The role of glucocorticoids and 5-HTsub2sub-like receptors in branchial urea excretion of the gulf toadfish, Opsanus beta

MCDONALD, M. Danielle; WALSH, Patrick J.; Rosenstiel School and Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami; Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami: The role of glucocorticoids and 5-HT2-like receptors in branchial urea excretion of the gulf toadfish, Opsanus beta The gulf toadfish, Opsanus beta, has a unique pulsatile urea excretion mechanism […]

Intestinal bicarbonate secretion is a novel aspect of marine teleost osmoregulation

GROSELL, M.; TAYLOR, J.; University of Miami: Intestinal bicarbonate secretion is a novel aspect of marine teleost osmoregulation Drinking and intestinal water absorption forms a critical component of marine teleost fish osmoregulation. Ingested seawater is desalinized in the esophagus prior to entering the intestine where active absorption of Na+ and Cl– drives water absorption. In […]

Increasing contents of TMAO with depth within species as well as among species of teleost fish

YANCEY, P.H.*; SAMEROTTE, A.L.; BRAND, G.L.; DRAZEN, J.C.; Whitman College; Whitman College; Whitman College; University of Hawai’i: Increasing contents of TMAO with depth within species as well as among species of teleost fish Marine teleost fish are generally classified as hypo-osmotic osmoregulators, with internal osmotic pressures of about 300-400 mOsm (compared to seawater at about […]

Uptake and Metabolism of orally administered serotonin in the plasma of toad-eating and non-toad-eating snakes

TEMPLE, J.G.*; LAITALA, L.; Univ. of Mary Washington; Univ. of Mary Washington: Uptake and Metabolism of orally administered serotonin in the plasma of toad-eating and non-toad-eating snakes American species of toads produce skin secretions that induce severe physiological effects when ingested by some potential predators including black rat snakes (Elaphe o. obsoleta). However, eastern hognose […]

Sugar absorption in bats Are they mammals or birds

CAVIEDES-VIDAL, E.; CHEDIACK, J.G.; CRUZ-NETO, A.P.; KARASOV, W.H.*; Universidad Nacional de San Luis; Universidad Nacional de San Luis; Universidade Estadual Paulista; University of Wisconsin, Madison: Sugar absorption in bats. Are they mammals or birds? Absorption by the paracellular pathway is a declining function of molecule size, probably due to sieving in the tight junction between […]

How the American robin absorbs glucose

MCWHORTER, T.J.; KARASOV, W.H.; GREEN, A.K.; Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison: How the American robin absorbs glucose American robins (Turdus migratorius) assimilated 92 � 2 % of D-glucose and 92 � 14% of L-glucose, the stereioisomer not actively transported. Does this finding, similar to that found in other birds with diverse diet and taxonomic associations, confirm […]

Exposure temperature affects biochemical and cellular composition of the gonad in the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus (Echinodermata Echinoidea)

GIBBS, V.K.*; WATTS, S.A.; Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham: Exposure temperature affects biochemical and cellular composition of the gonad in the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) Temperature is one of the most important proximate factors affecting the biology of ectothermal organisms. In Lytechinus variegatus, water temperature affects the reproductive cycle in field populations, suggesting […]

Detoxification of plant secondary compounds in creosote (Larrea tridentata) by a woodrat herbivore Neotoma lepida

HALEY, S.H.; LAMB, J.G.; DEARING, M.D.; University of Utah, Salt Lake City: Detoxification of plant secondary compounds in creosote (Larrea tridentata) by a woodrat herbivore Neotoma lepida Dietary specialization in mammalian herbivores is extremely rare. Existing mammalian specialists are believed to express a unique pattern of induced detoxification enzymes that permit elimination of the large […]

What is the function of the caudal opening of the posterior myodome of scombrid fishes

SCHAAD, E. W.*; GOBALET, K. W.; California State University, Bakersfield; California State University, Bakersfield: What is the function of the caudal opening of the posterior myodome of scombrid fishes? The posterior myodome of actinopterygian fishes is a prominent recess of the neurocranium ventral to the braincase. Its anterior opening is continuous with the orbit and […]

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