SICB Statement on 2017 March for Science

We are proud to announce that the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) has signed on as a partner organization for the upcoming March for Science on April 22, 2017. As SICB scientists, we stand for diversity, academic freedom, science-based policy, and inclusiveness.  

Diversity is fundamental to every aspect of SICB’s mission. SICB stands with and is strengthened by people of all genders, gender identities and expressions, races, ethnicities, religions or religious beliefs, sexual orientations, disabilities, and national origins. We hold that diversity within the sciences is critical to advancing the frontiers of scientific knowledge, facilitating the dissemination of information, and fostering an environment conducive to discovery. 

Science is not a belief system or a set of opinions; rather, it is the rigorous process of discovering evidence-based truth through intensive research and experimentation. By its nature, science is non-partisan. We at SICB believe scientific information should be freely disseminated, and that all scientists should be free to communicate their findings without fear.  We oppose any effort to censor, edit, or restrict access to scientific information.

Scientists provide the best information and evidence possible to those who craft the policies that govern our lives. We call on policy makers to constantly seek sound scientific information, and to base their decisions on peer-reviewed evidence and scientific consensus. 

To SICB, the March for Science is not solely about promoting science and science policy, but about supporting all scientists, including those whose opportunities have been limited as a result of social injustice worldwide. Fostering inclusivity also helps to right historical wrongs, wherein people of marginalized demographics have been excluded from science. We consider inclusivity as a cornerstone of scientific advancement and a moral imperative. 

The March for Science is an opportunity to voice our support for diversity, academic freedom, science-based policy, and inclusiveness.  As an organization, SICB pledges to stand for these core SICB values with words and actions, on April 22 and at all times. Members who would like to participate in the March for Science can find information at


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