Why spike An energetic benefit for spiky muscle stimulation and oscillatory calcium transients

Meeting Abstract 97-3  Wednesday, Jan. 6 13:40  Why spike: An energetic benefit for spiky muscle stimulation and oscillatory calcium transients SRINIVASAN, M.; The Ohio State University srinivasan.88@osu.edu http://movement.osu.edu/publications.html During muscle force production, each discrete neural spike results in a large fast efflux of calcium ions from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) into the myoflibrillar space, which is then […]

Trout selectively swim behind tandem cylinders in flow depending on gap spacing

Meeting Abstract 97-7  Wednesday, Jan. 6 14:00  Trout selectively swim behind tandem cylinders in flow depending on gap spacing LIAO, J.C.*; STEWART, W.J.; TIAN, F.B.; AKANYETI, O.; WALKER, C.; The Whitney Lab for Marine Bioscience/UF; University of New South Wales jliao@whitney.ufl.edu http://www.liaolab.com/ We investigated the kinematics and preference of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, n= 4, body length […]

Technological advancements to foster clinical assessment of bone density in live, free-ranging bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus

Meeting Abstract 97-6  Wednesday, Jan. 6 13:55  Technological advancements to foster clinical assessment of bone density in live, free-ranging bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus POWELL, J.W.B.*; DUFFIELD, D.A.; KAUFMAN, J.J.; WELLS, R.S.; MCFEE, W.E.; Portland State University; Portland State University; CyberLogic, Inc.; Chicago Zoological Society/Sarasota Dolphin Research Program; National Ocean Service james.powell@pdx.edu To circumvent limitations in traditional radiographic […]

Springing to Safety Aerial acrobatics of the California slender salamander, Batrachoseps attenuatus

Meeting Abstract 97-16  Wednesday, Jan. 6 14:45  Springing to Safety: Aerial acrobatics of the California slender salamander, Batrachoseps attenuatus MEHTA, R/S*; DILUZIO, A/R; WILLIAMS, R; SINERVO, B; MEHTA, Rita; Univ. of California, Santa Cruz; Univ. of California, Santa Cruz; Univ. of California, Santa Cruz rmehta2@ucsc.edu Salamanders are common prey items for many species of vertebrates. Not surprising, […]

Slotted feathers aren’t just for efficiency

Meeting Abstract 97-10  Wednesday, Jan. 6 14:15  Slotted feathers aren’t just for efficiency KLAASSEN VAN OORSCHOT, B*; TOBALSKE, B.W.; Univ. of Montana brett.kvo@umontana.edu http://www.brettkvo.com Soaring birds including hawks and vultures exhibit emarginated primary feathers that collectively create a slotted wing-tip. Research has indicated these wing-tip slots reduce induced drag, resulting in a more efficient wing (i.e. better […]

Skeletal anomalies in the mesopelagic oarfish, Regalecus russelii

Meeting Abstract 97-12  Wednesday, Jan. 6 14:25  Skeletal anomalies in the mesopelagic oarfish, Regalecus russelii PAIG-TRAN, E.W.M.*; BARRIOS, A.; FERRY, L.A.; C.S.U. Fullerton; C.S.U. Fullerton; Arizona State University empaig-tran@fullerton.edu http://mistypaigtran.jimdo.com/ Hyperostosis, extra bone growth, has evolved independently in at least 22 families of fishes most of which are tropical or subtropical marine species. While the presence of […]

Reproductive Morphology of Oarfish Regalecus russelii

Meeting Abstract 97-5  Wednesday, Jan. 6 13:50  Reproductive Morphology of Oarfish Regalecus russelii FORSGREN, KL*; JAMAL, H; California State University, Fullerton; California State University, Fullerton kforsgren@fullerton.edu Little is known about the reproductive biology of oarfish (Regalecus russelii). In the last three years, as many oarfish have been discovered on southern California beaches; two females (Oct. 2013: 4.4m […]

Premaxillary protrusion in the ribbonfishes extreme suction production in the mesopelagic realm

Meeting Abstract 97-1  Wednesday, Jan. 6 13:30  Premaxillary protrusion in the ribbonfishes: extreme suction production in the mesopelagic realm? FERRY, LA*; PAIG-TRAN, EW; Arizona State; Cal State Fullerton Lara.Ferry@asu.edu http://morphology.asu.edu Jaw (premaxillary) protrusion is thought to be a key innovation correlated with the subsequent radiation and diversification of fishes. Extreme amounts of protrusion are associated with suction […]

Optimal quadrupedal locomotion

Meeting Abstract 97-9  Wednesday, Jan. 6 14:10  Optimal quadrupedal locomotion SRINIVASAN, M.; The Ohio State University srinivasan.88@osu.edu http://movement.osu.edu/publications.html Horses walk at slow speeds, trot at intermediate speeds, and gallop at high speeds. Other quadrupeds, including trained horses, can perform a variety of other gaits, such as an amble, pace, canter, tolt, etc. Here, we use a series […]

Myosin fiber types in moles Fast muscles make the slow burrower

Meeting Abstract 97-4  Wednesday, Jan. 6 13:45  Myosin fiber types in moles: Fast muscles make the slow burrower BUTCHER, MT*; THOMAS, DR; RISKIN, DK; MITCHELL, RM; HERMANSON, JW; Youngstown State University; Youngstown State University; Univ. of Toronto, Mississauga; Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta; Cornell University mtbutcher@ysu.edu http://mtbutcher.people.ysu.edu/Home.html Moles have modified forelimbs that allow them to apply remarkably […]

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