Posterior HoxA and HoxD Genes in Avian Limb Development

Meeting Abstract 99.5  Thursday, Jan. 7  Posterior HoxA and HoxD Genes in Avian Limb Development FOWLER, D.A.**; DE BAKKER, M.A.G.; RICHARDSON, M.K.; Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL), Leiden University; Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL), Leiden University; Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL), Leiden University Comparative studies of regulatory networks and their constituent signaling factors provide a powerful […]

Investigating conservation and differentiation in related developmental gene regulatory networks

Meeting Abstract 99.2  Thursday, Jan. 7  Investigating conservation and differentiation in related developmental gene regulatory networks GREENFEST-ALLEN, E*; KINGSLEY, P; PALIS, J; STOECKERT, CJ; Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; Univ. of Rochester, Rochester; Univ. of Rochester, Rochester; Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia A central question in the study of biodiversity is how to resolve conservation of phylum-level traits […]

Evolution of Gene Regulatory Networks PaxSix in Ephydatia muelleri (Porifera; Demospongiae)

Meeting Abstract 99.1  Thursday, Jan. 7  Evolution of Gene Regulatory Networks: Pax/Six in Ephydatia muelleri (Porifera; Demospongiae) RIVERA, Ajna*; CIENIEWICZ , Brandon; DANKA, Elizabeth; WINTERS, Ian; RUED, Anna; WARNER, Lisa; GENTILE, Lisa; HILL, Malcolm; HILL, April; University of Richmond; University of Richmond; University of Richmond; University of Richmond; University of Richmond; University of Richmond; University of Richmond; […]

A Developmental Model for the Evolution of Size Proportions in Fingers and Toes

Meeting Abstract 99.3  Thursday, Jan. 7  A Developmental Model for the Evolution of Size Proportions in Fingers and Toes KAVANAGH, KD*; TABIN, CJ; University of Massachusetts Dartmouth and Harvard Medical School; Harvard Medical School Phalanges (finger and toe bones) originate from a single condensation that grows and segments sequentially along each digit, repeatedly deploying the same […]

The black widow’s hourglass a covert aposematic signal

Meeting Abstract 99.2  Saturday, Jan. 7  The black widow’s hourglass: a covert aposematic signal? BRANDLEY, N. C.*; JOHNSEN, S.; Duke University While culturally iconic, the hourglass of the American black widows (Latrodectus hesperus, L. mactans, and L. variolus) is scientifically unstudied. The hourglass’ color and orientation suggest that it is an aposematic signal to avian predators. […]

Predation in the strawberry poison frog Oophaga pumilio Are adults and juveniles equally protected from ctenid spiders

Meeting Abstract 99.3  Saturday, Jan. 7  Predation in the strawberry poison frog Oophaga pumilio: Are adults and juveniles equally protected from ctenid spiders? MURRAY, Erin M.*; SAPORITO, Ralph A.; Missouri State University; John Carroll University Many organisms possess defensive mechanisms to protect themselves from predation. Dendrobatid frogs, such as Oophaga pumilio, contain alkaloid chemical defenses and […]

Luminescent responses to predation in the scale worm Harmothoe imbricata

Meeting Abstract 99.1  Saturday, Jan. 7  Luminescent responses to predation in the scale worm Harmothoe imbricata RIVERS, TJ*; PERREAULT, TR; Bowdoin College; Bowdoin College Bioluminescence is a phenomenon that has evolved many different times in many different organisms, especially in marine systems. For all that is known about how many of these species luminesce (physiologically and […]

Does predation by leeches inferred from chemical cues impose any appreciable costs on their snail prey

Meeting Abstract 99.4  Saturday, Jan. 7  Does predation by leeches inferred from chemical cues impose any appreciable costs on their snail prey? WETHINGTON, A R; Chowan University Physa acuta, a prominent member of freshwater ecosystems, is known to have morphological, life history, and behavioral responses to both fish and crayfish predators. However, less is known about […]

Behavioral sensitivity of batoid elasmobranchs to prey-simulating electric fields

Meeting Abstract 99.5  Saturday, Jan. 7  Behavioral sensitivity of batoid elasmobranchs to prey-simulating electric fields BEDORE, CN*; HARRIS, LL; KAJIURA, SM; Florida Atlantic University; Florida Atlantic University; Florida Atlantic University Elasmobranchs are renowned for their electrosensory capabilities and sensitivity to electric fields has been quantified for numerous species. However, tremendous diversity in morphology, behavior, and habitat […]

The Homology of Feathers and Scales Using New High-throughput Methods to Address a Classic Question

Meeting Abstract 99.5  Sunday, Jan. 6  The Homology of Feathers and Scales: Using New High-throughput Methods to Address a Classic Question MUSSER, JM*; WAGNER, GP; PRUM, RO; Yale University; Yale University, Yale Systems biology Institute; Yale University, Peabody Museum of Natural History Feathers are an important anatomical innovation that evolved in the ancestors of birds and […]

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