Patterns of hindlimb segment growth in various lizards and their relation to lizard ecology

BERGMANN, Philip J *; RUSSELL, Anthony P: Patterns of hindlimb segment growth in various lizards and their relation to lizard ecology. Although numerous functional morphological studies have treated the lizard hindlimb as a unitary structure, correlating its length with numerous performance and ecological variables, a few more recent approaches have accommodated for the segmental nature […]

Life-stage dependent changes and thyroid hormone-mediated plasticity in the retinal ultraviolet photoreceptor cell complement of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)

BROWMAN, H.I.*; HOLMQVIST, B.; FORSELL, J.; EBBESSON, L.; ALM, P.: Life-stage dependent changes and thyroid hormone-mediated plasticity in the retinal ultraviolet photoreceptor cell complement of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Several salmonid fishes possess a discrete retinal photoreceptor sensitive to ultraviolet-A (UV) radiation when they are freshwater-resident juveniles (parr). The UV photoreceptor disappears from most of […]

Is the growth of juvenile rainbow trout allometric

SALMINEN, Kristine/A; GIBB, Alice/C: Is the growth of juvenile rainbow trout allometric? Traditionally, juvenile and adult fish have been assumed to show isometric growth. However, very few studies have examined this assumption. In this experiment, a lab reared cohort of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, (mass 0.6-10.9 grams) were used to examine the growth of juvenile […]

Blubber development in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)

STRUNTZ, D.J.; MCLELLAN, W.A.; GAY, D.M.; DILLAMAN, R.M.; PABST, D.A.: Blubber development in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) Blubber, the highly derived, lipid-rich, hypodermis of cetaceans, functions in thermoregulation, metabolic energy storage, buoyancy control, streamlining, and locomotion. It is comprised of adipocytes surrounded by a collagen and elastic fiber matrix. Our goal was to investigate the […]

Thyroid hormone-mediated cell proliferation in frog Meckel’s cartilage is specified before neural crest migration

ROSE, C.S.*; JOHNSON, A.L.: Thyroid hormone-mediated cell proliferation in frog Meckel’s cartilage is specified before neural crest migration. The shape and arrangement of neural crest-derived cranial cartilages are known to be specified before the neural crest cells start to migrate from the neural fold. Metamorphic vertebrates pose an additional problem in that their cranial cartilages […]

The conservation of regulatory genes and the evolution of molluscs

MOSHEL-LYNCH, S. M.: The conservation of regulatory genes and the evolution of molluscs In Molluscs, the gastropods have undergone a great deal of change from the bilateral bauplan of their basal members. The investigation of regulatory gene pathways will facilitate our understanding of how this evolutionary diversification has taken place, particularly mesoderm formation and differentiation. […]

Juvenile hormone and the origin of insect larvae

EREZYILMAZ*, D.F.*; RIDDIFORD, L.M.; TRUMAN, J.W.: Juvenile hormone and the origin of insect larvae. Insects use two different life history strategies. In the ancestral hemimetabolous, or direct developing insects, embryonic development typically produces a miniature version of the adult. The nymph that emerges from the eggshell simply increases in size through the successive nymphal molts, […]

Heads or Tails Larval vs Post-larval Development in the Urochordates

DAVIDSON, B.J.*; SWALLA, B.J.: Heads or Tails? Larval vs. Post-larval Development in the Urochordates The vast majority of research on tunicate development focuses on the embryogenesis of axial structures (notochord and dorsal nerve cord) within the larval tail. However, the majority of tunicate development takes place after the tail is resorbed at settlement. After settlement, […]

Facultative feeding in an obligatorily feeding sand dollar larva The role of thyroid hormones in echinoderm life history evolution

HEYLAND, A.; REITZEL, A.M.; HODIN, J.: Facultative feeding in an obligatorily feeding sand dollar larva: The role of thyroid hormones in echinoderm life history evolution. Lecithotrophic development has evolved from planktotrophic development numerous times in echinoderms and other marine invertebrates. Lecithotrophic larvae develop from relatively large yolky eggs that provide the organism with sufficient energy […]

The influence of thermal heterogeneity on life history variation among elevationally separated populations of sagebrush lizards

SEARS, Michael W.; DUNHAM, Arthur E.: The influence of thermal heterogeneity on life history variation among elevationally separated populations of sagebrush lizards Geographic variation in the thermal environment has been proposed as a mechanism producing life history variation among populations of ectotherms. The longer elevated temperatures can be maintiained for activity, the more time individuals […]

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