stretch the aponeurosis along the muscle�s line of action (longitudinal), storing elastic energy, which can be recovered as […]

Metals, molluscan glues and gel mechanics

Meeting Abstract 77.2  Sunday, Jan. 6  Metals, molluscan glues and gel mechanics SMITH, A. M.; Ithaca College Molluscan adhesive gels possess many useful properties, most notably their remarkable combination of strength and deformability, as well as their ability to adhere to wet, irregular surfaces. Recent work has found that the glue of the terrestrial slug Arion […]

Dynamic Mechanical Properties of the Elastic Protein, Resilin

Meeting Abstract 77.4  Sunday, Jan. 6  Dynamic Mechanical Properties of the Elastic Protein, Resilin DUDEK, DM*; GOSLINE, JM; Univ. of British Columbia; Univ. of British Columbia Elastic proteins are used in animals where long-range elasticity is needed for either energy storage, for damping of vibrations, for restoring structures to their resting position without involving muscles, and […]

Contrasts in Byssal Thread Attachment of Zebra versus Quagga Mussels Implications for Habitat Expansion Constraints

Meeting Abstract 77.1  Sunday, Jan. 6  Contrasts in Byssal Thread Attachment of Zebra versus Quagga Mussels: Implications for Habitat Expansion Constraints PEYER, S.M.*; MCCARTHY, A.J.; LEE, C.E.; University of Wisconsin-Madison While the invasive zebra mussel has rapidly spread throughout the Great Lakes and inland waterways since their introduction, quagga mussels have been slower to expand their […]

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