Integrative Biology Incubator Workshop, Oct. 14th, 2022

Integrative Biology Incubator Workshop

October 14th 9-11 AM PDT / 12-2 PM EDT

How do plants, animals, fungi and algae solve the same problems differently?

What blind spots become apparent in our core biological concepts when we compare and contrast solutions from different biological kingdoms? 

What do you wish more biologists knew about the kingdom of organisms that you work on?

The Journal of Integrative and Comparative Biology wants your thoughts on these questions! 

We are planning to publish a collection of papers on organismal biology and cross-kingdom comparative biology, and we anticipate developing articles that address the universal constraints on living organisms and highlight how life has evolved to solve similar problems differently. 

We are searching for scientists at all career stages to participate in a brainstorming workshop via Zoom, and we seek a diversity of experiences and perspectives. If you are interested in participating in this Zoom session and/or potentially co-authoring a manuscript, please fill out this form:

If you have any questions, please contact Suzanne Miller at

the Society for
Integrative &