Meeting Abstract 97.7 Monday, Jan. 6 15:00 Dynamic adaptation of exploratory movements for texture perception DAVIS-BERG, E.C.*; SACHAR, C.; CALLIER, T.; SAAL, H.P.; BENSMAIA, S.J.; Columbia College Chicago; University of Chicago; University of Chicago; University of Chicago; University of Chicago When we explore a textured surface, vibrations are produced in the fingertip skin that carry information […]
sessions: Session 97
Cannabinoid Receptor-Mediated Changes of Mitral Cell Activity through Modification of Synaptic Input in the Main Olfactory Bulb
Meeting Abstract 97.6 Monday, Jan. 6 14:45 Cannabinoid Receptor-Mediated Changes of Mitral Cell Activity through Modification of Synaptic Input in the Main Olfactory Bulb HEINBOCKEL, T.*; WANG, Z.-J.; SUN, L.; Howard University, Washington, DC; Howard University, Washington, DC; Howard University, Washington, DC Marijuana (cannabis) is the most commonly abused illicit drug in the USA. Its bioactive […]
Artificial vs natural stimuli How conditioned responses to artificial water flows reveal the sensory basis for prey detection in a cichlid fish
Meeting Abstract 97.1 Monday, Jan. 6 13:30 Artificial vs. natural stimuli: How conditioned responses to artificial water flows reveal the sensory basis for prey detection in a cichlid fish SCHWALBE, MAB*; WEBB, JF; University of Rhode Island; University of Rhode Island Using natural stimuli to investigate behaviors mediated by the lateral line system (LL) is ideal, […]
Understanding the Role of Fin Flexion in Rays’ Forward Swimming
Meeting Abstract 97.7 Wednesday, Jan. 7 09:30 Understanding the Role of Fin Flexion in Rays’ Forward Swimming DONG, H.; LIU, G.*; REN, Y.; LI, C.; BART-SMITH, H.; FISH, F.; University of Virginia; West Chester University Flexion in flapping fins is a hallmark of fish swimming. It’s widely thought that this flexion may be the source of […]
The vertebral kinematics of convergent elongate, limb reduced squamates
Meeting Abstract 97.4 Wednesday, Jan. 7 08:45 The vertebral kinematics of convergent elongate, limb reduced squamates MORINAGA, G.*; BERGMANN, P. J.; Clark University; Clark University The convergent evolution of body elongation and limb reduction is an extreme, yet widespread phenotype among vertebrates, especially among squamate reptiles. In addition to snakes and amphisbaenians, lizards have independently evolved […]
The mechanical functions of muscle and tendon during arboreal locomotion in Anolis lizards
Meeting Abstract 97.6 Wednesday, Jan. 7 09:15 The mechanical functions of muscle and tendon during arboreal locomotion in Anolis lizards FOSTER, KL*; HIGHAM, TE; Univ. of California, Riverside; Univ. of California, Riverside Lizards are exceptionally adept at moving through highly complex environments, and this extreme performance requires that their muscles function effectively under widely disparate […]
Limbless locomotion in heterogeneous terrestrial substrates
Meeting Abstract 97.1 Wednesday, Jan. 7 08:00 Limbless locomotion in heterogeneous terrestrial substrates. SCHIEBEL, P.*; GOLDMAN, D.I.; Georgia Institute of Technology; Georgia Institute of Technology Snakes can traverse heterogeneous terrain composed of rocks, foliage, soil and/or sand. Previous research elucidated how rigid obstacles influence snake locomotion by studying a model heterogeneous terrain—symmetric lattices of obstacles placed […]
Intraspecies variation of predator escape response kinematics in a Southwestern cyprinid
Meeting Abstract 97.2 Wednesday, Jan. 7 08:15 Intraspecies variation of predator escape response kinematics in a Southwestern cyprinid MORAN, C/J*; GIBB, A/C; Northern Arizona University Most fishes perform a C-start (or fast-start escape response) in response to a negative stimulus. The C-start accelerates the center of mass away from the stimulus and is the primary mechanism […]
Do moles burrow like Michael Phelps The stroke pattern of Eastern moles
Meeting Abstract 97.3 Wednesday, Jan. 7 08:30 Do moles burrow like Michael Phelps? The stroke pattern of Eastern moles LIN, Y.F.*; HORNER, A.M.; DUMONT, E.R; University of Massachusetts, Amherst; California State University, San Bernardino; University of Massachusetts, Amherst Forelimb strokes are used to propel animals through substrates in many forms of locomotion, including flying, swimming, sculling […]
A tale without a twist The impacts of tail restriction and autotomy on locomotion in geckos
Meeting Abstract 97.5 Wednesday, Jan. 7 09:00 A tale without a twist: The impacts of tail restriction and autotomy on locomotion in geckos JAGNANDAN, K.*; HIGHAM, T. E.; University of California, Riverside; University of California, Riverside Tail autotomy is an escape strategy commonly observed in lizards that involves the voluntary shedding of the tail in […]