Maternal effects of antigen challenge on offspring growth and immunity in wild birds

GRINDSTAFF, J.L.*; HASSELQUIST, D; NILSSON, J.A.; SANDELL, M.I.; STJERNMAN, M; Indiana University, Bloomington; Lund University; Lund University; Lund University; Lund University: Maternal effects of antigen challenge on offspring growth and immunity in wild birds Maternal effects occur when offspring phenotype is a product not only of its own genotype and the environment it experiences but […]

Fiddler crab fitness exercise and the cost of sex

ALLEN, B.J.*; LEVINTON, J.S.; State University of New York, Stony Brook; State University of New York, Stony Brook: Fiddler crab fitness: exercise and the cost of sex Fiddler crabs (genus Uca) exhibit extreme sexual dimorphism. Males have a greatly enlarged major claw that comprises as much as 40% of the total body mass. Males with […]

A Field Experiment Simulating an Invasion of Predatory Crabs

BOULDING, E.G.; Univ. of Guelph, Ontario: A Field Experiment Simulating an Invasion of Predatory Crabs. Wild populations have only a limited ability to adapt to sudden biotic changes in their environment – many populations have gone extinct after the invasion of an exotic predator or competitor. I have investigated the theoretical conditions under which rapid […]

Population structure and gene flow of Caribbean scleractinian corals as determined by microsatellite markers

SHEARER, Tonya L; COFFROTH, Mary Alice; University at Buffalo; University at Buffalo: Population structure and gene flow of Caribbean scleractinian corals as determined by microsatellite markers. Investigations of gene flow and genetic structure of scleractinian coral populations have commonly utilized analyses of allozyme markers that reveal only a limited amount of the total genetic variation […]

Mating systems in populations of the hermaphroditic snail Lymnaea stagnalis

KNOTT, K.E.*; PUURTINEN, M.; KAITALA, V.; University of Jyv�skyl�, Finland; University of Jyv�skyl�, Finland; University of Jyv�skyl�, Finland: Mating systems in populations of the hermaphroditic snail Lymnaea stagnalis The aquatic snail Lymnaea stagnalis is a simultaneous hermaphrodite capable of both self and cross fertilization. In order to determine the mating system in natural populations of […]

In vitrohybridization of the seastars Asterias forbesiand A rubens

HARPER, F.M.*; HART, M.W.; Dalhousie Univ, Halifax, NS; Dalhousie Univ, Halifax, NS: In vitrohybridization of the seastars Asterias forbesiand A. rubens Zones of secondary contact for sibling species provide natural environments to study speciation and mechanisms of pre- and post-zygotic reproductive isolation. The Gulf of Maine extending into the Bay of Fundy is a secondary […]

Genetic, morphological and ecological differentiation in Conus ebraeus, a Pan-Indo-Pacific zoogeographic species

KOHN, A.J.*; DUDA, T.F. Jr.; Univ. of Washington; Smithsonian Tropical Research Station: Genetic, morphological and ecological differentiation in Conus ebraeus, a Pan-Indo-Pacific zoogeographic species We examined Conus ebraeus, the most widely distributed zoogeographic species in the largest marine genus, for evidence of cryptic biodiversity. Individuals sampled over most of the entire range (Hawaii to Seychelles) […]

Genetic Signatures Of Dispersal Separating Life History From Ecology And Phylogeny

BEGOVIC, Emina; LINDBERG, David R.; University of California, Berkeley; University of California, Berkeley: Genetic Signatures Of Dispersal: Separating Life History From Ecology And Phylogeny The ecological effects of larval dispersal capabilities in marine invertebrate life histories have long been recognized, but their implications for evolutionary events such as speciation, extinction, and genetic population structure, have […]

Tissue distribution of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) signaling components in Xenopus laevis suggests multiple roles in physiology and development

BOORSE, GC; DENVER, RJ; Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor: Tissue distribution of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) signaling components in Xenopus laevis suggests multiple roles in physiology and development The distribution and actions of CRH extend beyond the regulation of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis. By contrast to mammals, little is known about the peripheral expression or functions of […]

Thyroid hormone control of opsin expression, cone death and regeneration during natural development

ALLISON, W.T.*; DANN, S.G.; HAWRYSHYN, C.W.; Univ. of Victoria, BC, Canada: Thyroid hormone control of opsin expression, cone death and regeneration during natural development Background: Ultraviolet-sensitive (UV-) cones disappear from the retina of salmonid fishes during the metamorphosis that prepares them for marine life. Thyroid hormone mediates this metamorphosis during natural development. At sexual maturity, […]

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