Symposium 8

Complementary to S6: Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Animal Communication Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Jessleen Kanwal Session Author(s) Title 8 Ali, JR*; Stoddard, MC The evolution of face plumage patterns in amazon parrots 8 Miller, AE*; Hogan, BG; Stoddard, MC Color in motion: Using photogrammetry to study dynamic displays in virtual environments 8 Hirzel, GE*; Westerman, […]

Symposium 79

Movement, Migration and Dispersal Behaviors II Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Ben Vernasco Session Author(s) Title 79 Heveran, PH*; Goodrich, LJ; Leese, JM Age-class differences in wintering distributions among broad-winged hawks 79 Pedersen, RW*; Liu, EF Age dependent search behavior in the Colorado Checkered Whiptail Aspidoscelis neotesselata 79 Kusaka, C*; Valdivia, J Methods of estimating […]

Symposium 78

Movement, Migration and Dispersal Behaviors I Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Ben Vernasco Session Author(s) Title 78 Zinßmeister , D; Sapir, N* Passerine stopover strategy at a desert edge depends on the time it takes to start accumulating fuel before departure 78 Shaykevich, DA*; Pašukonis, A; O’Connell, LA Homing behavior in native range Rhinella marina […]

Symposium 77

Molecular Evolution Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Aide Macias-Muñoz Session Author(s) Title 77 Steck, M*; Sung, JY; Outomuro, D; Maddison, WP; Morehouse, N; Porter, ML Opsin evolution and color vision in jumping spiders 77 Boggs, TE*; Gross, JB Potential genomic loss of hemoglobin genes in the blind Mexican cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus as a consequence of […]

Symposium 76

Microbiomes: More Than Guts Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Emily Rivest Session Author(s) Title 76 Murphy, KM*; Liles, MR; Higgins, KV; Mendonca, MT; Warner, DA Methodology for sampling the microbiome of lizard eggs 76 Rajput, AP*; Meegaskumbura, M Caecilian harbor a distinctive microbiome: Ichthyophis bannanicus ( Amphibia, Gymnophiona) and anuran larvae compared 76 Kouete, MT*; […]

Symposium 75

Locomotion: Gaits & Gait Changes Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): SLD Toussaint Session Author(s) Title 75 Hale, ME*; Paletta, MG The water to land transition, submerged: How octopuses and other animals integrate movement on substrate and in water to locomote in aquatic environments 75 Kerr, SJ*; Nicastro, AJ; Zeligs, J; Skrovan, S; Fish, FE Biomechanical […]

Symposium 74

Locomotion: Climbing & Complex Terrain Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Hosain Bagheri Session Author(s) Title 74 Zhao, W*; Ayala, J; Schulz, A; Rong, H; McGowan, C; Hu, D Juvenile pandas use head motion to maintain balance during climbing 74 Greenslit, NW; Erskine, OM*; Iijima, M; Blob, RW; Palecek, AM Acrobatic archosaurs: kinematic comparisons of climbing […]

Symposium 73

Locomotion: Challenges & Obstacles Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Chen Li Session Author(s) Title 73 Saintsing, AJ*; Full, RJ Effects of leg loss depend on the leg lost in cockroaches 73 Othayoth, R; Li, C* Simultaneous wing opening and leg flailing enables strenuous ground self-righting in cockroaches 73 Othayoth, R*; Francois, E; Li, C Large […]

Symposium 72

Locomotion: Body Stiffness & Posture Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Robert Cieri Session Author(s) Title 72 Cieri, RL*; Dick, TJM; Clemente, CJ Ground reaction forces in monitor lizards (Varanidae) and the scaling of locomotion in sprawling tetrapods 72 Pfeiffenberger, JA*; Anderson, EJ; Tytell, ED Free swimming kinematics and whole-body mechanics of the Atlantic mackerel, Scomber […]

Symposium 71

Limb Biomechanics Day: Sat Jan 2 Organizer(s): Andrew George Session Author(s) Title 71 Sivitilli, DM*; Weertman, WL; Busch, EL; Ullmann, JF; Smith, JR; Gire, DH Strategies of single arm foraging in Octopus rubescens in the absence of visual feedback 71 Taylor-Burt, KR*; Biewener, AA Hindlimb skeletal anatomy and kinematics vary with swimming behavior in ducks […]

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