JONES, D.J.; TRACY, C.R.; SIMANDLE, E.T.; University of Nevada, Reno; University of Nevada, Reno; University of Nevada, Reno: Oviposition Sites of the Amargosa Toad (Bufo Nelsoni) The Amargosa toad (Bufo nelsoni) is an isolated endemic found in the Oasis Valley in Nye County, Nevada. In 1995, the Fish and Wildlife Service was petitioned to list […]
year: 2003
New Amphibian Diversity Estimates and their Implications for Conservation Biology
ANGULO, A.; REICHLE, S.; KWET, A.; University of Toronto; Zoologische Forschungsinstitut und Museum A. Koenig, Bonn; Staatliches Museum fur Naturkunde, Stuttgart: New Amphibian Diversity Estimates and their Implications for Conservation Biology Although recent times have seen a boost in development of areas ranging from biotechnology to space research, biodiversity assessments regrettably are not among them. […]
Is an ELISA Test for Mycoplasma agassizzi a Useful Diagnostic Tool for Tortoise Conservation
HYDE*, D.M; TRACY, C.R.; Univ. of Nevada, Reno; Univ. of Nevada, Reno: Is an ELISA Test for Mycoplasma agassizzi a Useful Diagnostic Tool for Tortoise Conservation ? Mycoplasma agassizii is believed to be responsible for large scale population declines of the desert tortoise(Gopherus agassizii). Indeed, this disease was responsible for the emergency listing of the […]
Evaluation of Kemps ridley hatchling sex ratios within egg corral and in situ nests at the primary nesting beach
GEIS, A.A.*; WIBBELS, T.; GARDUNO-D., M. ; MARQUEZ-M., R.; BURCHFIELD, P.; SCHROEDER, B.; University of Alabama at Birmingham; University of Alabama at Birmingham; SEMARNAT, Mexico City; Instituto Nacional de la Pesca, Mexico; Gladys Porter Zoo, Brownsville, TX; National Marine Fisheries Service, Silver Springs, MD: Evaluation of Kemp�s ridley hatchling sex ratios within egg corral and […]
Winter emaciation potentiate responses to organochlorine pollutants in Arctic charr
J�RGENSEN, E.H.*; BURKOW, I.C.; ANDERSSON, P.; JOBLING, M.; Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, Troms�, Norway; Norwegain institute for Fisheries and Aquaculture, Troms�, Norway; Ume� University, Ume�, Sweden; University of Troms�, Troms�, Norway: Winter emaciation potentiate responses to organochlorine pollutants in Arctic charr In the present study the toxicokinetics of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and associated hepatic […]
Reduced sperm quality and seasonal reproductive variation in male Gambusia holbrooki (Eastern Mosquitofish) collected from contaminated versus reference lakes in Florida
EDWARDS, Thea M.; BENSON, Neal; THRO, Matt; TOFT, Gunnar; GUILLETTE, Louis J.; University of Florida, Gainesville; University of Florida, Gainesville; University of Florida, Gainesville; University of Florida, Gainesville; University of Florida, Gainesville: Reduced sperm quality and seasonal reproductive variation in male Gambusia holbrooki (Eastern Mosquitofish) collected from contaminated versus reference lakes in Florida As an […]
Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) Inhibition of Thyroid Hormone (TH) Transport in Plasma Deposition into Oocytes
MAHER, R.D.*; GRASMAN, K.A.; FOX, G.A.; MCNABB, F.M.A.; Virginia Tech, Blacksburg; Wright State, Dayton, OH; Environment Canada, Hull; Virginia Tech, Blacksburg: Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) Inhibition of Thyroid Hormone (TH) Transport in Plasma Deposition into Oocytes Environmental PCBs are persistent contaminants that disrupt thyroid function in some mammals. Part of this disruption may result from displacement […]
Effects of coal combustion wastes on survival and development of larval anurans
HOPKINS, W.A.*; SNODGRASS, J.W.; BROUGHTON, J.; GWINN, D.C.; BAIONNO, J.A.; Savannah River Ecology Laboratory; Towson University; Towson University; Towson University; Savannah River Ecology Laboratory: Effects of coal combustion wastes on survival and development of larval anurans In recent years, numerous studies have documented the deleterious effects of aquatic disposal of coal combustion wastes (CCW) on […]
The Lamprey Lineage A Phylogenetic Perspective
SILVER, M.R.*; SOWER, S.A.; Univ. of New Hampshire: The Lamprey Lineage: A Phylogenetic Perspective Lamprey are members of the oldest class of living vertebrates, the agnathans, which diverged from the main line of vertebrate evolution approximately 500 million years ago. Their divergence is believed to have occurred between two proposed early genome duplications, making the […]
Molecular isolation and evolution of teleost parathyroid hormones (PTH), PTH-related peptides (PTHrP) and tuberoinfundibular peptides of 39 residues (TIP39)
PONUGOTI, B.; PAPASANI, M.R.; LAYMAN, J.A.; GENSURE, R; JUPPNER, H; RUBIN, D.A.*; Illinois State University, Normal; Mass. General Hospital & Harvard University, Boston: Molecular isolation and evolution of teleost parathyroid hormones (PTH), PTH-related peptides (PTHrP) and tuberoinfundibular peptides of 39 residues (TIP39). Since the isolation of human and bovine PTHrP, it has been assumed that […]