Meeting Abstract 95-7 Saturday, Jan. 6 11:45 – 12:00 Population Differences In Response To Ocean Acidification In Blue Mussels PADILLA, DK*; VOLKENBORN, N; GURR, S; MILKE, L; MESECK, S; RUGILA, A; REDMAN, D; DIXON, M; VEILLEUX, D; LIGUORI, A; ROSA, M; Stony Brook University; Stony Brook University; Stony Brook University; NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center, Milford CT; […]
sessions: Session 95
Physiological Response of a Cold-Water Coral (Lophelia pertusa) to the Combined Stressors of Climate Change and Hydrocarbon Influence
Meeting Abstract 95-1 Saturday, Jan. 6 10:15 – 10:30 Physiological Response of a Cold-Water Coral (Lophelia pertusa) to the Combined Stressors of Climate Change and Hydrocarbon Influence WEINNIG , A.M. *; DEEGAN , D.F.; CORDES , E.E.; Temple University ; Temple University ; Temple University Lophelia pertusa, a cold-water scleractinian coral, acts as the foundation for […]
Larval Barcoding of “Minor” Metazoan Phyla in Mega-Diverse Tropical Oceans
Meeting Abstract 95-6 Saturday, Jan. 6 11:30 – 11:45 Larval Barcoding of “Minor” Metazoan Phyla in Mega-Diverse Tropical Oceans COLLIN, R*; DRISKELL, AC; VENERA-PONTóN, DE; BOYLE, MJ; Smithsonian Inst., Panama; Smithsonian Inst., Washington DC; Smithsonian Inst., Panama; Smithsonian Inst., Fort Pierce Marine biodiversity is poorly documented, particularly the diversity of invertebrate phyla and tropical taxa. In […]
Acid Secretion in Giant Clams Facilitates Burrowing Into Coral Reefs
Meeting Abstract 95-3 Saturday, Jan. 6 10:45 – 11:00 Acid Secretion in Giant Clams Facilitates Burrowing Into Coral Reefs ARMSTRONG, EJ*; HILL, RW; ROA, JN; TRESGUERRES, M; STILLMAN, JH; INABA, K; MORITA, M; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Mich. State Univ.; Scripps Inst. Oceanography, UCSD; Scripps Inst. Oceanography, UCSD; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of Tsukuba, Shimoda; Univ. […]
RNA-Seq and Proteomics Analyses of Mechanisms Underlying Reproduction in the Antarctic Extremophile, Belgica antarctica
Meeting Abstract 95-2 Sunday, Jan. 6 10:15 – 10:30 RNA-Seq and Proteomics Analyses of Mechanisms Underlying Reproduction in the Antarctic Extremophile, Belgica antarctica FINCH , G.; PERRETTA, C.; DAVIES, B.; ROSENDALE, A. J.; HOLMES , C. J. ; JENNINGS, E. C.; GANTZ , J. D. ; SPACHT, D. ; LEE JR., R. E.; DENLINGER, D. L.; WEIRAUCH, […]
Ontogenetic Variation in Metabolic Rate-Temperature Relationships in Larvae of an Invasive Ectotherm
Meeting Abstract 95-7 Sunday, Jan. 6 11:30 – 11:45 Ontogenetic Variation in Metabolic Rate-Temperature Relationships in Larvae of an Invasive Ectotherm POWERS, SD*; GRAYSON, KL; MARTINEZ, E; AGOSTA, SJ; Virginia Commonwealth University; University of Richmond; Eastern Illinois University ; Virginia Commonwealth University Predicting the response of organisms to environmental change requires a mechanistic understanding of physiological […]
Effects of safflower and flax seed oil on primary sex ratio in Japanese quail, Coturnix japonica
Meeting Abstract 95-4 Sunday, Jan. 6 10:45 – 11:00 Effects of safflower and flax seed oil on primary sex ratio in Japanese quail, Coturnix japonica CURRY, JE*; NAVARA, KJ; University of Georgia; University of Georgia Sex ratio manipulation is a well-documented phenomenon in numerous avian species. Females, the heterogametic sex in birds, are able to alter […]
Effects of early-season maternal lipid consumption on reproductive strategy and embryonic development in the prairie lizard, Sceloporus consobrinus
Meeting Abstract 95-1 Sunday, Jan. 6 10:00 – 10:15 Effects of early-season maternal lipid consumption on reproductive strategy and embryonic development in the prairie lizard, Sceloporus consobrinus LENARD, A*; GIFFORD, ME; University of Central Arkansas; University of Central Arkansas Maternal effects, such as stress, body condition, and hormone levels have been shown to affect female reproductive […]
Effect of Reproduction on Female Oxidative State and the Potential for Vertical Transfer to Offspring
Meeting Abstract 95-3 Sunday, Jan. 6 10:30 – 00:00 Effect of Reproduction on Female Oxidative State and the Potential for Vertical Transfer to Offspring AZZOLINI, JL*; DENARDO, DF; Arizona State University Oxidative stress physiology has historically received attention in regards to medicine and nutrition. However, recent studies suggest that life history strategies of aerobic organisms may […]
Decrypting Female Attractivity in Garter Snakes
Meeting Abstract 95-5 Sunday, Jan. 6 11:00 – 11:15 Decrypting Female Attractivity in Garter Snakes RUCKER, HR*; PARKER, MR; James Madison Univ.; James Madison Univ. Pheromones are utilized by many species as sexual signals driving mate choice, and pheromone production in vertebrates hinges on sex hormone action. Female red-sided garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) produce a […]