Locomotor Constraints in Mice Selected for High Voluntary Wheel Running

Meeting Abstract 54.1  Saturday, Jan. 5  Locomotor Constraints in Mice Selected for High Voluntary Wheel Running DLUGOSZ, E.M.*; CHAPPELL, M.A.; GARLAND, T, Jr.; University of California, Riverside; University of California, Riverside; University of California, Riverside edlug001@ucr.edu An expectation from studies of locomotor physiology is that highly mobile animals should evolve adaptations to facilitate running, such as changes […]

Evolutionary Divergence in the Suction Feeding Mechanism of Fishes

Meeting Abstract 54.11  Saturday, Jan. 5  Evolutionary Divergence in the Suction Feeding Mechanism of Fishes WILGA, C.D.; Univ. of Rhode Island cwilga@uri.edu Recent studies have increased our understanding of suction generation during feeding in actinopterygian fishes. However, whether sharks and rays, which lack the dermal bones of the head used extensively by actinopterygians in suction feeding, use […]

Does body shape determine escape response performance in fishes

Meeting Abstract 54.2  Saturday, Jan. 5  Does body shape determine escape response performance in fishes? SWANSON, BO*; DIGIOVINE, CM; DORSEY, JP; ROSS, RN; Gonzaga University; Gonzaga University; Gonzaga University; Gonzaga University swansonb@gonzaga.edu To survive, nearly all fishes must swim quickly to avoid predators, often using a stereotyped C-start escape response behavior. Fishes also demonstrate extreme diversity in […]

Do the pharyngeal jaws of moray eels constrain their oral jaw diversity and trophic ecology

Meeting Abstract 54.10  Saturday, Jan. 5  Do the pharyngeal jaws of moray eels constrain their oral jaw diversity and trophic ecology? MEHTA, Rita S; University of California, Davis rsmehta@ucdavis.edu The pharyngeal jaws of moray eels are highly specialized for transporting prey from the oral cavity into the oesophagus. The moray pharyngeal jaws represent a functional innovation which […]

Complexity in the suction feeding mechanism mitigates a diet tradeoff in centrarchid fishes

Meeting Abstract 54.9  Saturday, Jan. 5  Complexity in the suction feeding mechanism mitigates a diet tradeoff in centrarchid fishes. COLLAR, David; University of California, Davis dccollar@ucdavis.edu Tradeoffs are pervasive in organismal design and often shape ecological diversification. Structures that perform multiple functions are subject to several, often-opposing selection pressures, which may limit their evolution. The size of […]

Artificial pregnancy and its effects on locomotion in green iguanas

Meeting Abstract 54.7  Saturday, Jan. 5  Artificial pregnancy and its effects on locomotion in green iguanas SCALES, JA; CARRIER, DR; BUTLER, MA*; Univ. of Hawaii; Univ. of Utah; Univ. of Hawaii mbutler@hawaii.edu Reproduction imposes many physical changes on the bodies of females. In addition to a great increase in mass, there is also an increase in volume, […]

Sexual signals, performance, and testosterone in Bahamian Anolis lizards

Meeting Abstract 53.4  Saturday, Jan. 5  Sexual signals, performance, and testosterone in Bahamian Anolis lizards HUSAK, J.F.*; IRSCHICK, D.J.; MEYERS, J.J.; MOORE, I.T.; Univ. of Massachusetts; Univ. of Massachusetts; Univ. of Massachusetts; Virginia Tech husak@bio.umass.edu Sexual signals often convey information about male �quality� to rivals. As an example, the size of male throat fans (dewlaps) in territorial […]

Seasonal differences in the reproductive endocrinology of two recently-diverged songbird (Junco hyemalis) populations following a unique colonization event

Meeting Abstract 53.5  Saturday, Jan. 5  Seasonal differences in the reproductive endocrinology of two recently-diverged songbird (Junco hyemalis) populations following a unique colonization event ATWELL, J.W.*; CARDOSO, G.C.; KETTERSON, E.K.; Indiana Univ.; Univ. of Chicago; Indiana Univ. jwatwell@indiana.edu In variable environments, selection is expected to favor endocrine mechanisms that efficiently coordinate seasonal physiology and behavior to maximize […]

Induction of female pheromone production in male garter snakes

Meeting Abstract 53.2  Saturday, Jan. 5  Induction of female pheromone production in male garter snakes PARKER, M. Rockwell*; MASON, Robert T.; Oregon State Univ.; Oregon State Univ. parkermi@science.oregonstate.edu Organisms that rely solely on chemical signals to determine the sex of conspecifics serve as good models for understanding the effect of hormonal manipulation on signal production. Red-sided garter […]

Hormonal mediation of female aggression A possible role for androgens in the sex-role reversed pipefish, Syngnathus scovelli

Meeting Abstract 53.3  Saturday, Jan. 5  Hormonal mediation of female aggression: A possible role for androgens in the sex-role reversed pipefish, Syngnathus scovelli SCOBELL, Sunny K.*; KNAPP, Rosemary; JONES , Adam G.; 1-Texas A&M University, College Station; 2-University of Oklahoma, Norman; University of Oklahoma, Norman; Texas A&M University, College Station sscobell@bio.tamu.edu Little is known about the hormonal […]

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