Small Mammal Utilization of Pulsed Resources Quantified through Stable Isotope Analysis

Meeting Abstract 55.5  Saturday, Jan. 5  Small Mammal Utilization of Pulsed Resources Quantified through Stable Isotope Analysis PERSHALL, A.D.*; WARNE, R.; WOLF, B.O.; University of New Mexico; University of New Mexico; University of New Mexico In this study we examine rain-driven pulses of production in C3 and C4 plant functional groups and use stable isotope analysis […]

Marine Eukaryotic Diversity in Sediments Along a Shallow Water Hydrothermal Gradient Inferred from 18S rDNA

Meeting Abstract 55.2  Saturday, Jan. 5  Marine Eukaryotic Diversity in Sediments Along a Shallow Water Hydrothermal Gradient Inferred from 18S rDNA. KARLEN, D.J.*; WU, T.; CAMPBELL, T.G.; GAREY, J.R.; Univ. of South Florida; Univ. of South Florida; Univ. of South Florida; Univ. of South Florida Marine eukaryotic diversity was characterized along an environmental gradient related to […]

How strong are flow-mediated interactions among neighbouring barnacles

Meeting Abstract 55.4  Saturday, Jan. 5  How strong are flow-mediated interactions among neighbouring barnacles? NEUFELD, Christopher J*; PALMER, A Richard; Univ. of Alberta and Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre On rocky shores, water movement varies dramatically in space and time and influences the ecology and form of many organisms. For example, both size and form of barnacle […]

Climate change, ecosystem productivity, and tracking resources through consumers and food webs

Meeting Abstract 55.3  Saturday, Jan. 5  Climate change, ecosystem productivity, and tracking resources through consumers and food webs WOLF, B.O.*; WARNE, R; PERSHALL, A; ENGEL, S; Univ. of New Mexico, Albuquerque The climate is currently changing at an unprecedented rate and changes in critical factors such as the timing, quantity and predictability of precipitation events, increasing […]

Acanthamoeba (GymnamoebaeAcanthamoebidae) Distribution in the Chester River of the Eastern Shore of Maryland

Meeting Abstract 55.1  Saturday, Jan. 5  Acanthamoeba (Gymnamoebae:Acanthamoebidae) Distribution in the Chester River of the Eastern Shore of Maryland BELL, C.L.; MUNSON, D.A.*; Washington College; Washington College The large diversity of amoebae species in soils and sewage sludge reported by Singh and Hanumaih (Monograph No. 1 of the Association of Microbiologists of India, Indian Journal of […]

Trade-offs between propulsion and filter feeding among three species of pelagic tunicates

Meeting Abstract 54.5  Saturday, Jan. 5  Trade-offs between propulsion and filter feeding among three species of pelagic tunicates RAKOW, K.C.; MIT/WHOI Joint Program in Oceanography Salps are pelagic, barrel-shaped, jet-propelled swimmers that have higher filtering rates of small particles (1 µm- 1 mm) than almost any other planktonic grazer. The coupling of feeding and locomotion by […]

The price of being special consequences of specialisation of the hyolingual system in lizards

Meeting Abstract 54.8  Saturday, Jan. 5  The price of being special: consequences of specialisation of the hyolingual system in lizards. SCHAERLAEKEN, V*; HERREL, A; Univ. of Antwerp; Univ. of Antwerp The form and function of the squamate hyolingual apparatus shows a tremendous diversity. Based on their tongue morphology, squamates can be divided into two groups: Iguania […]

The power of display, and the aerodynamics and inertia in flapping pigeon wings

Meeting Abstract 54.3  Saturday, Jan. 5  The power of display, and the aerodynamics and inertia in flapping pigeon wings USHERWOOD, JR; The Royal Veterinary College, London Take-off, ascending and hovering flight is certainly energetically very demanding. Ascending flight is the major component of display flight in collared doves Streptopelia decaocto . Field recordings of these flights […]

The Influence of Functional Architecture on the Rate and Direction of Phenotypic Evolution

Meeting Abstract 54.6  Saturday, Jan. 5  The Influence of Functional Architecture on the Rate and Direction of Phenotypic Evolution WALKER, J.A.; Univ. Southern Maine A general model of the functional constraints on the rate and direction of phenotypic evolution is developed using a decomposition of the Lande-Arnold model of multivariate phenotypic evolution. The important feature of […]

Ontogenetic-Transitional Wing Hypothesis for the Evolution of Avian Flight

Meeting Abstract 54.4  Saturday, Jan. 5  Ontogenetic-Transitional Wing Hypothesis for the Evolution of Avian Flight DIAL, K.P.; Univ. Montana, Missoula The evolution of avian flight remains one of biology�s major controversies primarily because discussions and publications on the subject repeatedly offer arm-chair functional interpretations of fossil forms as evidence for either an arboreal (tree down) or […]

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