Meeting Abstract 43.1 Saturday, Jan. 5 Ontogeny of joint mechanics in squirrel monkeys (Saimiri boliviensis) YOUNG, J. W.; Univ. of Texas, Austin Ontogenetic studies of a small, yet diverse, mammalian sample have shown negative allometry of bony lever arms, suggesting developmental declines in effective mechanical advantage (EMA: i.e., muscle moment arm/substrate reaction moment arm). Increased EMA […]
year: 2008
Linking leg morphology, gait, whole-body and individual limb mechanics in terrestrial locomotion
Meeting Abstract 43.6 Saturday, Jan. 5 Linking leg morphology, gait, whole-body and individual limb mechanics in terrestrial locomotion MCELROY, Eric J*; REILLY, Stephen M; Ohio University; Ohio University Terrestrial locomotion occurs when the musculoskeletal system moves the legs producing coordinated footfall patterns (gaits), which output forces to the substrate resulting in center of mass movement (mechanics). […]
Functional significance of plantigrade foot posture in humans implications to the evolution of foot posture in great apes
Meeting Abstract 43.2 Saturday, Jan. 5 Functional significance of plantigrade foot posture in humans: implications to the evolution of foot posture in great apes CUNNINGHAM, CB*; CARRIER, DR; University of Utah; University of Utah Plantigrade foot posture, in which the heel contacts the substrate during a step, is a derived character of great apes. We used […]
A Clock-Controlled Hip-Torqued Model for Locomotion
Meeting Abstract 43.5 Saturday, Jan. 5 A Clock-Controlled Hip-Torqued Model for Locomotion SEIPEL, Justin*; FULL, Robert J; Univ. of California, Berkeley Simple spring-mass models have been used to describe net center of mass forces and motions of a diverse array of animals and robots. For ranges of behavior realistic to animals and robots, classic uncontrolled and […]
Tail-induced Air-righting Maneuver Reorients Geckos
Meeting Abstract 42.3 Saturday, Jan. 5 Tail-induced Air-righting Maneuver Reorients Geckos. JUSUFI, A.**; REVZEN, S.; FULL, R.J.; Univ. of California, Berkeley Despite morphological and behavioral adaptations to enhance stability during climbing (Jusufi et al., 2007), falls occur frequently among arboreal reptiles. We observed that rapidly climbing geckos (Cosymbotus platyurus) that fell or jumped off the wall […]
Losing Stability Tail loss and jumping in the lizard Anolis carolinensis
Meeting Abstract 42.5 Saturday, Jan. 5 Losing Stability: Tail loss and jumping in the lizard Anolis carolinensis BONVINI, LA*; IRSCHICK, D; GILLIS, GB; Mount Holyoke College; Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst; Mount Holyoke College Lizard tails are functionally versatile and play critical roles in energy storage, balance, and sexual display. However, in many species the tail can […]
Effect of Variation in Length and Width on Single Seta Force in Geckos
Meeting Abstract 42.1 Saturday, Jan. 5 Effect of Variation in Length and Width on Single Seta Force in Geckos PEATTIE, AM*; FULL, RJ; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of California, Berkeley Adhesive structures on gecko feet exhibit considerable morphological variation. To test the effect of this variation on adhesive performance, we measured single-seta force in eight […]
Dynamic response to sliding in isolated gecko setal arrays
Meeting Abstract 42.2 Saturday, Jan. 5 Dynamic response to sliding in isolated gecko setal arrays GRAVISH, NICK*; WILKINSON, MATT; AUTUMN, KELLAR; Lewis & Clark College; Lewis & Clark College; Lewis & Clark College Under most conditions, geckos adhere strongly and have no difficulty maintaining adhesive contact. Casual observations indicate that geckos can run on inverted surfaces […]
Do hindlimb joints serve multiple functions during jumping in the Cuban tree frog
Meeting Abstract 42.4 Saturday, Jan. 5 Do hindlimb joints serve multiple functions during jumping in the Cuban tree frog? HSIEH, S.T.*; ROBERTS, T.J.; Harvard University; Brown University Cuban tree frogs (Osteopilus septentrionalis) are some of nature�s best vertebrate jumpers, capable of exceeding 20 body lengths in one leap. Although these jumps are by necessity characterized as […]
The evolutionary relationship of gall crabs (family Cryptochiridae) and their placement within the Brachyura
Meeting Abstract 41.2 Friday, Jan. 4 The evolutionary relationship of gall crabs (family Cryptochiridae) and their placement within the Brachyura WETZER, R.*; ELWELL, S.L.; MARTIN, J.W.; Natural History Museum of Los Angeles Co.; Harvard University, Cambridge; Natural History Museum of Los Angeles Co. Crabs of the family Cryptochiridae are among the most unusual of all groups […]