Adaptations to terrestrial hibernation of hatchling northern map turtles (Graptemys geographica)

BAKER, P.J.*; COSTANZO, J.P.; IVERSON, J.B.; LEE JR., R.E.; Miami University; Miami University; Earlham College; Miami University: Adaptations to terrestrial hibernation of hatchling northern map turtles (Graptemys geographica) Field observations and laboratory experiments were conducted on hatchlings of the northern map turtle (Graptemys geographica), a species that commonly overwinters within the natal nest in the […]

A Rare Incident of Hibernation in Free-Ranging Black-Tailed Prairie Dogs

LEHMER, Erin M; Colorado State University: A Rare Incident of Hibernation in Free-Ranging Black-Tailed Prairie Dogs In the natural environment, hibernating sciurids generally remain dormant during winter and enter numerous torpor bouts from the time of first immergence in fall until emergence in spring. This is in contrast to free-ranging black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus), […]

Thermoregulation on the Air-Water Interface Heat Loss from Swimming Mallard Ducklings

BANTA, Marilyn*; LYNOTT, Aaron; HIGGENBOTHAM, Clay; VAN SANT, Matthew; BAKKEN, George; Northern Colorado University; Indiana State University; Indiana State University; Indiana State University; Indiana State University: Thermoregulation on the Air-Water Interface: Heat Loss from Swimming Mallard Ducklings Ducklings of Mallards breeding on the pothole prairies of North America leave the nest within a day or […]

Physiological Consequences of Translocation and Interstock Hybridization of a Freshwater Teleost Fish

COOKE, SJ; PHILIPP, DP; University of Illinois; Illinois Natural History Survey: Physiological Consequences of Translocation and Interstock Hybridization of a Freshwater Teleost Fish The cardiovascular response to exhaustive exercise among differentiated stocks of largemouth bass was compared at 10°C and 20°C as an assessment of local adaptation and interstock hybridization. Cardiac parameters (both resting and […]

Influence of animal absorptance on the thermal biology of desert tortoises

NUSSEAR, K.E.*; TRACY, C.R.; University of Nevada, Reno; University of Nevada, Reno: Influence of animal absorptance on the thermal biology of desert tortoises Individual desert tortoises have markedly different shell coloration and pigmentation. Those differences can affect the animal�s absorptance to solar radiation across the entire solar spectrum (i.e. the UV, Visible, and near Infrared). […]

Estimation of homeothermal development in newly hatched chicks due to instantaneous heart rate measurement

KHANDOKER, A. H.*; FUKAZAWA, K; CHIBA, Y; TAZAWA, H; Muroran Institute of Technology; Muroran Institute of Technology; Muroran Institute of Technology; Muroran Institute of Technology: Estimation of homeothermal development in newly hatched chicks due to instantaneous heart rate measurement It was previously reported that baseline of instantaneous heart rate (IHR) of newly hatched chicks was […]

A Comparison of Cardiovascular Regulatory Mechanisms Present during Fowl Ontogeny; White leghorn vs Bantam chickens

CROSSLEY, Dane A; HICKS, James W; THORNBURG, Kent; University of California, Irvine; University of California, Irvine; Oregon Health Sciences University: A Comparison of Cardiovascular Regulatory Mechanisms Present during Fowl Ontogeny; White leghorn vs. Bantam chickens. The embryonic chicken has been used to study the physiology of the developing cardiovascular system in vertebrates and general patterns […]

Lactate Accumulation and Glycogen Depletion in Hatchling Turtles (Chrysemys picta bellii, Chelydra serpentina, and Graptemys geographica) Submerged at 3 oC

REESE,, S.A.*; JACKSON, D.C.; ULTSCH, G.R.; Brown University, Providence, RI; University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa: Lactate Accumulation and Glycogen Depletion in Hatchling Turtles (Chrysemys picta bellii, Chelydra serpentina, and Graptemys geographica) Submerged at 3 oC Newly hatched Chrysemys picta bellii, Graptemys geographica, and Chelydra serpentina were submerged at 3 oC in anoxic and normoxic water to […]

Fatty acid composition of body fat and its affect on aerobic performance in Red-eyed Vireos

PIERCE, B.J.*; MCWILLIAMS, S.R.; O’CONNOR, T.P.; GUGLIELMO, C.G.; Univ. Rhode Island; Univ. Rhode Island; City Univ. New York; Univ. Montana: Fatty acid composition of body fat and its affect on aerobic performance in Red-eyed Vireos Most migrating birds accumulate large lipid stores as their primary source of energy for fueling long distance flights. The depot […]

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