P: Swimming and Flying Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Christoffer Johansson Session Author(s) Title P40 Mehlhorn, AE*; Donatelli, CM; Hall, KC The curious case of chimaera kinematics: gait transitions in the spotted ratfish (Hydrolagus colliei) P40 Phillips, QP*; Karra, P; Minicozzi, MR A precise and cost-effective fish flume for assessing swimming performance in fishes P40 […]
Year: 2021
Symposium P4
P: DVM Best Student Paper: Karel F. Liem Award Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Rick Blob Session Author(s) Title P4 Sierra, MM*; Rummel, AD; Kobayashi, T; Swartz, SM Sensing in bat wings: A comparative analysis of sensory hair density in bat wing membranes P4 Palecek-McClung, AM*; Huie, JM; Cohen, KE; Donatelli, CM; Summers, AP Stuck […]
Symposium P39
P: Species Interactions Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Bob Thacker Session Author(s) Title P39 Gregory, CL*; Bradford, EL; Belden, LK Changes in the composition of honey bee (Apis mellifera) gut bacterial communities following disturbance by antibiotics P39 Bistritz, L*; Viteri, MC; Hadly, EA Small mammal community dynamics in serpentine grasslands in California P39 Tramonte, CA*; […]
Symposium P38
P: Species Diversity and Distribution Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Luciana Gusmao Session Author(s) Title P38 Gusmao, LC*; Rodríguez, E Bipolar distributions in sea anemones (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Actiniaria): the case of Halcampoides Danielssen, 1890 P38 De León, A*; Madrid, M; Collin, R Diversity of holoplanktonic gastropods during seasonal upwelling in the bay of Panama P38 […]
Symposium P37
P: Social Behavior Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Matthew Lefauve Session Author(s) Title P37 McCabe, EA*; Kwun, C; Harmon, IP; Cantelon, CL; Solomon-Lane, TK Is a social group the sum of its parts? The relationship between group structure and individual phenotype in a highly social fish P37 Vergun, MR*; Weinstein, J; Graves, H; McCabe, EA; […]
Symposium P36
P: Sensory Biology Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): James Murray Session Author(s) Title P36 Jalala, HM*; Awad, AH; Murray, JA; Cain, SD Magneto-sensory orientation discrepancies across different populations of the sea slug Tritonia when undergoing magnetic field rotations P36 Dang, A*; Bernard, GD; Olguin, AR; Macias-Muñoz, A; Lawrence, JP; Hill, RI; Mullen, SP; Briscoe, AD […]
Symposium P35
P: Parental and Reproductive Biology Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Cheyenne Tait Session Author(s) Title P35 McAlister, SM*; Hurley, LM Male mice behavioral response to female squeak intensity P35 Cupp, PV Female Aneides aeneus avoid mating with inferior males near egg deposition time P35 Smith, JM*; Potter, RB; Pruett-Jones, SG Win-stay, lose-shift and bower marauding: […]
Symposium P34
P: Neurobiology and Sensory Biology Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): James Newcomb Session Author(s) Title P34 Ramirez, MD*; Tait, C; Katz, PS Using hybridization chain reaction for reliable, large-scale mapping of neurons in the brain of the nudibranch, Berghia stephanieae P34 Newcomb, JM*; Jordan, T; Luke, GP; Hoppa, MB Minimally invasive neural stimulation via ultrasound […]
Symposium P33
P: Musculoskeletal Biomechanics and Robotics Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Jeradi Shirine Session Author(s) Title P33 Nguyen, KD*; Venkadesan, M Filament compliance and the perturbation response of active sarcomeres P33 Ross, CD*; Meyers, RA Anatomy and muscle fiber types of kangaroo rat hindlimb muscles P33 Jeradi, S*; Franz-Odendaal, TA Evaluating the effects of whole-body vibrations […]
Symposium P32
P: Movement, Migration and Dispersal Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Clint Collins Session Author(s) Title P32 Collins, CE*; Vázquez-Domínguez, E; McGowan, CP How does kangaroo rat locomotion respond to changes in terrain manipulations during foraging in the field? P32 Cleveland, AB*; Pomory, CM Movement behavior in the sand dollar Mellita tenuis P32 Morales-Vega, E*; Eshleman, […]