SHEA, E.K.: Morphology of the Fused Tentacles in Three Ommastrephid Squids. Newly-hatched ommastrephid squids have fused tentacles. The fusion, which initially runs the entire length of the tentacles, divides during ontogeny to form two separate tentacles, the common condition in squids. The fused tentacles of Ommastrephes bartramii(Lesueur, 1821), Stenoteuthis oualaniensis (Lesson, 1830) and Hyaloteuthis pelagica […]
year: 2002
Character conflict and life history evolution of marine invertebrates
HART, M.W.: Character conflict and life history evolution of marine invertebrates The evolution of marine invertebrate larvae includes numerous adaptive modifications of ancestral, complex, feeding larval forms to produce derived, often simplified, nonfeeding or nonplanktonic larvae. These modifications are taxonomically widespread and suggest numerous convergences in the evolution of modified nonfeeding or nondispersing modes of […]
A single-step multiplex PCR identification assay to distinguish megalopae of Callinectes sapidus from Callinectes similis in plankton samples
HOFFMAN, G.G.*; WILBUR, A.E.: A single-step multiplex PCR identification assay to distinguish megalopae of Callinectes sapidus from Callinectes similis in plankton samples. Studying recruitment variation in economically important species such as the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, requires the collection and processing of large numbers of plankton samples and settlement traps. Long time-course collections can meet […]
Molecular physiology of amino acid transport during sea urchin development
MANAHAN, D.T.: Molecular physiology of amino acid transport during sea urchin development Classic studies on eggs of sea urchins have shown that many biological processes are activated at fertilization, such as changes in membrane transporters and increases in protein synthesis. After fertilization the ontogenetic changes that occur in rates of amino acid transport have also […]
Implications of Environmental Variability for Phenotypic Plasticity
MINER, BG; VONESH, JR: Implications of Environmental Variability for Phenotypic Plasticity Many organisms have evolved the ability to change their morphology in response to changes in the environment (phenotypic plasticity). To date, experimental studies of phenotypic plasticity have focused exclusively on phenotypic changes in different but constant treatments. Yet, we know that natural environments are […]
Impact of Short-term Salinity Fluctuations on Larvae and Juveniles of Crepidula fornicata and C plana
JARRETT, J.N.; RUSSELL, G.; O’DRISCOLL, M.; SULLIVAN, D.: Impact of Short-term Salinity Fluctuations on Larvae and Juveniles of Crepidula fornicata and C. plana The adult stages of most estuarine organisms are well adapted to environmental fluctuations characteristic of this habitat. However, larval stages of some marine invertebrates reared under constant or short-term conditions of low […]
Feeding state, aerobic enzyme activity, and respiration in echinoderm larvae
GREEN, A.J.; MANAHAN, D.T.: Feeding state, aerobic enzyme activity, and respiration in echinoderm larvae In this study larvae of the echinoderms Asterina miniata and Lytechinus pictus were raised under different feeding regimes to investigate the relationship between metabolic rate and feeding history (starved to being fed ad libitum). Respiration rates were measured throughout development for […]
Egg limitation may regulate fertilization success in a free-spawning marine invertebrate
RIFFELL, J.A.*; ZIMMER, R.K.: Egg limitation may regulate fertilization success in a free-spawning marine invertebrate Sperm limitation has often been invoked as a major determinant of reproductive success for organisms that spawn their gametes into the ocean environment. However, the extent to which sperm limitation mediates fertilization success in the field requires knowledge of sperm-egg […]
Differential protein accretion rates and energetic efficiency of protein synthesis during sea urchin development
PACE, DA; MANAHAN, DT: Differential protein accretion rates and energetic efficiency of protein synthesis during sea urchin development. The continual synthesis and degradation of protein is critical for growth and development in early life stages. The goal of the present study was to determine the energetic cost of protein synthesis in embryos and larvae of […]
Variation in growth of Brown-Headed Cowbird nestlings and energetic impacts on their host parents
KILPATRICK, A.M.: Variation in growth of Brown-Headed Cowbird nestlings and energetic impacts on their host parents. I tested several hypotheses about the plasticity of avian growth by comparing growth of Brown-Headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater) nestlings in twenty different host species. Cowbird growth was positively correlated with site latitude (which negatively co-varied with maximum temperature) and […]