Evolution of bioluminescent mating signals in cypridinid ostracods (Crustacea)

Meeting Abstract 96.3  Tuesday, Jan. 6 14:15  Evolution of bioluminescent mating signals in cypridinid ostracods (Crustacea) HENSLEY, N.M.*; LEUNG, N.; TORRES, E.; OAKLEY, T.H.; Univ. of California, Santa Barbara; Univ. of California, Santa Barbara; Cal. State Univ., Los Angeles; Univ. of California, Santa Barbara hensley@lifesci.ucsb.edu How new traits originate is a central question in evolutionary biology, but […]

Spots, stripes, and slugs Insight into color and biogeography of tritoniid nudibranchs

Meeting Abstract 96-5  Wednesday, Jan. 6 14:30  Spots, stripes, and slugs: Insight into color and biogeography of tritoniid nudibranchs HULETT, R.E.*; GOSLINER, T.M.; California Academy of Sciences/San Francisco State University; California Academy of Sciences ryanehulett@gmail.com Nudibranchs offer a fascinating system to investigate biogeography and color evolution due to their ranges and mesmerizing pigmentation. The overall lack of […]

Spectral shifts of mammalian ultraviolet-sensitive pigments (SWS1) are associated with eye length and photic niche evolution

Meeting Abstract 96-2  Wednesday, Jan. 6 13:45  Spectral shifts of mammalian ultraviolet-sensitive pigments (SWS1) are associated with eye length and photic niche evolution EMERLING, C.A.*; HUYNH, H.T.; NGUYEN, M.A.; MEREDITH, R.W.; SPRINGER, M.S.; Univ. of California, Berkeley/Univ. of California Riverside; Univ. of California Riverside; Univ. of California Riverside; Montclair State University/Univ. of California Riverside; Univ. of California […]

Evolutionary Patterns of Hummingbird Coloration

Meeting Abstract 96-3  Wednesday, Jan. 6 14:00  Evolutionary Patterns of Hummingbird Coloration SIMPSON, R.K.*; GIVENS, J.; MCGRAW, K.J.; Arizona State University; Arizona State University; Arizona State University rksimps1@asu.edu https://rksimpson9.wordpress.com Animals display an amazing diversity of colors. These colors are used for a variety of behavioral functions, such as mate attraction, predator avoidance, or camouflage. Reconstructing the evolutionary […]

Evidence for early shifts in the melanin-based color system of birds

Meeting Abstract 96-7  Wednesday, Jan. 6 15:00  Evidence for early shifts in the melanin-based color system of birds ELIASON, CM*; SHAWKEY, MD; CLARKE, JA; Univ. of Texas, Austin TX; Univ. of Akron, Akron OH; Univ. of Texas, Austin TX chad_eliason@utexas.edu Melanin pigments contained in organelles (melanosomes) impart earthy colors to feathers. Such melanin-based colors are distributed across […]

Color Polymorphism in the Eastern Red-backed Salamander (Plethodon cinereus) How Morphs are Seen Through the Eyes of Visual Predators

Meeting Abstract 96-4  Wednesday, Jan. 6 14:15  Color Polymorphism in the Eastern Red-backed Salamander (Plethodon cinereus): How Morphs are Seen Through the Eyes of Visual Predators HANTAK, M.M*; KUCHTA, S.R.; Ohio University ; Ohio University mh433113@ohio.edu Color polymorphism is the presence of two or more discrete, genetically determined color morphs in a population. In many cases, the […]

Color Diversification in the Endemic Land Snails of Galápagos

Meeting Abstract 96-1  Wednesday, Jan. 6 13:30  Color Diversification in the Endemic Land Snails of Galápagos KRAEMER, A.C.*; PARENT, C.E.; Univ. of Idaho; Univ. of Idaho andrew.c.kraemer@gmail.com http://www.andrewckraemer.wordpress.com The Galápagos endemic land snails of the genus Naesiotus have undergone a massive, recent radiation into 80 ecologically diverse species over the last five million years. Coupled with this […]

A Shift in Ecological and Physiological CostBenefit Provide an Adaptive Advantage for the Ontogenetic Transition from Conspicuous Colored Tails to Cryptic Colored Tails in Plestiodon fasciatus

Meeting Abstract 96-6  Wednesday, Jan. 6 14:45  A Shift in Ecological and Physiological Cost/Benefit Provide an Adaptive Advantage for the Ontogenetic Transition from Conspicuous Colored Tails to Cryptic Colored Tails in Plestiodon fasciatus KROGMAN, W.L.; Midwestern State University wlkrog@gmail.com Conspicuously colored autotomous tails of many lizard species can direct predator attacks away from vital body areas thus […]

Squid Symbionts Use a Molecular Syringe to Kill Competitors

Meeting Abstract 96-5  Saturday, Jan. 7 11:30 – 11:45  Squid Symbionts Use a Molecular Syringe to Kill Competitors SPEARE, L; WOLLENBERG, M; MANDEL, M; MIYASHIRO, T; SEPTER, A*; Univ. of North Carolina; Kalamazoo College; Northwestern Univ.; Penn State Univ.; Univ. of North Carolina asepter@email.unc.edu Acquisition of beneficial symbionts from the environment is found throughout biology, yet little […]

Seasons and Neighborhoods of High Lead Toxicity in New York City the Feral Pigeon as a Bioindicator

Meeting Abstract 96-1  Saturday, Jan. 7 10:30 – 10:45  Seasons and Neighborhoods of High Lead Toxicity in New York City: the Feral Pigeon as a Bioindicator CALISI, RM*; CAI, F; University of California, Davis; Columbia University rmcalisi@ucdavis.edu Although U.S. government bans on lead in paint and gasoline have significantly reduced lead concentrations in human tissues, lead is […]

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