Individual variability in foraging tactics of free-ranging Weddell seals

Meeting Abstract 61.3  Saturday, Jan. 5  Individual variability in foraging tactics of free-ranging Weddell seals MADDEN, K.M.*; FUIMAN, L.A.; WILLIAMS, T.M.; DAVIS, R.W.; University of Texas, Austin; University of Texas, Austin; University of California, Santa Cruz; Texas A&M University, Galveston Previous studies have suggested that Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii) foraging in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica specialize on […]

Feeding behavior of a generalist and a specialist shark

Meeting Abstract 61.4  Saturday, Jan. 5  Feeding behavior of a generalist and a specialist shark GERRY, S.P.**; WILGA, C.D.; University of Rhode Island; University of Rhode Island Feeding specialization in fishes can be categorized based on diet, behavior, function or morphology. Prey selection and temporal variables describing foraging behavior were investigated in a trophic specialist (Mustelus […]

Alarm calls of Gunnison’s prairie dogs (Cynomys gunnisoni) in response to two predators appearing simultaneously

Meeting Abstract 61.2  Saturday, Jan. 5  Alarm calls of Gunnison’s prairie dogs (Cynomys gunnisoni) in response to two predators appearing simultaneously SLOBODCHIKOFF, CN; STERLING, KA*; DRAYTON, L; Northern Arizona University; Northern Arizona University; Duke University Gunnison’s prairie dogs encode descriptive information in their alarm calls in response to a predator’s species, size, color, and behavior. In […]

Acoustic mimicry in a predator-prey interaction

Meeting Abstract 61.1  Saturday, Jan. 5  Acoustic mimicry in a predator-prey interaction BARBER, Jesse/R; Wake Forest University When a moth takes to the air in search of a mate or a hostplant upon which to lay its eggs, it does so at great risk; the night sky is not safe. It is full of insectivorous bats, […]

Scaling properties of sunfish feeding muscles

Meeting Abstract 60.2  Saturday, Jan. 5  Scaling properties of sunfish feeding muscles COUGHLIN, D.J.*; CARROLL, A. M.; AMBROSE, A. M.; ANDERSON, T. A .; Widener University, Chester, PA; Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; Widener University, Chester, PA; Widener University, Chester, PA The physiological properties of vertebrate skeletal muscle typically show a scaling pattern of slower contractile properties […]

Plasticity of feeding mechanisms in marine teleost fishes

Meeting Abstract 60.5  Saturday, Jan. 5  Plasticity of feeding mechanisms in marine teleost fishes TURINGAN, R.G.; Florida Institute of Technology The mechanisms that underlie variation in feeding phenotypes within populations of marine fishes are less understood relative to freshwater fish populations. This study examines the existence of variation in trophic morphology within populations of marine teleost […]

Feeding morphology and kinematics in surfperches (Embiotocidae Perciformes) evolution and functional consequences

Meeting Abstract 60.3  Saturday, Jan. 5  Feeding morphology and kinematics in surfperches (Embiotocidae: Perciformes): evolution and functional consequences QUARANTA, K.Q.*; FERRY-GRAHAM, L.A.; Moss Landing Marine Laboratories Morphological differences in feeding mechanisms are assumed to relate to differences in feeding mode and prey capture performance. Such differences are thought to explain how the Embiotocidae (Perciformes, Acanthopterygii) manage […]

Blind bass suck Effects of sensory deprivation on feeding kinematics in Micropterus salmoides

Meeting Abstract 60.1  Saturday, Jan. 5  Blind bass suck: Effects of sensory deprivation on feeding kinematics in Micropterus salmoides GARDINER, J.M.*; MOTTA, P.J.; University of South Florida; University of South Florida Animals use a suite of sensory modalities to precisely locate and capture prey. While numerous studies have examined the effects of sensory lesions on prey […]

Adductor muscle function during suction and biting in bamboo sharks

Meeting Abstract 60.4  Saturday, Jan. 5  Adductor muscle function during suction and biting in bamboo sharks. RAMSAY, J.B.*; WILGA, C.D.; Univ. of Rhode Island; Univ. of Rhode Island The quadratomandibularis (QM) and preorbitalis (PO) muscles of orectolobiform sharks, such as white-spotted bamboos Chiloscyllium plagiosum, are hypertrophied relative to many shark taxa. The PO interconnects the cranium […]

Wing bending is modulated during flight and affects the induced flow field of Manduca sexta

Meeting Abstract 59.1  Saturday, Jan. 5  Wing bending is modulated during flight and affects the induced flow field of Manduca sexta. MOUNTCASTLE, A.M.*; DANIEL, T.L.; Univ.Washington, Seattle; Univ.Washington, Seattle Most computational and physical models of insect flight assume that wings are rigid. However, many insect wings flex passively during flight. Large wing deformations occur in the […]

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