Symposium 16

Complementary to S12: Manakin Genomics: Comparative Studies of Evolution and Behavior in a Unique Clade of Birds Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Blake Jones Session Author(s) Title 16 Vernasco, BJ*; Dakin, R; Majer, AD; Haussmann, MF; Ryder, TB; Moore, IT A telomeric perspective on the (anti-)aging phenotype of male wire-tailed manakins (Pipra filicauda) 16 Alfonso, […]

Symposium 15

Complementary to S11: Biology’s Best Friend: Bridging Disciplinary Gaps to Advance Canine Science II Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Alexandra Protopopova Session Author(s) Title 15 Dror, S*; Magyari, L; Fugazza, C; Miklósi, A; Andics, A Comparing the ability of miniature pigs and family dogs to learn iconic and ‎non-iconic orientation cues ‎ 15 Karimjee, K*; […]

Symposium 14

Complementary to S11: Biology’s Best Friend: Bridging Disciplinary Gaps to Advance Canine Science I Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Heather Smith Session Author(s) Title 14 Vo, K*; Amaya, M; Stankowich, T Potential risk factors that influence pet predation by coyotes 14 Joyce, M*; Wilshin, S; Qian, F; Spence, A Gait control for obstacle negotiation in […]

Symposium 13

Complementary to S10: Metachronal Coordination of Multiple Appendages for Swimming and Pumping II Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Margaret Byron Session Author(s) Title 13 Ford, MP*; Price, CT; Santhanakrishnan, A Stroke frequency and size effects in metachronal swimming 13 Hayashi, R*; Takagi, D Pumping and swimming robots in a highly viscous fluid 13 Shoele, K*; […]

Symposium 12

Complementary to S10: Metachronal Coordination of Multiple Appendages for Swimming and Pumping I Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Margaret Byron Session Author(s) Title 12 Colin, SP*; Costello, JH; Sutherland, KR; Gemmell, BJ; Dabiri, JO; DuClos, K The role of suction thrust in the metachronal paddles of swimming invertebrates 12 Strock, S*; Colin, SC; Daniels, J; […]

Symposium 111

Vertebrate Evo-Devo Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Matt Rockman Session Author(s) Title 111 Johnson, SL; Heubel, BP; Bredesen, CA; Long, A; Schilling, TF; Le Pabic, P* Defining regulators of endochondral growth in cichlid skull evolution 111 Giffin, JL*; Franz-Odendaal, TA Placode induction and patterning cues in the embryonic chicken scleral ossicle system 111 Egawa, S*; […]

Symposium 110

(Un)Correlated Evolution Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Leigha Lynch Session Author(s) Title 110 Woldt, K*; Sustaita, D; Pratt, RB Climbing behavior and skeletal anatomy of the salt marsh harvest mouse 110 Stewart, TA*; Yoo, I; Upham, NS On the coevolution of mammae number and litter size 110 Fraser, CJ*; Butler, MA Evolutionary analysis of SARS-CoV-2: […]

Symposium 11

Complementary to S9: Sending and Receiving Signals: Endocrine Modulation of Social Communication Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Julie Butler Session Author(s) Title 11 Leslie, CE; Rosencrans, RF; Walkowski, W; Gordon, WC; Bazan, NG; Ryan, MJ; Farris, HE* Reproductive state modulates retinal sensitivity to light in female tungara frogs 11 Hood, KE*; Hurley, LM Effects of […]

Symposium 109

Thermoregulation Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Danielle Levesque Session Author(s) Title 109 Grosiak, M*; Koteja, P; Bauchinger, U; Sadowska, ET Thermoregulatory properties of bank voles affected by age and artificial selection 109 Zagkle, E*; Grosiak, M; Bauchinger, U; Sadowska, ET Age-related differences in core body temperature and oxidative stress under limited food availability 109 Le […]

Symposium 108

Thermobiology Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Melissa May Session Author(s) Title 108 Torson, AS*; Roe, AD; Doucet, D; Sinclair, BJ Tissue-specific regulation of diapause in the Asian longhorned beetle, Anoplophora glabripennis 108 Moyen, NE*; Crane, RL; Somero, GN; Denny, MW Rapid gain and slow loss of heat tolerance in Mytilus californianus reflects an adaptive response […]

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