Thermal dose and embryonic sex determination in Chelydra serpentina

LOTT,D.B.; ACKERMAN,R.A.*: Thermal dose and embryonic sex determination in Chelydra serpentina. The thermal dose (degree hours) necessary to determine the sex of Chelydra serpentina embryos was assessed over two nesting seasons (1996,1997) using programmable incubators. A total of 48 clutches from Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota and Louisiana were divided among treatments and among experimental boxes within […]

Maximum titers of vitellogenin and storage protein occur during the canalized phase of grasshopper oogensis

HATLE, J.D.*; BORST, D.W.; ESKEW, M.R.; JULIANO, S.A.: Maximum titers of vitellogenin and storage protein occur during the canalized phase of grasshopper oogensis Many organisms meet the challenge of unpredictable environmental conditions by remaining developmentally flexible early in their development and only later enter a canalized (inflexible) phase of development. Our ultimate goal is to […]

The study of shrimp CHHMIHGIH gene family gene structure, expression and biological assay of recombinant neuropeptides

CHAN, S.-M.; GU, P.-L.: The study of shrimp CHH/MIH/GIH gene family: gene structure, expression and biological assay of recombinant neuropeptides The crustacean CHH/MIH/GIH neuropeptide family constitutes a group of important hormone that regulates important processes such as molting, glucose metabolism and reproduction. The characterization of these neuropeptides has attracted much attention due to their potential […]

The effects of sinus gland extracts on transcript levels of farnesoic acid O-methyl transferase (MeT) in the lobster mandibular organ

HOLFORD, K.C.*; BORST, D.W.: The effects of sinus gland extracts on transcript levels of farnesoic acid O-methyl transferase (MeT) in the lobster mandibular organ. Methyl farnesoate (MF) appears to have important roles in the regulation of crustacean reproduction, molting, and behavior. In decapod crustaceans, the mandibular organ (MO) is the principle site of MF synthesis […]

Inhibitory effects of methyl farnesoate (MF) on the reproductive development of tadpole shrimp (TS), Triops longicaudatus

LINDER, C.J.; TSUKIMURA, B.*: Inhibitory effects of methyl farnesoate (MF) on the reproductive development of tadpole shrimp (TS), Triops longicaudatus To identify a reproductive regulator for the invasive TS, T. longicaudatus, the hormone MF was administered to growing juveniles. To administer MF, aquatic vectors (Artemia nauplii) incubated in 0.05% albumin and 5 �g/ml MF for […]

Influence of Melatonin on Hemolymph Metabolites in the Fiddler Crab Uca Pugilator

Tilden, A.R.*; Schwartz, J.; McGann, L.: Influence of Melatonin on Hemolymph Metabolites in the Fiddler Crab Uca Pugilator Melatonin levels were measured in the eyestalks of fiddler crabs (Uca pugilator) acclimated to a LD 12:12 photoperiod, constant dark, and constant light. Melatonin cycled with a photophase peak during the LD 12:12 photoperiod. The cycle persisted […]

Deviants of gas exchange adaptations of the tadpole shrimp

Harper, S.L.; Reiber, C.L.: Deviants of gas exchange: adaptations of the tadpole shrimp Tadpole shrimp Triops longicaudatus inhabiting a rock pool in southern Nevada experience prolonged hypoxia. Diel oxygen concentrations (Po2) in the pool range from 0-20 kPa O2. Tadpole shrimp were reared under low (1-3 kPa) and high (10-13 kPa) Po2‘s to determine the […]

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