Body temperature of free-living Hoopoe Larks in Saudi Arabia

Meeting Abstract 67.4  Sunday, Jan. 6  Body temperature of free-living Hoopoe Larks in Saudi Arabia WILLIAMS, JB*; TIELEMAN, BI; Ohio State Univ.; Univ. Groningen In endotherms, Tb is the focal point of thermoregulation, the ability of an animal to maintain its Tb within narrow limits despite changes in environmental temperature. Birds typically regulate their Tb between […]

Using evolutionary algorithms to predict optimal navigational decisions through thermally-structured environmentss

Meeting Abstract 66.3  Sunday, Jan. 6  Using evolutionary algorithms to predict optimal navigational decisions through thermally-structured environmentss SEARS, Michael W*; ARTITA, Kimberly S; SHROUT, Timothy; Southern Illinois University A goal of contemporary studies of animal movement is to understand the mechanistic decisions that comprise navigation. To date, most ecological studies of movement use post hoc statistical […]

The utilization of pulsed resources by a grasshopper community as quantified from breath δ13C using tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy

Meeting Abstract 66.5  Sunday, Jan. 6  The utilization of pulsed resources by a grasshopper community as quantified from breath δ13C using tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy ENGEL, S.*; MCDOWELL, N. G.; WOLF, B. O.; Univ. of New Mexico Isotopic breath analysis can be used to determine the diet recently consumed by animals. We measured the δ13C […]

Tadpole schooling and parental care in an aquatic-breeding tropical frog, Leptodactylus insularum

Meeting Abstract 66.2  Sunday, Jan. 6  Tadpole schooling and parental care in an aquatic-breeding tropical frog, Leptodactylus insularum. HURME, KJ; Univ. of Connecticut Group-living is a widespread phenomenon among animals that increases survival through increased predator detection and dilution of risk. Alternatively, parental care may increase offspring survival through predator defense, food provisioning or nest building. […]

Pond Canopy Cover Induces a Trade-off in Terrestrial Locomotor Abilities of Post-metamorphic Toads (Bufo americanus)

Meeting Abstract 66.4  Sunday, Jan. 6  Pond Canopy Cover Induces a Trade-off in Terrestrial Locomotor Abilities of Post-metamorphic Toads (Bufo americanus) PURRENHAGE, Jennifer L*; GERALD, Gary W; COLLINS, Andrea M; Miami University Many amphibians have a complex life cycle comprising aquatic and terrestrial stages. Following metamorphosis, juveniles emigrate from ponds to upland habitats, and are faced […]

Effect of ecology on strategies for aggregation in animals

Meeting Abstract 66.1  Sunday, Jan. 6  Effect of ecology on strategies for aggregation in animals MORRELL, L.J.*; JAMES, R.; University of Leeds; University of Bath Under the threat of predation, animals often group tightly together, with all group members benefiting from a reduction in predation risk through various mechanisms, including the dilution, encounter-dilution and predator confusion […]

The evolutionary history of little squeakers with big fingers a frog perspective on diversity and evolution across sub-Saharan Africa

Meeting Abstract 65.6  Sunday, Jan. 6  The evolutionary history of little squeakers with big fingers: a frog perspective on diversity and evolution across sub-Saharan Africa BLACKBURN, D.C.; Harvard University Patterns of and the historical processes underlying biological diversity in sub-Saharan Africa are still both poorly documented and understudied. This study focuses on squeakers and long-fingered frogs, […]

Systematic position of Thalassianthidae among sea anemones using mitochondrial and nuclear genes

Meeting Abstract 65.5  Sunday, Jan. 6  Systematic position of Thalassianthidae among sea anemones using mitochondrial and nuclear genes. CROWTHER, A.L.*; DALY, M.; FAUTIN, D.G.; Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence; Ohio State Univ., Columbus; Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence We infer from morphological data that sea anemones of the family Thalassianthidae form a monophyletic group: all species possess both […]

Sibling Sea Urchin Species of the Genus Echinothrix in Hawai’i Morphology, Genetics, & Ecology

Meeting Abstract 65.4  Sunday, Jan. 6  Sibling Sea Urchin Species of the Genus Echinothrix in Hawai’i: Morphology, Genetics, & Ecology JESSOP, H.*; LESSIOS, H.A.; DEMAINTENON, M.J.; TAKABAYASHI, M.; University of Hawai’i at Hilo; Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute; University of Hawai’i at Hilo; University of Hawai’i at Hilo Sympatric sibling species have the potential to be especially […]

Sexual maturity in subadult dinosaurs does not fit reptilian growth models

Meeting Abstract 65.3  Sunday, Jan. 6  Sexual maturity in subadult dinosaurs does not fit reptilian growth models LEE, A.H.*; WERNING, S.; Ohio University, College of Osteopathic Medicine; Univ. of California, Berkeley Age at reproductive maturity (RM) is largely unknown in extinct taxa because unambiguous indicators of RM are rare. One exception is medullary bone (MB), which […]

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