Population structure of Linanthus dichotomus (Polemoniaceae) using microsatellite analysis can phenotypic variation restrict gene flow and lead to a pollinator shift

Meeting Abstract 96.2  Monday, Jan. 6 13:45  Population structure of Linanthus dichotomus (Polemoniaceae) using microsatellite analysis: can phenotypic variation restrict gene flow and lead to a pollinator shift? GRAHAM, N.M.*; SMITH, C.L.; ROUTMAN, E.J.; San Francisco State University; San Francisco State University; San Francisco State University synapsida@gmail.com Linanthus dichotomus, an annual plant distributed across California, Nevada and […]

Identifying the genomic signature of selection using a simulation model

Meeting Abstract 96.3  Monday, Jan. 6 14:00  Identifying the genomic signature of selection using a simulation model FLANAGAN, S.P.*; JONES, A.G.; Texas A and M University sflanagan@bio.tamu.edu Selection on phenotypic traits is a major driver of evolutionary change, but evolution will only occur if there is a heritable component of selected traits. Understanding the effects of selection […]

Heritability of dispersal-related traits and gene expression in larvae of reef-building corals

Meeting Abstract 96.6  Monday, Jan. 6 14:45  Heritability of dispersal-related traits and gene expression in larvae of reef-building corals DAVIES, S/W*; MATZ, M/V; Univ. of Texas, Austin; Univ. of Texas, Austin daviessw@gmail.com Reef-building corals are declining as a result of both direct and indirect anthropogenic influences, including elevated sea surface temperatures due to global warming. Range shifts […]

Genetic signatures of ecological speciation in a coral-associated nudibranch

Meeting Abstract 96.5  Monday, Jan. 6 14:30  Genetic signatures of ecological speciation in a coral-associated nudibranch FRITTS-PENNIMAN, AL*; MAHARDIKA, GN; BARBER, PH; Univ. of California, Los Angeles; Udayana Univ., Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia; Univ. of California, Los Angeles afrittspenniman@ucla.edu In marine environments there are insufficient geographic barriers to attribute the great diversity of species to vicariance. However, coral […]

Genetic modeling to study limits in selection experiments for behavioral traits

Meeting Abstract 96.7  Monday, Jan. 6 15:00  Genetic modeling to study limits in selection experiments for behavioral traits HIRAMATSU, L.*; WOLAK, M.; GARLAND, T.; Univ. of California, Riverside; Univ. of California, Riverside; Univ. of California, Riverside lhira001@ucr.edu Many behaviors can be viewed as composite traits because the total amount of expression is the product of intensity and […]

Ultraviolet Fluorescence of the Rattlesnake Rattle

Meeting Abstract 96.2  Tuesday, Jan. 6 13:45  Ultraviolet Fluorescence of the Rattlesnake Rattle PLACE, AJ*; DUNBAR, G; Northwestern Oklahoma State Univ.; Northwestern Oklahoma State Univ. ajplace@nwosu.edu Animal communication is a complex process that can occur in multiple sensory modalities. The rattlesnake rattle is known to be an auditory signal used in a defensive context. We present novel […]

Throat color morphs in male Sceloporus parvus lizards morphology, mite loads and behavior

Meeting Abstract 96.1  Tuesday, Jan. 6 13:30  Throat color morphs in male Sceloporus parvus lizards: morphology, mite loads and behavior HEWS, DK*; PRUETT, JA; CAMPOS, SM; ZÚÑIGA-VEGA, JJ; VITAL, C; MARTINS, EP; Indiana State Univ.; Indiana State Univ.; Indiana Univ.; Univ. Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez, Mexico; Univ. Nacional Autónoma de México; Indiana Univ. diana.hews@indstate.edu http://www.indstate.edu/biology/faculty/hews.htm Researchers have […]

Production of sound by the white tubercled crayfish (Procambarus spiculifer)

Meeting Abstract 96.5  Tuesday, Jan. 6 14:30  Production of sound by the white tubercled crayfish (Procambarus spiculifer) CASTRO, Y.S.*; UYENO, T.A.; Valdosta State University; Valdosta State University yscastro@valdosta.edu In this study, we describe the production of sound by the white tubercled crayfish (Procambarus spiculifer). Despite the fact that much is known about the white tubercled crayfish’s life […]

Intensity modulation in toad calls scales inversely with body size are large males ending on a good note

Meeting Abstract 96.4  Tuesday, Jan. 6 14:15  Intensity modulation in toad calls scales inversely with body size: are large males ending on a good note? CLARK, BJ; HUCKANS, JH*; IBRAHIM, GT; HRANITZ, JM; Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania jhranitz@bloomu.edu The ability to distinguish fundamental frequency from resonant frequency in vertebrates with tubular vocal tracts essentially eliminated dominant frequency […]

First evidence of fish larvae producing sounds

Meeting Abstract 96.6  Tuesday, Jan. 6 14:45  First evidence of fish larvae producing sounds STAATERMAN, E R*; PARIS, C B; KOUGH, A S; University of Miami; University of Miami; University of Miami estaaterman@rsmas.miami.edu http://www.ericastaaterman.com The acoustic ecology of marine fishes has traditionally focused on adults, while overlooking the early life history stages. Here we document the first […]

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