Meeting Abstract 97-6 Saturday, Jan. 7 14:45 – 15:00 Free Flight Tracking in Unsteady Flow: Probing Hawkmoth Maneuverability in an Artificial Flower Wake MATTHEWS, M*; SPONBERG, S; Georgia Tech; Georgia Tech Birds, insects, and many other animals have developed mechanisms to maintain hovering flight to feed from flowers across varied biological length scales and environments. Although […]
sessions: Session 97
Adaptive Flight Behaviour Found in Urban Gulls using Orographic Lift
Meeting Abstract 97-4 Saturday, Jan. 7 14:15 – 14:30 Adaptive Flight Behaviour Found in Urban Gulls using Orographic Lift SHEPARD, ELC; WILLIAMSON, CJ*; WINDSOR, SP; Univ. of Bristol, Bristol, UK; Univ. of Swansea, Swansea, UK; Univ. of Bristol, Bristol, UK Birds are known to exploit global airflows; adapting their migratory routes to reduce the high […]
Not ornament but aerodynamic device New hypothesis for the horn of rhinoceros auklet
Meeting Abstract 97-5 Saturday, Jan. 6 14:30 – 14:45 Not ornament but aerodynamic device? New hypothesis for the horn of rhinoceros auklet KIKUCHI, D*; MAEDA, M; SHIOMI, K; TANAKA, H; Tokyo City Univ.; Tokyo Institute of Technology; National Institute of Polar Research; Tokyo Institute of Technology It has long been debated that morphological trait appears only […]
Multi-element wings How coordinated feather motion enables avian wing morphing
Meeting Abstract 97-1 Saturday, Jan. 6 13:30 – 13:45 Multi-element wings: How coordinated feather motion enables avian wing morphing MATLOFF, LY*; CHANG, E; STOWERS, AK; FEO, TJ; THOMSON, C; LENTINK, D; Stanford University ; Stanford University ; Stanford University ; Smithsonian Institution, Division of Birds; Stanford University ; Stanford University Feathers allow birds to morph their […]
High-Speed Surface Reconstruction of Flying Birds Using Structured Light
Meeting Abstract 97-3 Saturday, Jan. 6 14:00 – 14:15 High-Speed Surface Reconstruction of Flying Birds Using Structured Light DEETJEN, ME*; LENTINK, D; Stanford University; Stanford University Birds fly effectively through complex windy environments, and in order to understand the strategies that enable them to do so, we need to determine the shape and movement of […]
Feathered wings how underactuated wings morph to widen the performance envelope of gliding flight
Meeting Abstract 97-6 Saturday, Jan. 6 14:45 – 15:00 Feathered wings: how underactuated wings morph to widen the performance envelope of gliding flight CHANG, E.*; MATLOFF, LY; STOWERS, AK; LENTINK, D; Stanford University; Stanford University; Stanford University; Stanford University Birds change the shape of their wings through a variety of poses during gliding to precisely control […]
Effects of added payload on wingbeat kinematics in a flap-bounding bird
Meeting Abstract 97-4 Saturday, Jan. 6 14:15 – 14:30 Effects of added payload on wingbeat kinematics in a flap-bounding bird LAPSANSKY, AB*; IGOE, J; TOBALSKE, BW; University of Montana; University of Montana; University of Montana Diverse bird species exhibit a flap-bounding pattern in flight, wherein the bird periodically interrupts flapping by folding its wings and torpedoing […]
Avian gliding flight wing configurations in and out of ground effect
Meeting Abstract 97-2 Saturday, Jan. 6 13:45 – 14:00 Avian gliding flight: wing configurations in and out of ground effect CHENEY, JA; STEVENSON, JPJ; DURSTON, NE; USHERWOOD, JR; WINDSOR, SP; BOMPHREY, RJ*; Royal Veterinary College, UK; University of Bristol, UK; University of Bristol, UK; Royal Veterinary College, UK; University of Bristol, UK; Royal Veterinary College, UK […]
The Neuroendocrinology of Population Cycles in Voles
Meeting Abstract 97-8 Sunday, Jan. 6 15:15 – 15:30 The Neuroendocrinology of Population Cycles in Voles EDWARDS, PD*; BOONSTRA, R; University of Toronto Scarborough Microtine rodents (voles and lemmings) go through marked 3-4 year population cycles throughout the northern hemisphere. The demography of these cycles has been well-documented over decades of research. However, the observation that […]
Seasonal relationship between steroids and immunity in a hibernating tegu lizard
Meeting Abstract 97-2 Sunday, Jan. 6 13:45 – 14:00 Seasonal relationship between steroids and immunity in a hibernating tegu lizard MADELAIRE, CB*; ZENA, LA; BUCK, CL; BICEGO, KC; GOMES, FR; Univ. of São Paulo; Univ. of São Paulo; Northern Arizona Univ.; São Paulo State Univ.; Univ. of São Paulo Steroid hormones are considered mediators of […]