Single Meeting

Calendar: Upcoming Meetings

SICB 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting

January 3 – February 28, 2021

Phoenix AZ

June 24 – 30, 2020

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SICB 2021 will be a Virtual Annual Meeting for all attendees as it will be fully inclusive of all conference activities. SICB 2021 will take place from January 3 to February 28, 2021.

As we move forward in this new format, our guiding principles are (1) to capture the spirit, scientific value, and networking value of our in-person meetings, (2) to embrace this opportunity to broaden the reach of SICB and make our community more accessible and inclusive for all scientists and students, and (3) to offer many ways to participate in the meeting at your own pace and schedule over an extended period during January and February. Different from many other virtual conferences, our aim for extending the conference period over two months is to reduce the stress and fatigue brought on by too much screen time, which many of us are experiencing. This format allows attendees to view scientific content at their leisure, and provides a schedule with less overlap of multiple events of interest.

An Invitation to Participate

We invite researchers and scientists from around the world to participate in our international conference, a premiere venue for integrative and comparative biology. Submit an abstract by September 11 to present a contributed talk or poster, or register as a non-presenting attendee to experience all scientific content, networking events, socials, and vendors throughout the full conference period of January and February.

Meeting Highlights

  • Live-streamed symposia, plenary lectures, networking events, and other opportunities for virtual participation on the originally planned dates of January 3-7.
  • Pre-recorded contributed papers and posters available online throughout the full period of January 3-February 28, with discussion boards and live discussion events.
  • Best student prize competitions will take place (with exact format and timing TBD).
  • Continued strong student support through the Charlotte Magnum program, Broadening Participation initiatives, and mentoring.
  • For presenters, pre-recorded contributed talks and posters will be uploaded in December (date TBD). Presenters choose the format (either a talk or a poster) at the time of abstract submission.
  • will also take place throughout the full conference period.
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