Meeting Abstract 51.11 Saturday, Jan. 5 Morphometrics of Crocodilian Cranial Variation in Ecomorphology and Ontogeny SADLEIR, R.W.; Univ. of Chicago and the Field Museum, Chicago, IL Crown group crocodilians exhibit a high degree of cranial shape variation and convergence throughout their 80 million-year fossil record. Phylogenetic character correlation tests show that repeated transitions among generalized, blunt […]
year: 2008
Evolutionary and developmental origins of the maxillary dentition of snakes Insights from tooth surface morphology
Meeting Abstract 51.6 Saturday, Jan. 5 Evolutionary and developmental origins of the maxillary dentition of snakes: Insights from tooth surface morphology JACKSON, K.*; VONK, , F.J.; ADMIRAAL, J.; RICHARDSON, M.K.; Whitman College; Leiden University; Leiden University; Leiden University The Colubroidea is an enormous group of snakes (approx. 2400 species) made up of many lineages, whose branching […]
Evolution of the Frontal Sinuses in Bovidae
Meeting Abstract 51.3 Saturday, Jan. 5 Evolution of the Frontal Sinuses in Bovidae FARKE, A.A.; Stony Brook Univ., New York Cranial pneumaticity is remarkably homoplastic, with independent pneumatization of some cranial bones occurring multiple times across mammals. The factors that drive pneumatization are unclear, however. Bovids, a clade of horned artiodactyls including sheep, goats, and cattle, […]
Early development of Ancistrus cf triradiatus and Corydoras aeneus a case study for understanding the role of ontogenetic patterning in loricarioid evolution
Meeting Abstract 51.8 Saturday, Jan. 5 Early development of Ancistrus cf. triradiatus and Corydoras aeneus: a case study for understanding the role of ontogenetic patterning in loricarioid evolution. HUYSENTRUYT, F.*; GEERINCKX, T.; ADRIAENS, D.; Ghent University, Gent, Belgium The Neotropical fauna is one of the most diverse and least known; understanding this diversity and the specific […]
Convergence in a Mechanically Complex Phenotype Detecting Structural Adaptations For Crushing in Cichlid Fishes
Meeting Abstract 51.7 Saturday, Jan. 5 Convergence in a Mechanically Complex Phenotype: Detecting Structural Adaptations For Crushing in Cichlid Fishes HULSEY, CD*; ROBERTS, RJ; STREELMAN, JT; Univ. of Tennessee; Georgia Tech; Georgia Tech Morphological convergence provides strong evidence that evolution is adaptive. However, putatively convergent morphology is often examined in two-dimensions with no explicit model of […]
Conservatism in lizard vertebral number evolution is widespread but not universal
Meeting Abstract 51.4 Saturday, Jan. 5 Conservatism in lizard vertebral number evolution is widespread but not universal. BERGMANN, P.J.*; IRSCHICK, D.J.; University of Massachusetts Amherst; University of Massachusetts Amherst We collected vertebral number data for a sample of 2402 lizards, representing 1045 species, or 27% of extant diversity. We mapped these data onto a supertree of […]
Comparative morphology of glandular setae, distal claws, and terminal fangs of the crustacean remipede Speleonectes tanumekes
Meeting Abstract 51.1 Saturday, Jan. 5 Comparative morphology of glandular setae, distal claws, and terminal fangs of the crustacean remipede Speleonectes tanumekes. VAN DER HAM, J.L.*; FELGENHAUER, B.E.; Univ. Louisiana at Lafayette; Univ. Louisiana at Lafayette Terminal pores on crustacean setae are commonly associated with chemoreception. We present an exception to that association with the description […]
Three-dimensional kinematics of pectoral fin locomotion in freshwater stingrays
Meeting Abstract 50.2 Saturday, Jan. 5 Three-dimensional kinematics of pectoral fin locomotion in freshwater stingrays BLEVINS, E.L.*; LAUDER, G.V.; Harvard University; Harvard University Batoid swimming is characterized by distinctive undulations and oscillations of expanded, flexible pectoral fins. Previous work has described fin motion in two dimensions, placing species along a continuum from undulatory to oscillatory locomotion. […]
Strain patterns on an antenna are moth antennae tuned
Meeting Abstract 50.3 Saturday, Jan. 5 Strain patterns on an antenna: are moth antennae tuned? MYHRVOLD, C.A.*; FOX, J.L.; SANE, S.P.; DANIEL, T.L.; Princeton University; University of Washington; National Center for Biological Science, Bangalore, India; University of Washington Insects rely on mechanosensory feedback to maintain stable flight. For example, a recent study by Sane et al. […]
Flight biomechanics in the wild Environmental turbulence and rolling instablities in foraging orchid bees
Meeting Abstract 50.6 Saturday, Jan. 5 Flight biomechanics in the wild: Environmental turbulence and rolling instablities in foraging orchid bees COMBES, S.A.*; PALEN, W.J.; DUDLEY, R.; Harvard University; Simon Fraser University; U.C. Berkeley Tropical orchid bees cover vast distances at high flight speeds, foraging for scattered resources. Although this long-distance foraging is central to feeding, mating […]