The role of ecology in shaping female competitive traits Resource availability, aggression and nest success in two populations of superb fairy-wren

Meeting Abstract 95.4  Monday, Jan. 6 14:15  The role of ecology in shaping female competitive traits: Resource availability, aggression and nest success in two populations of superb fairy-wren CAIN, KE*; COCKBURN, A; LANGMORE, NE; Australian National University; Australian National University; Australian National University Weapons, ornaments, and agonistic behaviors are common in both sexes, but until recently […]

The effects of social subordination on female reproductive success in the sex-role reversed Gulf pipefish (Syngnathus scovelli)

Meeting Abstract 95.7  Monday, Jan. 6 15:00  The effects of social subordination on female reproductive success in the sex-role reversed Gulf pipefish (Syngnathus scovelli) WALLACE, J.A.S.*; DEATON HAYNES, R.; FRAKER, T.; SCOBELL, S.K.; St. Edward’s University; St. Edward’s University; St. Edward’s University; Brooklyn College Intrasexual aggression is a natural stressor in the animal kingdom that often […]

Seasonal Transitions in Reproductive State and Territorial Aggression in Female Siberian Hamsters (Phodopus sungorus)

Meeting Abstract 95.5  Monday, Jan. 6 14:30  Seasonal Transitions in Reproductive State and Territorial Aggression in Female Siberian Hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) RENDON, N.M.*; DEMAS, G.E.; INDIANA UNIVERSITY, BLOOMINGTON; INDIANA UNIVERSITY, BLOOMINGTON Seasonally breeding rodents exhibit profound physiological and behavioral responses to changing photoperiods, including changes in reproduction and territorial aggression. We have demonstrated increased aggression in […]

Foraging archer fish aggressively drive conspecific competitors away from reliable food sources

Meeting Abstract 95.2  Monday, Jan. 6 13:45  Foraging archer fish aggressively drive conspecific competitors away from reliable food sources BURNETTE, M.F.*; ASHLEY-ROSS, M.A.; Wake Forest University; Wake Forest University Archer fishes (Toxotes spp.) are skillful hunters of terrestrial insects; firing streams of water from their mouths, they are capable of dislodging a prey item from overhanging […]

Behavioral and hematological changes in relation to melanization in western fence lizard, Sceloporus occidentalis

Meeting Abstract 95.6  Monday, Jan. 6 14:45  Behavioral and hematological changes in relation to melanization in western fence lizard, Sceloporus occidentalis SEDDON, R. J.*; HEWS, D. K.; Indiana State University; Indiana State University A growing area of behavioral ecology examines how mechanisms underlying production of animal coloration can affect traits other than body coloration. Melanin, and […]

Battle of the Sexes Male and female crayfish (Orconectes virilis) use the same type of assessment strategy in different ways

Meeting Abstract 95.3  Monday, Jan. 6 14:00  Battle of the Sexes: Male and female crayfish (Orconectes virilis) use the same type of assessment strategy in different ways WOFFORD, S.J.*; EARLEY, R.L.; MOORE, P.A.; Bowling Green State University, Ohio; University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa; Bowling Green State University, Ohio Agonistic behaviour is an important social aspect of animal […]

Assessment and communication in gray treefrog aggressive interactions

Meeting Abstract 95.1  Monday, Jan. 6 13:30  Assessment and communication in gray treefrog aggressive interactions REICHERT, M.S.; Humboldt University-Berlin; University of Missouri Aggressive behavior plays an important role in sexual selection and much research has been devoted to determining the characteristics that influence the outcome and level of escalation of animal contests. Nonetheless, a debate remains […]

When linkages deviate from planarity A new 3D computational linkage model applied to the cranial linkages of birds and fishes

Meeting Abstract 95.3  Tuesday, Jan. 6 14:00  When linkages deviate from planarity: A new 3D computational linkage model applied to the cranial linkages of birds and fishes OLSEN, AM*; WESTNEAT, MW; University of Chicago, IL; University of Chicago, IL Skeletal linkages, or closed loops of inter-jointed, rigid elements, have evolved multiple times independently in the feeding […]

Quantifying the Morphological Diversity of Teleost Taxa that Apprehend Prey By Biting

Meeting Abstract 95.6  Tuesday, Jan. 6 14:45  Quantifying the Morphological Diversity of Teleost Taxa that Apprehend Prey By Biting MEHTA, R/S*; BALIGA, V/B; Univ. of California, Santa Cruz; Univ. of California, Santa Cruz Biting to apprehend prey is a widespread behavioral strategy in terrestrial vertebrates, but in aquatic environments, biting can be considered a behavioral novelty. […]

Morphological convergence in durophagous Heroine cichlids

Meeting Abstract 95.4  Tuesday, Jan. 6 14:15  Morphological convergence in durophagous Heroine cichlids CLEMMENSEN, S.F.*; HULSEY, C.D.; University of Tennessee Trophic divergence in cichlid fish is linked to shifts in pharyngeal jaw morphology. For instance, in the Heroine cichlids of Central America, the ability to crush hard-shelled mollusks is a convergent phenotype with multiple evolutionary origins. […]

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