Pigments, parasites, and personalities The role of cortisol and melanocortin receptor gene variants

Meeting Abstract 97-7  Sunday, Jan. 6 15:00 – 15:15  Pigments, parasites, and personalities: The role of cortisol and melanocortin receptor gene variants OVERLI, O; Norwegian University of Life Sciences oyvind.overli@nmbu.no In many vertebrate species, black eumelanin-based pigmentation patterns correlate with social dominance and high stress- and disease-resistance. In salmonid fishes (genus Salmo and Oncorhynchus) fish with high […]

Melatonin mediates seasonal transitions in circulating androgen profiles and aggression in male Siberian hamsters

Meeting Abstract 97-3  Sunday, Jan. 6 14:00 – 14:15  Melatonin mediates seasonal transitions in circulating androgen profiles and aggression in male Siberian hamsters MUNLEY, KM*; DEYOE, JE; REN, CC; DEMAS, GE; Indiana University; Indiana University; Indiana University; Indiana University kmunley@indiana.edu http://kmunley.com Some seasonally-breeding animals exhibit equivalent or increased levels of aggressive behavior during the short-day (SD) photoperiods […]

Leptin promotes reproductive behavior in red-sided garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis)

Meeting Abstract 97-6  Sunday, Jan. 6 14:45 – 15:00  Leptin promotes reproductive behavior in red-sided garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) WILSON, RC*; LEMASTER, MP; LUTTERSCHMIDT, DI; Portland State University ; Western Oregon University; Portland State University rwilson@pdx.edu The endocrine mechanisms that mediate to what extent an individual invests in reproduction are poorly understood. Because reproduction is an […]

Is spatial memory impacted by intranasal administration of oxytocin or vasopressin Chronic intranasal vasopressin influences spatial memory in male prairie voles

Meeting Abstract 97-4  Sunday, Jan. 6 14:15 – 14:30  Is spatial memory impacted by intranasal administration of oxytocin or vasopressin? Chronic intranasal vasopressin influences spatial memory in male prairie voles FINTON, CJ*; OPHIR, AG; Cornell University cjf225@cornell.edu Oxytocin (OT) and vasopressin (VP) are known to modulate pairbonding, but are less appreciated for their influence on cognition, including […]

Investigating the Effects of Juvenile Hormone and Royal Jelly on Lasiodora parahybana

Meeting Abstract 97-1  Sunday, Jan. 6 13:30 – 13:45  Investigating the Effects of Juvenile Hormone and Royal Jelly on Lasiodora parahybana WOLFORD, D.M.*; DAVIS, J.E.; Radford University; Radford University awolford5@radford.edu Here I describe the results of an on-going study, in which we are investigating the interactive effects of major royal jelly peptides (MRJP) and juvenile hormone (JH) […]

How Collared Lizard, Crotaphytus collaris, Hatchling Orange Bars Affect Male-Male Interactions

Meeting Abstract 97-5  Sunday, Jan. 6 14:30 – 14:45  How Collared Lizard, Crotaphytus collaris, Hatchling Orange Bars Affect Male-Male Interactions AGAN, JA*; LOVERN, MB; GRINDSTAFF, JL; FOX, SF; Oklahoma State University; Oklahoma State University; Oklahoma State University; Oklahoma State University justin.agan@okstate.edu Collared lizards, Crotaphytus collaris, are sexually dimorphic lizards in which males use their sexually selected traits […]

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