Zebra mussels at the freshwatersea interface Ionic and osmotic challenges to oocyte structural integrity

SHUKLA, V.*; KING, K.N.; RAM, J.L.; Wayne State Univ., Detroit, MI: Zebra mussels at the freshwater/sea interface: Ionic and osmotic challenges to oocyte structural integrity The zebra mussel (ZM), Dreissena polymorpha, is a highly prolific biofouling freshwater mollusk accidentally introduced into North America about 15 years ago. Understanding its reproductive mechanisms may give insight into […]

Renal and Extrarenal Transport of Organic Anions and Organic Cations by Insects; A Comparison with Vertebrates

RHEAULT, M.R.; O’DONNELL, M.J.; DONLY, B.C.; McMaster University; McMaster University; Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada: Renal and Extrarenal Transport of Organic Anions and Organic Cations by Insects; A Comparison with Vertebrates. A wide range of structurally unrelated organic cations (OCs) and organic anions (OAs) are transported by renal and extrarenal tissues of vertebrates and invertebrates. In […]

Membrane lipid involvement in the molt cycle of the blue crab (Callinectes sapidus)

ANDERSON, M.J.; MILLER , J.T. ; DAHILL, D.; CRIMMINS, M.J. ; MATTHEWS, C.A. ; WILLIAMS, E.E. ; Salisbury University: Membrane lipid involvement in the molt cycle of the blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) The lipids of cell membranes are intricately involved in regulating fluxes of both water and ions. We examined the lipid content of gill […]

Identical pH Tolerances of Saline Water and Freshwater Aedes Mosquito Larvae

CLARK, T.M.; FLIS, B.J.; Indiana Univ. South Bend; Indiana Univ. South Bend: Identical pH Tolerances of Saline Water and Freshwater Aedes Mosquito Larvae The pH tolerances of larvae of the freshwater mosquito Aedes aegypti and the salt marsh mosquito Aedes taeniorhynchus are identical. Each species can develop to the pupal stage in waters ranging from […]

Osmoregulation and Nitrogen Excretion in the Embryonic Little Skate (Raja erinacea)

STEELE, S.L.*; YANCEY, P.H.; WRIGHT, P.A; University of Guelph, Ontario; Whitman College, Walla Walla WA; University of Guelph, Ontario: Osmoregulation and Nitrogen Excretion in the Embryonic Little Skate (Raja erinacea) Marine elasmobranchs maintain high levels of organic osmolytes in their tissues to counteract the dehydrating force of seawater. Some adult elasmobranchs are able to adapt […]

Molecular genetics of osmoregulation Regulation of free amino acid accumulation in copepods under hyperosmotic stress

WILLETT, C. S.*; BURTON, R. S.; Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Scripps Institution of Oceanography: Molecular genetics of osmoregulation: Regulation of free amino acid accumulation in copepods under hyperosmotic stress The intracellular accumulation of free amino acids is a common response of diverse organisms to increasing salinities in the extracellular environment. In crustaceans, proline […]

Mitochondrial Urea Transporters A Teleost versus Elasmobranch Comparison

RODELA, T.M.*; BALLANTYNE, J.S.; WRIGHT, P.A.; University of Guelph; University of Guelph; University of Guelph: Mitochondrial Urea Transporters: A Teleost versus Elasmobranch Comparison Urea is an important organic osmolyte in elasmobranches. In teleosts, urea synthesis may be a valuable strategy to detoxify ammonia or urea may be simply the end product of arginine catabolism. Urea […]

Intestinal chloridebicarbonate exchange is involved in osmoregulation

GROSELL, M.; WILSON, R.; RSMAS, Univ. of Miami, Fl; Univ. of Exeter, UK: Intestinal chloride/bicarbonate exchange is involved in osmoregulation Marine teleosts combat dehydration by drinking. In addition to apical Na+:Cl– and Na+:K+:2Cl– co-transport, Cl–/HCO3– exchange is involved in intestinal Cl– and water absorption. This exchange enables water and Cl– absorption in absence of luminal […]

Expression of two arginase genes in rainbow trout tissue differences and up-regulation with fasting

WRIGHT, P.A.; MORGAN, R.L.; CAMPBELL, A.; ROSENBERGER, A.G.; MURRAY, B.W.; UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH; UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH; UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH; UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH; UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA: Expression of two arginase genes in rainbow trout: tissue differences and up-regulation with fasting Arginase is a multifunctional enzyme in nitrogen metabolism. There are two forms of arginase […]

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