Meeting Abstract 99-4 Wednesday, Jan. 6 14:15 The scent of danger: Male Sceloporus undulatus lizards exhibit different responses to chemical cues from snakes that pose different levels of predation risk PRUETT, J.A.*; HEWS, D.K.; PRUETT, Jake; Indiana State University Animals use information about risks associated with different predators to potentially minimize costs associated with engaging in […]
sessions: Session 99
Predators and prey examining flashing as a signal in Ctenoides ales, “disco” clams
Meeting Abstract 99-6 Wednesday, Jan. 6 14:45 Predators and prey: examining flashing as a signal in Ctenoides ales, “disco” clams DOUGHERTY, L/F*; NIEBERGALL, A/K; CALDWELL, R/L; University of California, Berkeley; University of California, Berkeley; University of California, Berkeley The “disco” clam Ctenoides ales is known for its vivid flashing display which results from light-scattering silica nanospheres. […]
How moths escape bats predicting outcomes of predator-prey interactions
Meeting Abstract 99-1 Wednesday, Jan. 6 13:30 How moths escape bats: predicting outcomes of predator-prey interactions CORCORAN, A.J.*; CONNER, W.E.; Wake Forest University; Wake Forest University What determines whether prey escape pursuit predators? To answer this question, biologists have developed mathematical models that incorporate geometries of attack, pursuit and escape trajectories, and relative kinematic performance […]
Eciton burchelli army ants avoid Nasutitermes termites
Meeting Abstract 99-2 Wednesday, Jan. 6 13:45 Eciton burchelli army ants avoid Nasutitermes termites KESSLER, B.J.*; KESSLER, D.J.; CALSBEEK, R.G.; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Dartmouth College Eciton burchellii army ants prey on a wide variety of arthropod taxa, but display avoidance behavior in response to Nasutitermes termites. This study investigates the roles of olfactory signals, […]
Do herons mitigate glare by adjusting body orientation during cross-media foraging
Meeting Abstract 99-7 Wednesday, Jan. 6 15:00 Do herons mitigate glare by adjusting body orientation during cross-media foraging? BROWN, H.M.*; RUBEGA, M.; University of Connecticut; University of Connecticut As visual predators, day herons face several challenges while hunting across the air-water interface. One potential challenge is that sun glint off of a reflective water surface, […]
Beyond the landscape of fear Defining the impact space of the sensory signals involved in predator-prey interactions
Meeting Abstract 99-3 Wednesday, Jan. 6 14:00 Beyond the landscape of fear: Defining the impact space of the sensory signals involved in predator-prey interactions. JURCAK, AM*; MOORE, PA; Bowling Green State University; Bowling Green State University Non-consumptive effects (NCEs) of predators can impact prey as much or more as consumptive effects (CEs) and to explain these […]
Analysis of Sulfur Presence in Tissue of Ctenoides ales, “disco clams”
Meeting Abstract 99-5 Wednesday, Jan. 6 14:30 Analysis of Sulfur Presence in Tissue of Ctenoides ales, “disco clams” NIEBERGALL, AK*; DOUGHERTY, LF; CALDWELL, RL; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of California, Berkeley Ctenoides ales is an Indo-Pacific bivalve that has a vivid flashing display caused by the rapid movement of the mantle […]
Vibrations in a Spider’s Web
Meeting Abstract 99-8 Saturday, Jan. 7 15:15 – 15:30 Vibrations in a Spider’s Web OTTO, A. W.*; ROSENTHAL, M. F.; ELIAS, D. O.; HATTON, R. L.; Oregon State Univ.; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Oregon State Univ. Due to their poor eyesight, spiders rely on web vibrations for situational awareness. In particular, […]
The evolution of locomotor performance in an invasive amphibian, Xenopus laevis
Meeting Abstract 99-7 Saturday, Jan. 7 15:00 – 15:15 The evolution of locomotor performance in an invasive amphibian, Xenopus laevis. HERREL, A*; LOUPPE, V; SIMURINA, T; PADILLA, P; MOUREAUX, C; MIKAELOFF, F; CLAQUIN, M; COURANT, J; CNRS/MNHN; CNRS/MNHN; CNRS/MNHN; CNRS/MNHN; CNRS/MNHN; CNRS/MNHN; CNRS/MNHN; CNRS/MNHN Xenopus laevis is a globally invasive amphibian that has been suggested to […]
The evolution of jaw protrusion mechanics is tightly linked to ecological divergence along a bentho-pelagic niche axis in damselfishes (Pomacentridae)
Meeting Abstract 99-5 Saturday, Jan. 7 14:30 – 14:45 The evolution of jaw protrusion mechanics is tightly linked to ecological divergence along a bentho-pelagic niche axis in damselfishes (Pomacentridae). CARTER, CB*; COOPER , WJ; SMITH, A; RICE, AN; WESTNEAT, MW; Washington State University; Washington State University; University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Cornell University; University of Chicago Jaw […]