SOCIETY FOR INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY 2021 VIRTUAL ANNUAL MEETING (VAM)January 3 – Febuary 28, 2021 Meeting Abstract 96-9 Sat Jan 2 Can branchiopod crustaceans detect predators and/or prey using multimodal sensory integration? Legg, A*; Lessios, N; Assumption University; Assumption University Branchiopods are a group of crustaceans that are often found in temporary pond habitats. These […]
sessions: Session 96
Brain transcriptomic responses of Yarrow’s spiny lizard, Sceloporus jarrovii, to conspecific visual or chemical signals
SOCIETY FOR INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY 2021 VIRTUAL ANNUAL MEETING (VAM)January 3 – Febuary 28, 2021 Meeting Abstract 96-12 Sat Jan 2 Brain transcriptomic responses of Yarrow’s spiny lizard, Sceloporus jarrovii, to conspecific visual or chemical signals Romero-Diaz, C*; Xu, C; Campos, SM; Kusumi, K; Hews, DK; Martins, EP; Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ; Arizona State University, […]
Wettability of Pitcher Plant Trapping Surfaces
Meeting Abstract 96-5 Monday, Jan. 6 14:30 – 14:45 Wettability of Pitcher Plant Trapping Surfaces GOLOS, MR*; BAUER, U; University of Bristol Carnivorous plants have evolved a myriad of highly elaborate structures in order to attract, trap, and retain their prey. Notable among these are the main trapping surfaces of tropical pitcher plants (Nepenthes and Heliamphora), […]
Ultrafast and underdamped Slingshot spiders design conical webs for ambush predation and self-survival
Meeting Abstract 96-4 Monday, Jan. 6 14:15 – 14:30 Ultrafast and underdamped: Slingshot spiders design conical webs for ambush predation and self-survival ALEXANDER, SLM; BHAMLA, MS*; Georgia Institute of Technology Numerous living systems employ biological springs and latches to mechanically amplify their power for ultrafast movements. The biomechanics of power-packed, ultrafast motion in both natural […]
The Answer is Blowing in the Wind Flower Wake Downwash Can Reduce Aerodynamic Forces in Insect Flight
Meeting Abstract 96-1 Monday, Jan. 6 13:30 – 13:45 The Answer is Blowing in the Wind: Flower Wake Downwash Can Reduce Aerodynamic Forces in Insect Flight MATTHEWS, M*; CROWLEY, CJ; AIELLO, BR; SIKANDAR, UB; SPONBERG, S; Georgia Tech Flying insects interact with changing aerial environments that may challenge aerodynamic performance. Both floral pollinators and the flowers […]
Structural Adaptations of Nepenthes gracilis Pitcher Lids to Capture Insects Using Drop Impacts
Meeting Abstract 96-3 Monday, Jan. 6 14:00 – 14:15 Structural Adaptations of Nepenthes gracilis Pitcher Lids to Capture Insects Using Drop Impacts LENZ, AS; School of Biological Sciences, University of Bristol, UK Pitcher plants are a group of carnivorous plants that trap and digest prey in their cup-shaped leaves. The traps are passive and have several […]
Rice Root Tip Circumnutation Facilitates Exploratory Behavior
Meeting Abstract 96-6 Monday, Jan. 6 14:45 – 15:00 Rice Root Tip Circumnutation Facilitates Exploratory Behavior MCCASKEY, EN*; LEHNER, K; TAYLOR, I; BENFEY, PN; GOLDMAN, DI; Georgia Tech; Duke University; Duke University; Duke University; Georgia Tech Circumnutation is the oscillatory movement of a variety of plant organs including roots. Little is known about the function of […]
How fishes use body wave interference to accelerate
Meeting Abstract 96-2 Monday, Jan. 6 13:45 – 14:00 How fishes use body wave interference to accelerate LIAO, JC*; AKANYETI, O; Whitney Lab for Marine Bioscience, University of Florida; Aberystwyth University, Ceredigion UK The ability for fishes to move fast is critical for successful prey capture and predator evasion. Here, we uncover the physiological and hydrodynamic […]
Gait Rhythmogenesis and Spatiotemporal Ordering in Self-propelling Unicellular Microorganisms
Meeting Abstract 96-7 Monday, Jan. 6 15:00 – 15:15 Gait Rhythmogenesis and Spatiotemporal Ordering in Self-propelling Unicellular Microorganisms WAN, KY; University of Exeter, UK Interlimb coordination is a highly dynamic phenomenon which enabled the first vertebrates to negotiate terrestrial habitats during the evolutionary transition from sea to land. Surprisingly, attainment of complex limb coordination is […]
Collective Behavior of Worm Blobs
Meeting Abstract 96-8 Monday, Jan. 6 15:15 – 15:30 Collective Behavior of Worm Blobs OZKAN-AYDIN, Y*; GOLDMAN, D I; BHAMLA, M S; Georgia Institute of Technology; Georgia Institute of Technology; Georgia Institute of Technology Aggregate formation and clustering are common behaviors observed across taxa and can facilitate the survival of the collective (Allee, 1978). Here we […]