Meeting Abstract 95.2 Wednesday, Jan. 7 Stuck between a rock crab and a hard place: phenotypic responses to multiple predators in a marine snail. BOURDEAU, Paul/E; Stony Brook University I examined the single and combined effect of chemical cues from crabs and seastars, two predators with contrasting attack modes, on the shell morphology of the marine […]
sessions: Session 95
Sex allocation and reproductive success in simultaneously hermaphroditic acorn barnacles
Meeting Abstract 95.4 Wednesday, Jan. 7 Sex allocation and reproductive success in simultaneously hermaphroditic acorn barnacles HOCH, JM; Stony Brook University Semibalanus balanoides is a simultaneously hermaphroditic acorn barnacle that mates with its neighbors using a long, agile penis. Sex allocation theory (Charnov 1980, 1982) predicts that simultaneous hermaphrodites maximize total reproductive success by increasing allocation […]
Quantitative genetic analyses of risk-induced hatching reveal limits to plasticity of inducible defenses
Meeting Abstract 95.1 Wednesday, Jan. 7 Quantitative genetic analyses of risk-induced hatching reveal limits to plasticity of inducible defenses GOMEZ-MESTRE, I.*; TOUCHON, J.C.; SACCOCCIO, V.L.; WARKENTIN, K.M.; Donana Biological Station, CSIC, Spain; Dept. of Biology, Boston University; Dept. of Biology, Boston University; Dept. of Biology, Boston University; Dept. of Biology, Boston University Inducible defenses are paradigmatic […]
Dynamics of Shrimp Goby Mutualism in the Caribbean
Meeting Abstract 95.5 Wednesday, Jan. 7 Dynamics of Shrimp Goby Mutualism in the Caribbean LYONS, P.J.; Stony Brook Univ. In the mutualism between burrowing alpheid shrimp and gobies, the goby gains shelter and the shrimp benefits from the alarm against predators generated by flutters of the gobys caudal fin. In the Caribbean, the shrimp, Alpheus floridanus, […]
Crab scent induces thicker skeletons, smaller gonads and size-specific adjustments in growth rate in sea urchins
Meeting Abstract 95.3 Wednesday, Jan. 7 Crab scent induces thicker skeletons, smaller gonads and size-specific adjustments in growth rate in sea urchins JOHNSON, A.S.*; SELDEN, R; ELLERS, O; Bowdoin College, Maine; Bowdoin College, Maine; Bowdoin College, Maine Indirect predator-induced effects on morphology of marine invertebrates have been studied in snails, mussels, bryozoans, cladocerans and others but […]
The progressive adaptation degrees in the lipid storage structure of cave crayfishes
Meeting Abstract 95.1 Thursday, Jan. 7 The progressive adaptation degrees in the lipid storage structure of cave crayfishes MEJIA-ORTIZ , L. M.*; LOPEZ-MEJIA, M.; Biospeleology & Carcinology Lab. Universidad de Quintana Roo; Evolutionary Biology & Population Genetics, Universidad de Quintana Roo We made a histological analysis of hepatopancreas structure of three crayfishes species. Two from karst […]
The origin of pigeons by means of artificial selection
Meeting Abstract 95.5 Thursday, Jan. 7 The origin of pigeons by means of artificial selection MULROY, E.; ALDENHOVEN, J.; OSBORNE, E.J.; STRINGHAM, S.; SHAPIRO, M.D.*; Univ. of Utah; Univ. of Utah; Univ. of Utah; Univ. of Utah; Univ. of Utah Darwin relied heavily on the dramatic results of artificial selection in domesticated pigeons to both conceive […]
Measuring the heritability of plasticity in a colonial model hydroid, Hydractinia symbiolongicarpus
Meeting Abstract 95.4 Thursday, Jan. 7 Measuring the heritability of plasticity in a colonial model hydroid, Hydractinia symbiolongicarpus RYAN, C.A*; DUDGEON, S.R.; California State University, Northridge; California State University, Northridge The influence of environmental variation on the phenotypes of individuals has long been of interest to researchers. In species which demonstrate a high level of phenotypic […]
How do chitons see their world A new sensory organ in basal molluscs (Polyplacophora Lepidopleurida)
Meeting Abstract 95.2 Thursday, Jan. 7 How do chitons see their world? A new sensory organ in basal molluscs (Polyplacophora: Lepidopleurida) SIGWART, JD; Queen’s University Belfast Polyplacophoran molluscs (chitons) are “primitive” animals that have a simple nerve system of non-ganglionised longitudinal nerve cords and no cephalised sense organs. Two sensory structures in the pallial cavity have […]
Evolutionary Photonics Of Avian Amorphous Color-Producing Nanostructures
Meeting Abstract 95.3 Thursday, Jan. 7 Evolutionary Photonics Of Avian Amorphous Color-Producing Nanostructures SARANATHAN, V.*; PRUM, R. O.; Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Peabody Museum of Natural History, and Center for Research on Interface Structures and Phenomena (CRISP), Yale University, New Haven, CT; Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Peabody Museum of Natural History, and Center […]