Symposium S10

Metachronal Coordination of Multiple Appendages for Swimming and Pumping Day: Thu Jan 7 – 10:15-19:00 Organizer(s): Margaret Byron, David Murphy, and Arvind Santhanakrishnan Symposium Author(s) Title S10 Byron, ML; Murphy, DW*; Santhanakrishnan, A Introduction to the symposium S10 Kanso, E Transitions in cilia coordination S10 Lamont, EI*; Emlet, RB The swimming kinematics of barnacle cyprid […]

Symposium S1

Blinded By the Light: Effects of Light Pollution Across Diverse Natural Systems Day: Mon Jan 4 – 10:15-19:00 Organizer(s): Meredith Kernbach, Stephen Ferguson, Valentina Alaasam, Colleen Miller, Clint Francis Symposium Author(s) Title S1 Ferguson, SM*; Alaasam, VJ Light at night in the spotlight: an introduction to the symposium S1 Gaston, KJ*; Ackermann, S Ecological impacts […]

Symposium PREZ

President’s Opening Address Day: Sun Jan 3 – 12:00-12:30 Organizer(s): Jake Socha Session Author(s) Title PREZ Brainerd, EL Welcome to the SICB Virtual Meeting!

Symposium PLEN

Opening Plenary Day: Sun Jan 3 – 12:30-13:30 Organizer(s): Jake Socha Session Author(s) Title PLEN Extavour, CG From soma to germ line: birth, growth and transformation of a novel gene

Symposium P9

P: Comparative Genomics and Proteomics Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Robery Haney Session Author(s) Title P9 Farhat, S*; Tanguy, A; Allam, B Chromosome-level assemblies of the hard clam and its parasite QPX P9 Haney, RA*; Abedini, Z; Haney, EB; Garb, JE Genomic and transcriptomic data define a diverse assemblage of small cysteine-rich proteins in the […]

Symposium P8

P: Character Evolution and Development Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Mackenzie Gerringer Session Author(s) Title P8 Hochberg, R*; Le, A; Mendez, L; Shelley, S; Laudier, D Light it up! Cuticular fluorescence in arachnids may be more common than previously thought P8 Cleveland, CS*; Del Core, AA; Lema, SC Phenotypic impacts of warming environments: Morphological differentiation […]

Symposium P7

P: Biomaterials, Adhesion, Sensing, and Internal Flows Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Lindsay Waldrop Session Author(s) Title P7 Brainard, CR*; Summers, D; Cohen, KE; Kruppert, S; Summers, AP; Kolmann, MA Flexible armor: overlap and microstructure of poacher (Agonidae) armor P7 Karkosiak, KQ*; Coonfield, AJ; Ediriweera, CU; Maksuta, DD; Blackledge, TA Are spider egg sacs extra […]

Symposium P6

P: Animal Communication Day: Sun Jan 3 Organizer(s): Tina Barbasch Session Author(s) Title P6 Warfield, J*; Dalal, A; Hill, R; Kaiser, SA; Lohr, B Song variation and diversity in grasshopper sparrows of the Caribbean P6 Hill, RA*; Lohr, B Grasshopper sparrow warble song: Syllable classification and quantification P6 Snyder, KP*; Greenberg, D; Mastromonaco, G; Schoof, […]

Symposium P5

P: Adaptation: Physiology, Morphology and Behavior Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Frances Bonier Session Author(s) Title P5 Gravelle, JM*; Wyneken, J The effects of multiple environmental factors on the hatching and emergence success of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) P5 Nazarian, LA*; Bukovich, IMG; Parker, MR Redesigning the quantification of reptile behavior in Y-mazes P5 […]

Symposium P41

P: Terrestrial Locomotion Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Armita Manafzadeh Session Author(s) Title P41 Ashlyn, A*; Daley, MA; Hubicki, CM Soft-ground gait dynamics and transitions in avian running P41 La Barbera, V*; Tassa, Y; Richards, C; Daley, M; Hutchinson, J Reinforcement learning based simulation of ostrich locomotion using a whole-body model P41 Katugam, K*; Johnson, […]

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