Placental ontogeny of two species of biennially reproducing snow skinks (Scincidae Niveoscincus)

Meeting Abstract 65.2  Sunday, Jan. 6  Placental ontogeny of two species of biennially reproducing snow skinks (Scincidae: Niveoscincus) STEWART, J. R.*; THOMPSON, M. B.; East Tennessee State University; University of Sydney Viviparity and placentation have evolved in numerous lineages of squamate reptiles, yet only five of these are substantially placentotrophic. One of these lineages, the scincid […]

Experimental egg removal reveals costs of reproduction in a lizard, Anolis sagrei

Meeting Abstract 65.1  Sunday, Jan. 6  Experimental egg removal reveals costs of reproduction in a lizard, Anolis sagrei COX, Robert M*; CALSBEEK, Ryan; Dartmouth College; Dartmouth College Life history theory is structured around the assumption that current reproductive investment incurs costs (e.g., reduced survival or growth) that compromise future reproduction. Despite the theoretical importance of such […]

Response of Herpetofauna to Ponderosa Pine Forest Treatments Prescribed by the National Fire and Fire Surrogate Study

Meeting Abstract 64.2  Sunday, Jan. 6  Response of Herpetofauna to Ponderosa Pine Forest Treatments Prescribed by the National Fire and Fire Surrogate Study BLOCK, Jean/L*; NISHIKAWA, Kiisa/C; Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff; Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff Ponderosa pine forests across the southwestern United States are being treated by thinning and burning to reduce fuel loads and the […]

Nest success, fledgling survival, and habitat selection of Hooded Warblers (Wilsonia citrina) in partially harvested forest fragments

Meeting Abstract 64.6  Sunday, Jan. 6  Nest success, fledgling survival, and habitat selection of Hooded Warblers (Wilsonia citrina) in partially harvested forest fragments. ENG, ML*; BURKE, DM; STUTCHBURY, BJS; Simon Fraser Univ.; Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources; York Univ. Assessment of population productivity and breeding habitat quality for Neotropical migrant birds often is based on adult […]

Modern, Historical, and Future Carnivore Communities in Sub-Saharan Africa Implications for Conservation and Climate Change

Meeting Abstract 64.3  Sunday, Jan. 6  Modern, Historical, and Future Carnivore Communities in Sub-Saharan Africa: Implications for Conservation and Climate Change YEAKEL, J D*; DOMINY, N J; KOCH, P L; Univ. of California, Santa Cruz; Univ. of California, Santa Cruz; Univ. of California, Santa Cruz Sub-Saharan African ecosystems are distinguished by relatively large numbers of co-occurring […]

Cross-sector Connectivity Understanding and eradicating exotic plants by leveraging science, education, government, and non-profit sectors

Meeting Abstract 64.5  Sunday, Jan. 6  Cross-sector Connectivity: Understanding and eradicating exotic plants by leveraging science, education, government, and non-profit sectors TALLEY, D.M.*; FISLER, S.; SF Bay NERR/SFSU; Aquatic Adventures Science Education Foundation Ecologists have become increasingly aware of the importance of having a pluralistic view of the world in order to better understand and conserve […]

Comparing toxicological effects of Triclosan on multiple taxa Washing away our natural communities

Meeting Abstract 64.4  Sunday, Jan. 6  Comparing toxicological effects of Triclosan on multiple taxa: Washing away our natural communities WILSON, BA; University of Massachusetts, Boston Pharmaceutical and personal-care products (PPCPs) and their degradation products are introduced into the environment with waste-water discharge from sewage treatment facilities as the primary source. Their release into surface waters can […]

Rising sea level and changes in intertidal zonation Professor Snadrock 60 years later

Meeting Abstract 63.3  Sunday, Jan. 6  Rising sea level and changes in intertidal zonation: Professor Snadrock 60 years later. PEARSE, J.S.; PEARSE, D.E.; PEARSE, V.B.*; Univ. of California, Santa Cruz; Univ. of California, Santa Cruz; Univ. of California, Santa Cruz Global warming has led to sea level rise in many parts of the world over the […]

Invertebrate community in beds of the Magellan mussel from South-eastern Pacific Ocean

Meeting Abstract 63.1  Sunday, Jan. 6  Invertebrate community in beds of the Magellan mussel from South-eastern Pacific Ocean SEPULVEDA, R.D.*; MORENO, C.A.; Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile; Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile The marine biological substrata are defined as species of marine organisms that generate secondary substrata where inhabit others invertebrates species. The aim of this […]

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