NESTLER, J.R.*; TRUEBLOOD, L.A.; WHEELING, R.J.; Walla Walla College, College Place WA; Walla Walla College, College Place WA; Walla Walla College, College Place WA: Effect of Increased Ocean Temperature on the Metabolic Rates of Tropical and Temperate Sea Cucumbers Sea cucumbers (Phylum Echinodermata, Class Holothuria) are important in tropical and temperate ocean communities by affecting […]
year: 2003
Basal Oxygen Consumption in Fundulus heteroclitus
KIDDER, G.W.,III*; GOLDSMITH, C.E.; NEVILLE, M.J.; PETERSEN, C.W.; PRESTON, R.P.; Mt. Desert Isl. Bio. Lab, Salisbury Cove, ME; Illinois St. Univ., Normal, IL; Illinois St. Univ., Normal, IL; College of the Atlantic, Bar Harbor, ME; Illinois St. Univ., Normal, IL: Basal Oxygen Consumption in Fundulus heteroclitus The basal oxygen consumption of F. heteroclitus is needed […]
A field test of plasma lipid metabolites as measures of stopover habitat quality for migratory birds
GUGLIELMO, C.G.; CERASALE, D.J.; ELDERMIRE, C.; Univ. of Montana; Univ. of Montana; Univ. of Montana: A field test of plasma lipid metabolites as measures of stopover habitat quality for migratory birds The refueling rate achievable at a particular site is thought to be a key determinant of its quality as a stopover for migrating birds. […]
Thermolimit respirometry Quantifying metabolic effects and limits of thermal stress
LIGHTON, J.R.B.*; TURNER, R.J.; Univ. of Nevada at Las Vegas; Spanlabs Inc.: Thermolimit respirometry: Quantifying metabolic effects and limits of thermal stress Assaying an animal’s ability to tolerate thermal stress is a notoriously subjective affair. Placing the animal in an acute thermal challenge and measuring time to lethality suffers from two drawbacks; the magnitude of […]
The Control of Breathing at Elevated Locomotor Activity in flying Fruit Flies
LEHMANN, F. O.; Univ. of Ulm: The Control of Breathing at Elevated Locomotor Activity in flying Fruit Flies The respiratory exchange system of many insects must maximize the flux of respiratory gases through the spiracles of the tracheal system while minimizing water loss. This trade-off between gas exchange and water loss becomes crucial when locomotor […]
Scaling of respiratory turbinates and trachea in mammals and birds
OWERKOWICZ*, T.; CROMPTON, A.W.; Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; Harvard University, Cambridge, MA: Scaling of respiratory turbinates and trachea in mammals and birds All mammals and birds are characterized by the presence of intranasal respiratory turbinates (RTs), which act as a counter-current heat and water exchanger. It has been suggested that RTs are a physiological necessity […]
Respiration and Metabolic Rates in Worker and Queen Carpenter Ants
FOLTZ, J.L.; University of Massachusetts at Boston: Respiration and Metabolic Rates in Worker and Queen Carpenter Ants Despite their ecological importance and interesting social organization, few data exist about the physiological characteristics of ants, especially queens. Because of its relative large size, abundance, and economic importance as a wood-eating pest, we chose to study metabolic […]
Interactive effects of temperature and oxygen on insect egg development
WOODS, H.A.; Univ. of Texas at Austin: Interactive effects of temperature and oxygen on insect egg development Most biological rates depend on temperature, but not always in the same way�e.g., metabolic rates usually are affected more strongly by temperature than are rates of transport by diffusion. In tissues, organs, or organisms supplied with oxygen primarily […]
Honeybee Flight Energetics Flying in the Light of Day
WOODS JR., William A. *; HEINRICH, Bernd; STEVENSON, R. D. ; University of Massachusetts Boston; University of Vermont; University of Massachusetts Boston: Honeybee Flight Energetics: Flying in the Light of Day Several recent sets of respirometry measurements of flying bees have, in disagreement with earlier work, supported the conclusion that the honeybee A. mellifera and […]
Terrestrial escape response of the mudskipper an analysis of muscle power and kinematics
SWANSON, B.O.; Northern Arizona University: Terrestrial escape response of the mudskipper: an analysis of muscle power and kinematics Recent research into steady swimming has greatly increased understanding of fish locomotion. However, studies of fish power production and performance during steady swimming are not considered maximal effort, and thus do not shed light on potential constraints […]